Purple Pics

Puppy duty? You lucky devil, whatever you do know is how Charlie is going to be for years to come. Sounds like he’s pretty smart though seeing that you have him giving his paws and etc. Hoping you n yer brood are having a wonderful weekend. CL🍀
Thanks Cap'n.
Charlie is an absolute sweetheart.
Him and Howie are inseparable now.
He trots around behind Howie so proud.
He is absolutely fearless though and eats like he is going to the chair. :rofl:
They are both cuddled up beside me now sleeping. :green_heart:
Hope everything is going well Amigo. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks Cap'n.
Charlie is an absolute sweetheart.
Him and Howie are inseparable now.
He trots around behind Howie so proud.
He is absolutely fearless though and eats like he is going to the chair. :rofl:
They are both cuddled up beside me now sleeping. :green_heart:
Hope everything is going well Amigo. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I had a feeling they would bond like that. How does Charlie like the snow? Did you and Stacey do anything? Stay warm my friend. CL🍀









Rock and Roll, holy cow your a Rock Star.:theband::bravo::welldone:
Healthy, Healthy, Happy girls, well done.
Your feed might be a touch high in nitrogen but nothing to worry about.
See all the white pistils when she is finished flowering and building for you they will turn red and crinkle in.
As that is happening she will slow right down on her nutrient uptake.
So watch watering at the end, otherwise she will be overwatered.
Given the freshness of the pistils I'd say 4 weeks would be the range.
But we can give you a better idea as we go along.
Post pics in 2 weeks we can tell better.
Hope that helps.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I had a feeling they would bond like that. How does Charlie like the snow? Did you and Stacey do anything? Stay warm my friend. CL🍀
He loves the snow.
Fresh powder. :thumb:
We got another 6" yesterday.
4am they were out rolling around in it having a ball.
Yesterday we we just relaxed with the boys.:love:
Hopefully today I get some time to work in the hut.
I just need 2 more hours and I can flip.:yahoo:
Before it's a Little Shop Of Horrors. :rolleyes:
You doing anything interesting?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Brother autos were bred from weed in Siberia , where the sun shines 24 hrs a day and they have a short growing season. Why would I delay my harvest by that long when it’s not necessary, they grow the same at 24 hrs a day . I grow beautiful plants, I’m very happy having a new batch every 75-85 days , I don’t have room for photos or I’d probably grow them too I just love to grow. Strawberry Milk and Quookies day 18, already showing pre flowers, I’ll harvest 5ozs easy in 2 more months, I like that, I love watching them go into fade , I love everything about growing


Looking good Amigo. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Cool / that's the mechanics of the photo flower trigger. So why its the 3-5 days to see the change?

I learned something new!

Cheers Bill.

It's not an instant change because everything takes time.
Once she has enough hormones built up she will internally switch to flower.
Changing from growing leaves & stems to growing pistils then buds.
This can take up to 10 days to show in some case's.
Strain dependant.
I used to sit them in the dark for 24 hrs prior to 12/12.
The extra hormones helps.
Your fancy lights will help too. :yahoo:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
He loves the snow.
Fresh powder. :thumb:
We got another 6" yesterday.
4am they were out rolling around in it having a ball.
Yesterday we we just relaxed with the boys.:love:
Hopefully today I get some time to work in the hut.
I just need 2 more hours and I can flip.:yahoo:
Before it's a Little Shop Of Horrors. :rolleyes:
You doing anything interesting?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Same old same old here but that’s ok I’m easily entertained. CL🍀
Rock and Roll, holy cow your a Rock Star.:theband::bravo::welldone:
Healthy, Healthy, Happy girls, mwell done.
Your feed might be a touch high in nitrogen but nothing to worry about.
See all the white pistils when she is finished flowering and building for you they will turn red and crinkle in.
As that is happening she will slow right down on her nutrient uptake.
So watch watering at the end, otherwise she will be overwatered.
Given the freshness of the pistils I'd say 4 weeks would be the range.
But we can give you a better idea as we go along.
Post pics in 2 weeks we can tell better.
Hope that helps.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Glad to gear that really I am. Yeah, nitrogen seems to be a mandatory ingredient for most nutrient types - I get the feeling a lot of plants would get a real high dose of it. Its in micro, grow, bloom and the bloom booster too I think.

I will do a before and after. Based on the pics I posted yesterday and the fact I'll be increasing light by 8 hours daily and that they are really starting to notice the bloom booster and bud candy I've added to the mix. I'm checking trichs every 2nd feed atm

Be safe ✌🏻🙏🏻
It's not an instant change because everything takes time.
Once she has enough hormones built up she will internally switch to flower.
Changing from growing leaves & stems to growing pistils then buds.
This can take up to 10 days to show in some case's.
Strain dependant.
I used to sit them in the dark for 24 hrs prior to 12/12.
The extra hormones helps.
Your fancy lights will help too. :yahoo:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Its actually a real situation for me. We’re moving the remains of harvest for “Big Grow” to the veg room after a 3 gallon to 5 gallon up pot. Team is just making the airpots up (holes at the bottom!) to do this. We also need to get the AC piped into the veg tent.

I’m mulling flip them now (only need to change the two downstairs timers from 18/6 to 12/12 for the sunset girls.

Upstairs no change means we are up potting and flipping same day. Or change the lights to 18/6 for a few days.

I have 3 ladders. They all seem to be in use as part of drying operations and the timers are all high up on the walls 🤣

I think I’ll up pot and run 18/6 maybe 3- 4 days. Let them settle in. The AC actually broke overnight. Almost perfect timing. The AC guys come in the morning for between grow maintenance for that unit. One more day all I needed! But at least the plants are veg sized in there we can shift them into just house light in veg for an hour so for AC maintenance and not stress too much.
Nick & Co (She’s busy up potting but says hi!)
Indulging in some unreal S5 Haze a pal of mine dropped around last night. Got me dwindling about harvest and so I went and added to the basket everything i think is need for chopping, trimming, hanging, storage etc (any recommendations for any of these would be great)...!

I would really like to not waste any of my plants if I can help it. I had in mind finely chopping all the leaves and mixing with my soil compound for my next grow. That would surely have a positive effect? Not sure how it would effect PH? I'd like to think it would improve the soil structure and give it those all important nutrients for the roots to thrive?

Has anyone done anything like this before? Whether it be for the soil or not. There must be sensible ways to make good of all the 'waste'


Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Indulging in some unreal S5 Haze a pal of mine dropped around last night. Got me dwindling about harvest and so I went and added to the basket everything i think is need for chopping, trimming, hanging, storage etc (any recommendations for any of these would be great)...!

I would really like to not waste any of my plants if I can help it. I had in mind finely chopping all the leaves and mixing with my soil compound for my next grow. That would surely have a positive effect? Not sure how it would effect PH? I'd like to think it would improve the soil structure and give it those all important nutrients for the roots to thrive?

Has anyone done anything like this before? Whether it be for the soil or not. There must be sensible ways to make good of all the 'waste'


Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Hey SC, for my 2 cents, I'd say you could certainly compost it, whether with soil or other compost material. But it probably isn't too recommended to put fresh cut plant material into soil that is growing plants as it could burn the roots as it breaks down, but if it is going into soil that you will use to first break it down and compost it before you add the plant/seed, then that should be great.
Hey SC, for my 2 cents, I'd say you could certainly compost it, whether with soil or other compost material. But it probably isn't too recommended to put fresh cut plant material into soil that is growing plants as it could burn the roots as it breaks down, but if it is going into soil that you will use to first break it down and compost it before you add the plant/seed, then that should be great.
That's what I was hoping to hear thank you Stunger. This time round (first ever grow) I just went with MG and started nuting after about 5 ish weeks. I'm really liking what I see and read about coco and a few other methods - but seen as soil is going so well for me this time around I think I'll just try to improve soil and environment for my second venture and see how I get on.

There's a few other recommended ingredients for a good soil mix I'm sure of it. A few of been mentioned here but I've not made notes to be honest. I'll have to track back and do some digging
Indulging in some unreal S5 Haze a pal of mine dropped around last night. Got me dwindling about harvest and so I went and added to the basket everything i think is need for chopping, trimming, hanging, storage etc (any recommendations for any of these would be great)...!

I would really like to not waste any of my plants if I can help it. I had in mind finely chopping all the leaves and mixing with my soil compound for my next grow. That would surely have a positive effect? Not sure how it would effect PH? I'd like to think it would improve the soil structure and give it those all important nutrients for the roots to thrive?

Has anyone done anything like this before? Whether it be for the soil or not. There must be sensible ways to make good of all the 'waste'


Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Morning SC. :ciao:
You can compost the fan leaves, no problem.
Takes a bit but will work.
Add some bokashi to your compost.
It's very beneficial.
Sugar leaves are good to make butter or whatever you like.
Do you have your chop trim and cure process organized or would you like a few pointers?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Morning SC. :ciao:
You can compost the fan leaves, no problem.
Takes a bit but will work.
Add some bokashi to your compost.
It's very beneficial.
Sugar leaves are good to make butter or whatever you like.
Do you have your chop trim and cure process organized or would you like a few pointers?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Top of the morning to you Bill 👍🏻

Well I have kept all the fan leaves etc from trimming in a bag. Now I know I'll integrate it all into some soil for my next pots. Just looked bokashi up. Very interesting approach, dude. I'll make sure I include that. Perlite was mentioned too? I'm sure there will be a point where adding to much and over complicating it will just become a problem. Sometimes they say less is more?

As for chopping, trimming and curing. I have an image of a very basic process in my head, but I know its loads more than just that. Please enlighten me with your knowledge 🙏🏻 I will definitely be looking to use them sugar leaves for something scrumptious!
Indulging in some unreal S5 Haze a pal of mine dropped around last night. Got me dwindling about harvest and so I went and added to the basket everything i think is need for chopping, trimming, hanging, storage etc (any recommendations for any of these would be great)...!

I would really like to not waste any of my plants if I can help it. I had in mind finely chopping all the leaves and mixing with my soil compound for my next grow. That would surely have a positive effect? Not sure how it would effect PH? I'd like to think it would improve the soil structure and give it those all important nutrients for the roots to thrive?

Has anyone done anything like this before? Whether it be for the soil or not. There must be sensible ways to make good of all the 'waste'


Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Hey bud, I compost all my leaves with a load of house stuff and going to hopefully use them in the garden later this year.. also if I have plants curing in jars and others in veg I sometimes pull leaves and put in curing jars with my bud to bring humidity back up 👍🏽

I think the most important parts to dry and cure has to be tailored as were all over the place.. your average temp and humidity will decide best ways to chop and dry, my humidity is low so I leave the plant whole with all leaves on and use a humidifier with a small fan then I just hang them with the light straps. The rest of the basics you probably have already in your basket, I have three pairs of scissors, a glass of alcohol, a rag, a trim bowl and my headphones 🤣 entertainment is most important for trimming lol.
Curing I stopped using the mason jars and have a few large biscuit jars as I found the tiny hydrometers crap!
Indulging in some unreal S5 Haze a pal of mine dropped around last night. Got me dwindling about harvest and so I went and added to the basket everything i think is need for chopping, trimming, hanging, storage etc (any recommendations for any of these would be great)...!

I would really like to not waste any of my plants if I can help it. I had in mind finely chopping all the leaves and mixing with my soil compound for my next grow. That would surely have a positive effect? Not sure how it would effect PH? I'd like to think it would improve the soil structure and give it those all important nutrients for the roots to thrive?

Has anyone done anything like this before? Whether it be for the soil or not. There must be sensible ways to make good of all the 'waste'


Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Check out @Azimuth’s thread he does a lot of things like that or @Keffka . Both are into totally organic growing. CL🍀
As for chopping, trimming and curing. I have an image of a very basic process in my head, but I know its loads more than just that.
Mine is really simple, I’ll outline it here.

I kiss & Co on the cheek, wave a cheery goodbye and walk out the house and drive away.

I find it works brilliantly.


Real answer (based on how she feels as discussed earlier)

The wetter branches (typically lower, you get) she likes to trim to bare immediately, the leaves just pull off neatly mostly with fingers so quicker.

The dryer harder stuff (generally the highest biggest colas) she likes after a good 36 hours plus in a dark room. The temp there is about 19 celsius and Rh 42% hanging upside down.

Once they are trimmed to bare nugs fit for consumption we put them in hanging drying baskets back in the same room above.

After about 3-4 days in there they’ll go to heat sealed Grove bags for a a few weeks (less if someone offers the right price!)

Nick & Co (Currently drying/trimming/curing)
Hey bud, I compost all my leaves with a load of house stuff and going to hopefully use them in the garden later this year.. also if I have plants curing in jars and others in veg I sometimes pull leaves and put in curing jars with my bud to bring humidity back up 👍🏽

I think the most important parts to dry and cure has to be tailored as were all over the place.. your average temp and humidity will decide best ways to chop and dry, my humidity is low so I leave the plant whole with all leaves on and use a humidifier with a small fan then I just hang them with the light straps. The rest of the basics you probably have already in your basket, I have three pairs of scissors, a glass of alcohol, a rag, a trim bowl and my headphones 🤣 entertainment is most important for trimming lol.
Curing I stopped using the mason jars and have a few large biscuit jars as I found the tiny hydrometers crap!

Hey bud, I compost all my leaves with a load of house stuff and going to hopefully use them in the garden later this year.. also if I have plants curing in jars and others in veg I sometimes pull leaves and put in curing jars with my bud to bring humidity back up 👍🏽

I think the most important parts to dry and cure has to be tailored as were all over the place.. your average temp and humidity will decide best ways to chop and dry, my humidity is low so I leave the plant whole with all leaves on and use a humidifier with a small fan then I just hang them with the light straps. The rest of the basics you probably have already in your basket, I have three pairs of scissors, a glass of alcohol, a rag, a trim bowl and my headphones 🤣 entertainment is most important for trimming lol.
Curing I stopped using the mason jars and have a few large biscuit jars as I found the tiny hydrometers crap!
Awesome tips dude. Leaves in the jar is such a good shout! Why come on such a long journey with so much effort if your not going to cherish and protect your end product?

I have made screen shots and stored all the information I'm learning from you guys. Going back over it a few times and educating myself. I'm full of so much gratitude!

I'm a big music listener too, dude. My pods are always at the ready when I'm out seeing to the ladies. My humidity and temps really have been fluctuating, I'm trying to find that stability and happy medium where its cold outside the tent which ultimately effects the temp inside. I've been making alterations and upgrades with heaters to battle it. Getting there! Got it steadily between 24-26 lights on. It is dropping to 19-21 lights off....humidity is 70-85%
Check out @Azimuth’s thread he does a lot of things like that or @Keffka . Both are into totally organic growing. CL🍀
Perfect. When I get a coffee and a smoke in front of me later I will be having a look captain, Thank you man 👍🏻🙏🏻

Something is telling me it was you that mentioned perlite to me a short while ago? May be wrong though....

Apologies if I am!
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