News's Buds and Breeding

Re: news's buds and breeding.

no, the fan's been running constantly. i'm not sure what the pH was on the solution. the pH dropped by 0.5 - 1.5 from the solution.. i have this feeling that i'm riding a rollercoaster on the pH scale and i'm only catching certain parts..
Re: news's buds and breeding.

Yes ph can be roller coaster ride for sure......anything you add to soil should be added when you prepare soil....if you put things on top of soil they tend to hit plant with a lot at once instead of stuff mixed in soil that roots can find little by little. You may have shocked them with added step of lemon solution after flush...reason for flush is to rid soil of excess nukes ...and level out ph...adding lemon soultion after a flush will lower ph to bad level...which makes flush useless.... And goal is to have a ph that plant can easily uptake nukes from. Next time i would start with good soil add some perlite for aeration and keep it water to 6.5 water them...when it is time for feeding ph water add nukes and feed them...simple....not a bunch of things in soil making it a roller coaster
Re: news's buds and breeding.

Dude I am sooooo sorry.....I dont know what to say except I hope they snap out of it and dont die. later man good luck!
Re: news's buds and breeding.

Tunes. That's good to know. this is the first time i've ever tried to amend the soil with anything but coco or perlite. so it's a learning curve. i just wish it wasn't so steep. i've started a few more seeds (they actually sprouted) and im gonna stick to the absolute basics for soil till i figure this mess out.

thanks Heavy, me too. i'll see em in like 6 hours.. the wait is killing me.
Re: news's buds and breeding.

everything is dead. i'm a F@$# up. *sigh*

thanks for your help, but it wasn't enough to save the poor girls from my mistake...

I was really lucky this week. a friend of a friend supplied me with 8 clones. 6 ICE and 2 Super Crystal.

man, i'm a screw up.
Re: news's buds and breeding.

Hey the good thing is tyour getting new ladies yeah? I really want to see how that ICE turns out. I've been looking at those seeds. Cant wait to see the new set up. And You have a good head so I'm sure you got some plans already. What i do when I have plants die like that. I litterally write down what happened, What caused it, and What i 'm going to do to prevent it in the futere. Take these notes in a notebook and save it til the next issue comes up and do the same. This will give a a reference guide that will trump any you can buy. And will help take your gardening skills to another level. Just a thought. I do this still to this day. I have stacks of journals filed with information, and past good and bad experiences. And yeas their locked away in my safe. No access for anyone except for me and my eyes.
Re: news's buds and breeding.

yeah. i'm very happy that i've got these clones. in truth, the ICE originally came from me. i gave a clone to someone who had amazing success with it. he made about 35 clones. 30 of which made it. he ran out of space so offered them back to me. along with 2 Super Crystal (homegrown fantaseeds) i'll be able to get everything underway again.

i'm almost positive that yhe problem was due to the rollercoaster-like fluctuations in pH. i feel bad that it ended up like this. those were such great plants. luckily i've still got 3 Amnesia Kush seeds and about 6 Kali-Dream seeds left. i'm switching my soil out. i actually dumped all the dolomite laced soil into the garden. so far i've had the little ones about 4 days. they look healthy and a few of the ice have even grown.

i've got a great big book full of info and ideas to build on. i know i won't make the same mistake again, i should be ok. the room is getting a retrofit with a new intake fan soon. and i'm putting a new vapour barrier in the basement to keep down humidity and bring up the ambient temperature..

Live and Learn, eh?
Re: news's buds and breeding.

thanks again Butch.

the crossing of fingers begins again. :p
Re: news's buds and breeding.

me too! good luck! :cool:
Re: news's buds and breeding.

So sorry to hear of your pH problems man.

Keep the faith, you'll get there. I think you're on the right track with your comment of sticking to the basics.

Much peace and love to you from all of us at 420 Magazine :surf:
Re: news's buds and breeding.

Good news,

We're moving this journal back to "in progress" and newsisnoise is ready to push on with new plants.

Best wishes and happy growing :surf:
Re: news's buds and breeding.

Hey all, thanks for the support! You guys are the best. :thanks:

I got home last night and one of the ICE was limp and flopping over. I gave everything a good watering and covered the wilty one with a large mason jar (that i misted the inside of). This morning, she's perked right back up and looking great. Everything got a little dry over the day and a half I was away.

I think that I will add more perlite to the soil mix to help water retention. Or should I add more peat moss instead? I have lots of peat moss, but I can get perilite cheap enough.

I tested the pH of my nutrient solution before I watered. It read at 7.0. I would like to bring that down to 6.5 for the next watering, but that won't be till next week. In the mean time, I'll be watering with distilled water at about 15-20g of cane sugar in solution.

I'm using 30-15-15 fertilizer at 10ml of powder per gallon of water. Also I'm using natural detergent soap as a herbicide.

Re: news's buds and breeding.

at what % do you add perlite? the only number i can remember seeing in the past is something like 30%.
Re: news's buds and breeding.

everything looks good, by the way. all healthy and happy. i was a little sore this morning, so i didn't take any pictures. i'll probably put some up next weekend. in the mean time i need to clean out the flower chamber and get everything ready to take some clones. i still need to get a heat mat and a taller cloning dome. i have one thats about 4" tall, i'd like something 8" tall though.
Re: news's buds and breeding.

i figured it was a reasonable number. i figure i'm running about 15%-20%. with the next transplant, i'm going to add more perlite to the soil mix.

i'm considering an experiment. my plan is to take 4 of the 8 ICE and transplant them into 3 or 5 gallon pots. veg them for a few more weeks then flower. I figure i can transplant in two weeks or so, depending on growth. i'll just have to wait and see on that.
what the experiment was to consist of, is, take one of the 4 transplants and using a very gentle stream of water, rinse off some of the heavier soil that is on there now. then, transplant with more of the new, lighter soil mix. the idea is that i can cut back on the size of that heavy, wet spot that always seems to gather in the middle of the pot when you change soil mix at transplant. (my experience) and doing so in a manner that won't overly damage the roots that are formed.

am i out to lunch on this, or does it seem like a plausable idea? i might do it on 2 plants, as it allows a more balanced data set. (Aberation rubbed off on me a bit, read his journal if you haven't yet. it's awesome!)

so, yeah, what do you think?
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