Our Ongoing Grows

Great colors, great garden :thumb:
Thanks ya'll. Isn't be but the weed. Have to say it is a photogenic plant. Only alittle credit is due the grower. I've always grew herbs. Even ditch weed that wasn't worth 2 cents,,, but I had the seed to try. I had this house back in Arkansas, well wasn't mine but, well it's way back down at the end of this dirt road like 15 miles past county road surface. I grew this pot bush across my front porch railings. It looked bitching the way she use to follow the sun. Well anyways I finally got over my 2 day hangover...............
I want to update alittle on my garden. Still a thinking about them auto flowering plants. We got lucky this year. Weather is great with only acouple little rains which we avoided with the patio and lots of fans. But humidity is still humidity regardless how fast it moves around the plant I Wood think. Least it keeps morning dew off them But We still have plants out. I had one strain never meant to plant outdoors. She showed this by being the latest to start flowering. 5th Element. But here we are the 14th of Oct......... and sunshine tomorrow and looks like it for afew more days...... But she is ready and we've more than likely to cut tomorrow. I'll try to get a pic unless Miss J wants to start up before my lazy ass crawls outta bed. I will have to say I made out pretty good seeing I had afew plants going I hadn't planed of doing. I put my money on Miss J's Zippy, for my best sungrown this year. We got acouple lb's off the two plants. Well like I say we got our stash for the leaner months in Tupperware containers. Yep I Wood need ALOT of glass to house the crop this year. so it's plastic again...
Now back to auto's. I've been growing out afew just to see what is out there. I've grown auto's out afew times. Always been a free seed and such but I did buy afew seed this time. Granted the auto plant comes from a piece of shit parenting. Plant evolved outta the cold, short, growing seasons of Russia. But they have been working on this gene pool long enough to produce some fairly good quality weed. Just about every plant that grow well seemed to produce under a oz. and a half cept one batch. I did read about this Dude growing out a strain called the Shintiz or something like that to a yield of like 18 oz's. The one I just grew acouple months back was 1 1/2 oz's. My personal best. But from the looks of some from seeds I can access are going to show my little record all to hell and back.
I hate long posts so heres acouple pic's of my contenders. Not that I'm going to use these babies but I possibly can find the same genetics from seed I still have, round for seed production. Now like me and CHH agreed, and probably everyone on here will agree with, times stated, trichomes descriptions, 'might' be alittle misleading. But really as far as auto's, I always wanted that extra 7-10 day extra in the veg cycle to increase you yield. But this talk of a 1 1/2 pound auto flower at even 75 days is crazy. But Portland,,, aka Potland for the moment people can swing a 80 day season easy enough. But enough babbling. Back to the pic's, This girls is over 4 foot and still growing. Just about done with stretching I think. Auto X'?

I have one that has a better look but she's other 3 1/2 foot. Beautiful plant. I mean beautiful. Lets call her auto y'

alittle closer to the bud structure on Miss Y;

I can honestly see getting 3-5 oz's off these if they weigh heavy.
But for now these are going to be quality and taste checks. I have that Purple girl going in there and if she continues to grow as I expect, I should have a pic that will knock everyone's dick in the dirt..........
Well I rambled on enough. Once more thanks for looking in everyone. And I hope ours gardens are green, or purple, or even black. Keepem Green
Damn been along time and I done forgot about giving out rep's. I guess we all know the best rep's we can ever get our from ourselves. We should be our hardest critics. Rep's to all Keepem Green
I did wander around and took acouple more pictures tonight. I got one of a picture that saddens me yet have me happy to know I cut these down and got the harvest. Not a mold problem or a snagger problem. Trees that died before X-mas;

But here's a shot of the 5th Element. Still cranking out white pistils from her flowers. No mold sign on her ever yet. I have tryied a new product or else I have a mold hardy plant going there. 5th Element;

She's about 7 foot tall and with my calibrated eye, I see 12 Oz's
I'm usually right ask Miss J............ Keepem Green
Congrats on the chops Woody.
Thanks Reefer. Not sure your neck of the wood's but anywhere called north,,,, can be a killer. I've grown a lot in the lower, way lower, of the 48 states in my life..... Hell afew places weather didn't matter cept humidity. Shit,,, Rains might not fall till late Nov!!!!
Weather here sucks really. A lot of variables to 'catching' this infamous molds that the NW is famous for. And I'm not talking about them famous Oregon Blue Star's, the state produces. Which I'm running low of also,,,, but rainy weather a coming to the cow pastures. And I can hope.......... Weather here's been great this last week or two. Only acouple days with rain. What I always hope for...But if these auto's can crank out some decent herbs and finish in a timely fashion, that could help all growers up here in mold capital. I have these couple that are really putting on some huge size in under 4 weeks. If I can keep them under a month veg time it will work. Add 56 days to a total of about 85 days for a 4 foot plant....... I mean I have afew going now I'd love to have flowering under June/July sun.....
Sorry I haven't been out a lot but I've been playing with these auto's. I wish I had some decent pollen to dab this one girl with. I mean perfect branching with solid buddage started. I have 'high' hopes for her. And I sure hope to see her again in the near future.......
I have afew pic's to post........ Not sure If I nail the call on each correctively. Here's that Auto. Man if I could replicate this girl;

and acouple other pic's;



And a last shot of one called 5th Element... Man sticky shit..............


Well I'm braindead............... Thanks all for stopping in and welcome Reefer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, All Keepem Green
I just want to say something,,,,, not that things truly matter,,, but these larger auto's, and is more often than not of them but from Buddha Seed. Buddha Seeds Bank From the stock seed they offer is one called Magnum,,,, Could be? But I will say I have a lot of interesting ones that they offer in a 50 pack. And price can't be bitiched about. Valley of the Giants;


Even some tasty looking shorter of the crop;

But I have seen a more closer to the indo look compared to sativa with a compare of the two vendors I'm playing with. Hey the last quaintly I seen from Buddha was great..... Short Stuff has yet to be on the chopping block.

Well I'm going to finish my glass and off to bed............. Keepem Green
Week-end there is no week-end for him,,,work work work , he has so many idea's and his brain just go's, but he has some great auto's going,, Thanks for visiting us,, Miss J
Thanks Brightlights and Hozona. One thing Miss your the one who stayed at a constant. If it was for you hell well you know me. I'd have just chopped the topps....... You did great at harvest Miss J.
I want to thank the Ganja God's for a extra couple weeks of no rain. I hope all's gardens are doing great. I'll update soon. I hear Alaska1 got some good buddage off his couple girls he did for a first, growing outside. Talked to him tonight and hes planning next year already.... We'll guess I am two all them empty pots are saddening. Well all Keepem Green
I'm planning on getting my own card if I do I'm gonna throw one outside in the summer and let it get big
as it can here :rofl:
Thanks for looking in peoples. I need to get my ass busy and take afew new pic's soon. I've been kind of burnt a lot lately. I know I need to get out more often but I've just lost drive for a minute. And isn't a lot going on really. Got afew large auto's going that dare I guess a quarter pound apiece. Have to see how thick they get. Just read a ad, but we do know about ad's, of a strain called Muay Thai I think that yielded 30 oz's in 135 days up in Washington. But like I say ad's. If my plants ever truly turned out as in the ad's wow.
Hey CHH you got some of the best soil in the world out there. Outdoor is the way if ya can''''' for big plants. I use to grow in the Mississippi River bottoms which was all the best top soils from up north. Local farms there had the largest yields per acre anywhere in State's for corn But don't you got them 12/12 day/nights out there don't ya? You could either start some indoors and get them 2-3' and man some of the yields are sick. I wonder about humidity? But Pop's was doing good.
And a great one back Hozona. And to all out there. Keepem Green
my soil is iron clay
rains a lot so its always wet and mushy
bad soil to use where I am
better off mixing you can use it for a base but its all fine silt so a little will run out a lot will turn into a mushball that wont drain or dry out easy
those little autos I had going are done I never watered them once and the pot still has moisture in it from the rain
and the soil was dry to begin with once it got wet it never fully dried out
I'm like on the windward side of the island so we usually get most of the rain
we don't have that great soil here mostly clay and a lot of iron so the dirt is red most places but not everywhere
just mostly everywhere
Hey CHH if a will a way. My Grandmother had some property that was pretty wet. As a fact in dead winter it was flooded to bring in the ducks. Boggy ass river bottoms. But the scary part there was come fall, the wood's start to brown out and weed was still green. Hell 10 plants was a plot. We used barrels. Half bury a 55 gallon drum. Throw a old towel in the bottom of the hole and water will wick up and do a kind of hydro grow. Them roots will go 5-6'. Grew some monsters like that back in the early 70's. I can't say much but I see a 'swamp tube' on a search, kind of similar idea, just built like crap. This old 'Hippy', well he was a pretty stand up dude. We did afew things to 'make ends meet' back then. Don't want to get caught back there, back then'! 15-20 years state time was awarded some fellow growers I knew that got caught. Yikes. I did get lucky back then. But I'm off to the rodeo, babbling. The most important thing is a safe place to grow................ Rip off's suck. Even more so with this new law I bet. Kid's are sure going to be able to 'find' plants all over Portland area. Opp's..
I want to tell peoples I'm really sorry for not keeping up a lot. My blind lazy ass hasn't been up and on a lot. I Kind of feel limbo for abit. I do like the diversity of these seeds I got from Buddha Seeds. But I want to see the product before I do a lot with seed. I know I can't count on same plant of any, but I'll get a feel for the stock selection. I done seen the purple. Started picture perfect almost black. Turned out wispy snakes of buds. I'll get a pic of another off the buds next time. But the selection might be endless. Here's a few shot of the variants I've seen. Oh BTW how's this for odd's, 6 plants/5 females and FINALLY a male to look at. That might be a record. Din't waste my time on a pic yet, or if he even do yet, but here's some getting close to being samples of quality. Acouple of these are going to yield rather nicely,,, well they have rather different qualities that stand out which are pretty easy to see.... This one's just shy of 4'. And a filled in;

this one reaches every minute of the day with her fan leafs......

Got shorter ones that yield 1 oz@;

And my favorite going now. Man I took a mid sized bud off the main cola, folded it back, whipped my finger and she's so sweet... NO that sounded like a Chester but I mean the buddage... This one looks and smells something good........That male happened alittle later for her. but ;

One thing about ALL these buddage,,,,,,,,,,, is it's growing on a 12/12 cycle. If you only had auto's, that's a bad thing in my eye's. You waste 4-6 hours of light to make some sugars or whatever they make to grow. I think a veg cycle wood be perfect for them to finish in.
But I do have afew regulars going in there. Here's one that has the makings of a ice cash cropper. Iffin the weeds good. She's a heavier eater than the rest, but she's blow and going right now. Strain called Space. I just kicked, sHEMP a clone of this one.

Once more thanks for stopping in all. And slowly but surely this old fool will get caught up................. Keepem Green

Those auto's look nice, hell it all looks nice. If you do auto's outside are you going to plant outside or start them in?
Hey Buckshot........ These girls are going to tell me if I want to even try them. A lot of the auto's tend to be a weaker product. Least they were when I first tried them 10 or so years back. I hope peoples have bred alittle size ,which I got, and kick into them, 'which is yet to be seen', in the last few years. One thing about weed, we have a lot of dedicated grows advancing strain faster than any other product. If we could engineer corn as fast as we do pot.. Well... But if these harvest of herbs proves decent, I'm going to try the seed market as well. Properly packaged like 6 seeds for 50$. Limits 4 plants. I have a in' in afew stores around here,,, least I think. As short a season as we have here,,,,,,,,,,,,,, auto are they way for the John-Q public. The easiest way. Even 120 days is workable. Next spring,,,,,,,,,, I'll be throwing out a mix again of non and regular flowering. So many strains I got planed for next year again.
Keepem Green
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