Outdoor Aeroponic Garden Experiment 2012


New Member
Here goes. Ive just setup my first 12 site aeroponic system in the backyard. My living situation isnt great for the herbs but I still want to grow something kick ass. Im using the hydroton to support the plants in 2" net cups. The plants were purchased at home depot and the roots were shaken free from the soil under water.


In short my system has a 390gph pump on a cycle timer with a small bubbling stone running 24/7. I could really use some help with this guys. Im new to hydro in general but Im quick to learn. From what Ive gathered so far I think I understand the basic principles of growing good plants from the 420fied aero log, but I know I will somehow mess this all up.


I know Im supposed to be measuring PH and EC / PPM. I could use a good recommendation for a reliable meter and any suggestions on how to maintain it. I know you have to calibrate it using standard, is there a cost effective buffer calibration solution? For now the system is running only on water. I didn't want to shock the plants by transplanting them and throwing a bunch of nutrients at them at the same time.
Im aware I should look into getting a water purification system that outputs water with a low initial EC / PPM. Is it ok if I skimp on this? Id imagine that I might see calcium buildup but Im not sure what the harm is.

The last question I have is about my plants! What the heck is the leaf discoloration? I see it on two different plants, it was not there last night. Is it a disease or a nutritional deficiency?

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