Question regarding curing


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I Have a question about curing for the more experienced growers out there. I just recently switched over to hang drying the whole plant vs sectional using " 11 steps to perfect Humboldt hang dry". My question is regarding when to take down whole plants and jar them based off of hygrometers. When I would take down my sectioned dried at bend bend snap and jar them the RH would stabilize at 62% or higher which is where I wanted them for curing. On the other hand when the whole plant dried was taken down at bend bend snap and jarred the RH leveled out to only 58% and I had to use Boveda 62% to bring the RH up. I later tried jarring up the whole plant a little earlier the next time before I normally would and when jarred they leveled out to a RH of only 59% and I put Boveda 62% in those as well. So my all in all question is should I take them down a day before I normally would just so I can have the RH where I want? From what I know 58-59% is still in the curing range and the cure doesn't die until 55%, but at the same time everyone that I have read prefer their jars at 60-62 when curing? I understand that all strains cure differently, but I have gotten these results with multiple strains. Thank you in advance for the help.
So much depends on the ambient RH in your house, anyone else choosing a method for you would be impossible. Go with what works for you. The test is in the smoke after the cure. Too dry? hydrate with a spritz of water and seal jar for a few hours. Too wet? Burp the jars till the excess moisture evaporates.

It sounds like you have enough experience to go with what you are happy with. :thumb:
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