Producing Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Hey Granny ! :high-five:

What you are doing is amazing! Thanks for showing us all how to do this.

I'm taking notes for sure!

You Rock Girl! :circle-of-love:


It is always SUCH A PLEASURE to see YOU!!!!

:thanks: my dear man. I think I read you had ... hmmm... was it 155 seeds ready to go and Jo had taken the credit card??? LOL Doesn't sound like you need seeds just yet!!!

...But I'd sure love it if you did the chocolope and tossed a few seeds real hard towards the Continental States and maybe I can catch a couple!!! Sure haven't found them online. I did find some Pre-Bubba 98 that is supposed to smell and taste like chocolate coffee hash oil... got one of the 2 fem seeds sprouted now so I can get my chocolate fix!

I'll be checkin' in yer journal asap - but it won't be for a few days... gees, how many pages will I be behind by then???? EEEK!!! Seems yer journal grows at least a few pages DAILY!!! :love:It's cuz we ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!:love:

:circle-of-love:LUVIES HONEY!!!!:circle-of-love:
Fantastic, hope the end results are all that and some!:love:


:thanks: so much, my dear young man.

It is SUCH A JOY to see you here too!!! I think I read something about OMM and yer wife cookin' something up for you... I plan on keepin' track of what that ends up being!!! EEEK!!!!

:circle-of-love:LUVIES HONEY!!!!:circle-of-love:
On with the updates. :)

Since I highlighted the Auto Cream Caramel with many pics, I won't be adding that many pics to all of the strains. They are kindda repetitive to add to each strain here and take a lot of time... but I'm sure I'll add more than enough pics anyway. :)


Auto Blueberry on 11/22/11, Day 26 CS treatment - Quit spraying on this day.

Next is the top of the plant and I highlighted the area I am seeing changes with a pod rounding...

And then lower on the plant I highlighted a couple more areas where the rounding pods are becoming notable...


Auto Kush, started this one by spraying the entire plant and after approximately 8 days, I divided the plant and just sprayed the lower portion. This plant showed hermie traits in it's pre-flowers so I am going to pitch this plant. I couldn't get a non-blurry pic of the pre-flowers, but they are pollen sacs. I don't want to use the pollen of a plant that shows hermie traits, let alone one that shows them so early in growth.

Say bye bye to this one...


This one grew a lot taller than the other HBD lady I have going in the flower room. This plant has had CS used on the lower half of the plant only and shows only flowers above that point. However, I didn't get any pics at this time except of the entire plant. I will *hopefully* be using the pollen from the bottom to pollinate the flowers at the top.

Auto Himalaya Blue Diesel, CS Treatment Day 23 - NO MORE TREATMENT

That is the end of updating the autos from pics taken Nov 22. I'll be back with the 2 non-auto (regular) strains...

I started Colloidal Silver treatment on these as very small clones just taking off (I want small plants so they don't take up much space). CS was started on the first day they were put to flower (Nov 2) and has continued at one spray daily. They are pretty much shooting out pistils everywhere at this point.


Pineapple Chunk, Day 20 CS Treatment

Her top...

And the growth lower on her...


I'm beginning to see some changes on this one that I will highlight in pics but I am still spraying her until I see clear changes. Right now she is shooting out tons of pistils.

Ladyburn 1974, CS Treatment Day 20

And here is her top...

But I am seeing some changes down below...

When I look closer at one area from the above pic, I see some "rounding" changes in new growth, so I will be watching this area closely...

That ends the updates for this week! I am delighted things are finally progressing!

It is always SUCH A PLEASURE to see YOU!!!!

:thanks: my dear man. I think I read you had ... hmmm... was it 155 seeds ready to go and Jo had taken the credit card??? LOL Doesn't sound like you need seeds just yet!!!

...But I'd sure love it if you did the chocolope and tossed a few seeds real hard towards the Continental States and maybe I can catch a couple!!! Sure haven't found them online. I did find some Pre-Bubba 98 that is supposed to smell and taste like chocolate coffee hash oil... got one of the 2 fem seeds sprouted now so I can get my chocolate fix!

I'll be checkin' in yer journal asap - but it won't be for a few days... gees, how many pages will I be behind by then???? EEEK!!! Seems yer journal grows at least a few pages DAILY!!! :love:It's cuz we ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!:love:

:circle-of-love:LUVIES HONEY!!!!:circle-of-love:

Hi Beautiful Granny Girl ! :love:

I tried to throw a few seeds your way.....but........they wouldn't go! They said they liked Hawaii too much!

Is there a woman alive that doesn't like chocolate ???? :ganjamon::ganjamon:

Lovies Girl!:circle-of-love:
hi ya granny!!:adore: looking very interesting and productive in here!!!:high-five: as far as conas question i will go looke to see if i have any new posts, but even if you dilute with distilled it can make the silver fall out of the solution, unless you can run it thru an ultrasonic machine to sonicaly re bind and suspend the silver particles in solution,but if you mix a very tiny bit and use it right away it should be ok, i have boys:thumb: in my closet so no need to use cs this time,just gotta make a "red light district":love: for a bit so the horny lil' pups can "play some r:love:mantic music to the girls" lmao!! i feel like a weird version of a pimp/hitchseque plant perv every time i make" seed" lol:):):)
Whoa, wait a minute Granny! I'm a bit confused...
The plant you decided to toss...
You say it shows hermie traits...
Now, I thought this whole process was to do just that, cause a reversal in sex, which IS what hemaphrodization is....

So are you saying that through the CS treatment, its actually causing the CALYXES to produce pollen, and thats why you keep calling them "FEMALE POLLEN SACS"?
Which would be much different than male sex organs on a female plant. A hermie is just that, a female plant that happens to express some male sex organs. So is this CS treatment not actually causing hermaphrodization, but rather, causing the female plant to produce pollen inside of female sex organs??

All the pics above sure looked like the beginning of MALE sex organs, on female plants, which would be a hermie....I'm so confused!!
Hi Beautiful Granny Girl ! :love:

I tried to throw a few seeds your way.....but........they wouldn't go! They said they liked Hawaii too much!

Is there a woman alive that doesn't like chocolate ???? :ganjamon::ganjamon:

Lovies Girl!:circle-of-love:


I bet they like YOU more than HI!!!


Hmm... but I sure do hope I get to come visit you and your wonderful state some day!!!

:love:LUVIES HONEY!:love:
hi ya granny!!:adore: looking very interesting and productive in here!!!:high-five: as far as conas question i will go looke to see if i have any new posts, but even if you dilute with distilled it can make the silver fall out of the solution, unless you can run it thru an ultrasonic machine to sonicaly re bind and suspend the silver particles in solution,but if you mix a very tiny bit and use it right away it should be ok, i have boys:thumb: in my closet so no need to use cs this time,just gotta make a "red light district":love: for a bit so the horny lil' pups can "play some r:love:mantic music to the girls" lmao!! i feel like a weird version of a pimp/hitchseque plant perv every time i make" seed" lol:):):)


I just KNEW you would have an answer (and that I KNOW NOTHING! LOL).

You wonderful perverted PIMP! :rofl: It sounds like you're going to have plenty of seeds too!!! As mine develop pollen sacs, I am separating them to their red zone too... it's the "other" upstairs in a closet.

I've lurked a bit in your journal, but was still behind when I ran outta lurking time! As you can see tho (response to Cona_, YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND!!! I promise I'll catch up with yours as soon as I can, but time is lacking at the moment and I gotta do justice to the purpose of this journal - those pics sure are time consuming! But hopefully they will help others who attempt this procedure. :)


:love::love::love::circle-of-love::love::love::love:Luvies Honey!:love::love::love::circle-of-love::love::love::love:
Good eye granny, don't let them impostors get by. The plants look pretty beat up after the CS is sprayed on them...all in the name of science!

Keep up the great work :circle-of-love:


They are martyrs!!! They believe in the cause and have made great sacrifices for the sake of their strain living on. :) :bravo: to them!! I :adore: them!

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES HONEY!!!:love::love::love::love::love:
Whoa, wait a minute Granny! I'm a bit confused...
The plant you decided to toss...
You say it shows hermie traits...
Now, I thought this whole process was to do just that, cause a reversal in sex, which IS what hemaphrodization is....

Hi honey!!! I am in a constant state of confusion - so I don't doubt I confused someone else!!! LOL

HERMIE DEFINITION TO ME (most likely NOT the official term) To ME... A hermie is a female plant that shows male characteristics (either female pollen sacs or what folks call "bananas") with little to no stress being placed on the plant. Plants that do this easily seem to have this trait bred into them and future generations also carry this trait, making them much more likely to do this. So when I refer to a "hermie", this is the type of plant I am referring to.

IMO, the CS does not cause this to be a "trait" that is passed on - UNLESS the plant itself already had that trait before it was ever treated with CS.

The Auto Kush plant did not even grow normal female pre-flowers while ALL other plants did. Thus, from the start I thought this plant has hermie traits within it's genetics.

So are you saying that through the CS treatment, its actually causing the CALYXES to produce pollen, and thats why you keep calling them "FEMALE POLLEN SACS"?

I guess I don't get as technical in my terms and just speak in words that make sense to me, rather than knowing if the term is actually the correct term to use! EEK!!!

I call them female pollen sacs because they have female pollen and no male chromosomes.

As for saying the calyxes are producing pollen, I have been watching very closely and it does seem to me that the calyx (pod shaped structure) sprouts a hair (pistil)), the hair and pod are sprayed, the hair dies back and then the pod changes rounding into a sac that will produce pollen - to me, a female pollen sac. Look at the changing pics in the next update and let me know what you think! :)

Which would be much different than male sex organs on a female plant. A hermie is just that, a female plant that happens to express some male sex organs. So is this CS treatment not actually causing hermaphrodization, but rather, causing the female plant to produce pollen inside of female sex organs??

All the pics above sure looked like the beginning of MALE sex organs, on female plants, which would be a hermie....I'm so confused!!

To me... A hermie does not have male sex organs - it has either female pollen sacs (look similar to male pollen sacs but no male chromosomes), OR, it can grow what folks call "bananas" OR some also call those female pollen sacs. But many different folks SPEAK of them in many different terms. So if others say they have male sex organs I'm sure not going to argue with them cuz I have no scientific background for knowing the exact term to use!!! LOL

I sure don't mean to confuse you tho!!!

I had bananas in my first grow on plants that were not stressed. There are pictures of them in my first journal... let me see if I can find one...

and a closer look...

When I asked what they were, McBudz (a WELL RESPECTED grower here) said they were "male bananas". However, if these produce seed on your plant they produce FEMALE seeds only... because there is NO male chromosome. But they can also seed your entire crop of ladies - so beware if you see them!!!

I guess in the end it really doesn't matter to me as much what they are called as it is to recognizing them and knowing they contain pollen! :)

I will discuss more differences between regular male pollen sacs and how they release pollen versus the female pollen sacs and how I had to literally "take" the pollen (NOT like a male sac shedding it) ... in the next 1 to 3 weeks when I am collecting pollen. But when I discuss it, just know my terms may not be the legal technical terms!!! EEEKKK!!!!

I don't know if any of that made any sense!!! But...

:love::love::love::circle-of-love::love::love::love:I LOVE YOU!!!:love::love::love::circle-of-love::love::love::love:
I dont think she is saying that....the silver makes make balls (ie hermmy)


If you read my reply to Quix - I don't think I know WHAT I'm saying!!!


So wonderful to see you again, honey! Did you get your answers from Irish? On the first page of this journal I showed a pic of the CS I used and included a pic with their website on it
if you want to buy - it is also listed in amazon thru this seller (where I found and buy it).

:love::love::love::circle-of-love:LUVIES HONEY!:circle-of-love::love::love::love:

Here is a pic of the top of the plant taken on Day 24 of spraying (Nov 20th) - but the LAST DAY SPRAYED:

And here is a pic of her top 9 days later (no spray during that time)

And a closeup...

And the entire plant at the start on day 1 of spray...

And the entire plant now (9 days after stopping CS treatment)...

I did take a sac off the plant yesterday to see if there is pollen in it and did not find pollen yet. The first plant I turned took 2 to 3 weeks before giving me pollen... so I'll keep checking it.

The female in waiting for this plant is putting on flowers very nicely - this plant needs to hurry up!

I stopped spraying the Ladyburn 1974 after 27 days of CS.

Here is where she started...

And then on Day 13 of CS...

And here she is today...

And here is her top today...

I am inserting this banana pic again just so I can try to describe what I saw INSIDE the female pollen sacs on the first plant I turned (couple months ago)...

In the above pic you see what folks refer to as bananas on a female plant. I took a couple of those apart back when I had that grow going. This was like a curled up leaf with pollen and a partial hair (pistil) inside it.

Next is a closeup of the Ladyburn 1974 which highlights something I took note of...

This pic shows a bit of the tip before it closes off into a rounded sac. You can kind of see what I will call the separate "chambers" inside the sac. When I took apart a female pollen sac from the first plant I turned, I noticed the inside contains like 3 to 5 structures which were very similar to the banana I took apart a few years ago, but a few encased in a sac instead of just on it's own. When I took apart the female pollen sac in the first plant I turned, I opened it and then had to uncurl the banana shaped leafy structures (multiple bananas inside the sac) in order to get the pollen.

Don't know if that makes sense yet - if it doesn't, be patient and when I take pollen I will do my best to highlight this with pics. Don't think it even matters - it's just something I noticed along the way and got a pic of.

This is a plant that I sprayed the entire plant for 8 days and then stopped spraying the top portion and only sprayed the bottom half after that and until no longer spraying at all (24 days).

What this plant shows:
This plant shows that spraying once daily for a shorter time will most likely still cause portions of the plant to change - so you will have a mix of female flowers and female pollen sacs (like Winkster1 did). If you continue spraying the plant until you see no further hairs sprouting, you will change ALL growth on the plant, but if you stop earlier and new flowers form (more pistils/hairs form that don't get sprayed), you will get a mix.

Here is the Widow Ryder today...

You can also see that the bottom portion that continued to get sprayed was stunted in growth, where as the upper portion that was sprayed 8 days had more growth.

And this is the upper portion which was sprayed for 8 days...

And here is a closer look at the bottom node shown above...

You can clearly see that the buds from the same node did different things, eh???

I didn't take pics of the bottom - it is all female pollen sacs with no pistils.

I wonder if spraying for a shorter time will partially turn the plant and then you could allow the plant to make seed without ever having to do a thing to pollinate it??? Of course, that would require growing this type of plant out somewhere other than a flower room you don't want pollinated... and that is why I have a separate plant ready to pollinate - I don't want pollen sacs in my flower room with my other ladies. Just food for thought tho for those who may have separate quarters available to them. :)

This is also NOT and auto flowering strain. It is a REGULAR strain. This plant was sprayed with CS for 27 days before stopping.

Here is the Pineapple Chunk on Day 1 of CS treatment...

And on Day 13 of CS treatment...

And now today...

The top is still going thru changes...

And the lower sections are showing changes...

Clearly changing. :)
I took a few more pics that have nothing much to do with CS other than I want seeds so I can grow MORE of these strains!!! I am experimenting with my new camera - I still need to find the appropriate light setting (have to customize to even have ANYTHING green... but still need to figure out a bit better). Here's a few pics...

Here is a bugs view from one area in the flower room...

Of course, that darn bug is probably stoned!!!

Here is a Vanilla Kush bud at 5 weeks flowering. It's buds have the longest pistils of any strains I have grown yet!

And the top of a Red Dragon cola at 5wk flower...

And a fantastic producer, Mataro Blue at 5wk flower...

And one just to show I am working on getting to know my new camera and how to take trich shots...

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES TO ALL!!!:love::love::love::love::love:

My plants all had notable changes in week 3 to week 4. I stopped spraying at 24 to 27 days of treatment. However, it seems from all this experimenting that if you don't want the entire plant to turn, you can spray a shorter amount of time and it will still work. To turn the entire plant, continue spraying as long as hairs are sprouting out.

Now I just need to figure out how long to viable pollen... checked a couple Auto Cream Caramel sacs and no pollen to speak of yet. When my first plant turned, I took the pollen at around 3 weeks after I stopped spraying. It never did release it like a male would - so I strongly believe these female pollen sacs are a bit different than male pollen sacs.

I will have limited time from here into the foreseeable future. Work is picking up, bookkeeping is behind, and grandkids keep me busy on the weekends (BLESS THEIR HEARTS!!!). Thus, I will not feature every single strain with tons of changing pics - the changes are mostly the same unless I note otherwise. I will make sure I give real good pics of collecting pollen when that takes place in the next few weeks tho! I promise!

:love::love::love::love::love:LUVIES TO ALL!!!:love::love::love::love::love:
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