Noob Not Doing Very Well

Thanks very much. I'll do a little more research and take a pic or two. There's definitely a little hard thing inside the calyx but there are also hairs coming out so maybe I jumped to a hasty conclusion.

A couple of quick things:

1. I searched the web for info about my 'baby seeds' and found a wide range of possibilities, nothing definitive. One idea was that these are unfertilized ova. Wow, there's a lot of weird stuff out there. Going to ignore it all.

2. I don't have a loupe yet and this is the best can get with my camera. Seems like they're still clear and without amber.

3. Am now trying to figure out when what to trim. Reading has told me:
a. Trim wet because it's easier, or trim dry to avoid getting all sticky.

b. Trim the sugar leaves because they stink up the smoke with chlorophyll, or don't trim the sugar leaves because they have a lot of THC on them.

So many variables...
:hmmmm: :trance:
Too much fun.
I think I'll go with instructions I read somewhere to:

- trim wet but leave the sugar leaves on to avoid getting chlorophyll on the bud and making it taste like hay, and

- after drying, trim off the sugar leaves for bubble hash or edibles.

Gawd, what a noob I am!
I think the chlorophyll on the buds thing is a myth but whichever way you do it will be fine. A good cure is the most important thing. One month minimum for me.
Eh, no. After a 6 to 7 day (5 maybe) dry, it's smokable. I'll start using it the day it hits the jar. That hay taste is due to early harvest. Or quick dry. Taste takes care of its self. My leafs are now showing defs, Starting week 6 of flower tonight. 4 weeks left. Your leafs are far to green for harvest yet. Look at my shots tonight and you'll see what mid-flower looks like. But your grow looks to be going very well. Great job.

Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
I'm gonna get the best of both worlds through a combination of:

One month minimum...

After a 6 to 7 day (5 maybe) dry, it's smokable...

I'll be sampling starting as soon as it's dry enough and will have enough curing to enjoy it as it ages through a month and beyond!


I look forward to seeing your shots tonight miller and thanks for the comment. It's caused me to reset my expectations. I was getting ready to harvest but now I realize I may yet be up to as much as two weeks away.

Today is 8 weeks from first flower and these girls have been really stressed out so I imagine that would add to the time to maturity. I also know that seed vendor times are a guide and I expect that when they say "8 weeks flowering" they mean "as low as 8 weeks flowering".

Plus, I'm keen to dry and smoke so that's probably pushing me. My bottom line tho is not to harvest until I do can confirm I see around 10% to 15% amber trichomes.

The smell in the room is different, not as strong or sweet, and I think I read somewhere this may be a sign that the plants are approaching readiness.

One way or another, I have "high hopes" and from the look and smell of things am expecting this to be the best smoke I've ever had thanks to the help from everyone who's posted here.


By one month minimum for me I meant that's about the minimum time I would cure it before starting to smoke it fairly regularly, or maybe giving some away to a friend. Really six weeks is around the beginning of a good cure for me and 3 months is much better. I have quite a bit on hand though so can afford to leave it in the shelf.
You can smoke it and get high as soon as it's dry -and it may still be the best smoke you've ever had because you grew it. My first harvests were like that for me. It's a wonderful thing being able to smoke herb you grew yourself.
Dry it slowly - 3 days minimum (here we go again), and 5-7 is better. Then a longer cure will bring out the best in it. But you'll be wanting more plants to harvest soon or it will be difficult to save the herb that long (from yourself).
Well, today we're in week 8 from first flower for one plant and week 7 for the other. The smell in the room has definitely decreased a lot in the last couple of days. Hoping to get a loupe soon but overall, the the plants seem to have little amber. Can't tell if the trichomes are clear or cloudy. Am not sure the leaves are going to go yellow on these plants.

Having said that, there are a couple of scary looking spots, though I think they're just like this because of light reflected off dark pistils in the background. See pic 2.


I was going to harvest Mary today based on her having had nine weeks of flowering. Then my loupe arrived from China. Perfect timing! So about 5 to 10% of the trichomes had amber tips. I bowed to her and chopped. The root ball was only about 3 inches diameter by about 2 inches deep! See below. Poor thing, she probably didn't want to dip her roots any further into the infernal and toxic Miracle Grow soil. Got a puny plant 34 g wet, 26 g wet trimmed bud. It's hanging now for a slow dry. I'm very, very happy in spite of the dismal yield. It's my first home grown and am sure it will be an excellent smoke. And I still have Jane going. She's good for another week. Funning thing is that she was the runt at the start.

Well, Jane's leaves were quickly turning brown. Oddly, many of the trichomes didn't have a ball on the end. Among those that did, some had turned dark amber. I decided it was time to chop. Not sure what happened to the balls. I hardly handled the plant. Maybe the spray for spider mites was too strong. In any case, both plants are hanging to dry.

Journal complete, I guess.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

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