Pino's Coco & Perlite, Thunderpaws, First Grow Ever 2017

Thanks spookiest for joining!! Hey OG yea I see why I should of started all of them on the Jackolope I will start all of them!! Can't wait to start that one goons b soon!!
Hi there friend how is everythink?
Here i manage the problem under control part of it. Friend i need some info about strains. I need good amount harvest easy to grow and short flowering time also effective long lasting bady and head high. Is there a strain like this? Like i sad iam rookie grower. Help out friend.
Take care best regurds
Hey Deck glad u made it and got things under control. Very easy strain that yields and potent is white widow.Chocolope and Big Bud. There is plenty if good strains u just have to research. I have been hearing really good things bout Robert Bergman (420) Gold Leaf and he has couple other good strains. Doesn't have a big selection but a lot of people been saying good things bout every strain he offers. Hope I helped but research most times everything is listed in strain description.
I also would recommend chocolope as a good starter strain. Also agree with white widow,
And would add incredible bulk to the recommendations for beginners growers.

Incredible bulk is a great strain, I have grown her in DWC, soil under HPS, LED, she will purple up on you if colors let it get cold
Which seed bank would you recommend for incredible bulk? Is the dr kripling one the original source? From the UK
Any seed bank selling it is fine I used to order from Herbie's but now no CC, so I use true north or attitude
Here is my last IB
Re: Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017

Thanks incredible bulk can yield high and purple up a lot
Yeah I got a great yield. I really like the strain, I didn't know she could get purple tho until I saw your pics before. How low and when did you start dropping the night time temperatures to get that purple to come out? I really want to grow a purple strain.
Hey OG!! All three clones have rooted but made a human error put the rockwool cube in coco in a peat pots and went to sleep. Woke up and man went limp the rockwool must of got sucked dry. So all day I been nursing them back. I got all three looking decent so I think they r gonna pull threw. Bout to put plants into bloom cause I really need to. They are growing so vigorous. Jus waiting for my carbon filter to come in. M gonna shoot some pics for ya bud. Just been so busy jus got a small tent for my mama m gonna keep from this batch. Glad the clones came back the two did get hit bad but when I took the rockwool off them this morning all of them had roots jus need to start growing. Gave them low ppm water jus like 225 ppm but think it did the trick.

Iam having same issue pino, I put 2 lt pop bottles over them a few days an they perk right back up. After few days I remove pop bottles an good to go ;)
Yea the plants really bounce back they have roots shooting everywhere. Grew three nodes n the past two days very happy with my first cloning got 100 percent success. Thought I was gonna lose two but they even rooted. I think people over think the cloning process I know I did. I mean I did like full out surgery! Scalpel put in water cut exactly 45 degree angle under water put in cloning gel with stop watch and etc and etc!! And I should of listened to my 420 friend OG jus cut and put in soil!! Hey but we are all here to learn and b as successful as we possibly can. It cost way to much coin to not b!! Thanks for posting and join cause the real fun is bout to begin!! BLOOM TIME!!!!!
Good job, you are doing great. Most beginners suffer a lot more problems than you.
I am pretty sure the easiest way to make clones is putting the cutting into damp soil. Many other ways work too, but soil is easy and hard to screw up.
If they are wilting a little then add a dome, otherwise I leave it off to encourage faster root growth. If you want to try going without then set a timer on your phone for a few hours then go check how they look (so you don't forget)
Let me pull a seat here and have a look at cultivator's follower hehe. I am also a fan of culti's work. Granted I am not interested on going coco, because I do not have the time and effort to tend to my girls everyday. Subbed yo.
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