Quick Question before I move into a grow diary!? Soil help?!


New Member
Thanks Ricorico and anyone else who has or continues to help with my first grow. I really am a completely inexperienced grower and any and all help is sincerely appreciated.
I have updates from both plants and my next post will be in the grow diary section I just have one last group of questions. Anyone who reads this and can help please do!

I am going to move both of these plants out of miracle grow soil today and I am looking for advice on how to go about it. They both have root systems in the miracle grow soil but how do i get them out and into new soil? also how much perlite should I add to the new organic soil? Also last question, I have heard that putting down a 1/4 inch layer of sand on top of the soil can help keep gnats from laying eggs in the soil because it dries more quickly. Is this a good idea or is there a better medium to lay on top of soil for the same effect??? Thanks SO much to anyone who responds! REALLY appreciated.

(Also, I pinched off the clover leaves and dead yellow leaves on the sick plant.)

Healthy plant 3 days ago:

Healthy plant today:

Sick plant 3 days ago:

Sick plant today:

sbterd, I can answer part of your questions.... first, I have found that when I transplant any plant, I have better luck letting the plant get on the dry side before trying to remove it. They seem to hold together better. I use roughly 1/4 perlite, but that's a personal preference... As to the 1/4 inch of sand... I had HORRIBLE fungus gnats in my soil grow and I actually put down probably closer to 2 inches of sand, but I put on landscaping fabric first, bought the blue raid insect strips (10 pack) and sprayed with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) 3% at 2 tsp per gallon of water. Problem solved! Good Luck. :peace:
Sand might help for sure, but I have used similar materials, and it also holds moisture in the soil too long.

I would suggest Sierra Natural Science SNS-203 to kill whatever eggs and larva are in the soil, and SNS-209 to keep them away.

Their products are safe, made from natural oils, and will not harm your plant.

SNS-Natural Fertilizers, Pesticides, Weed Killer & Nutrients
Actually I just got back from the store with a supposedly plant and flower safe insect killer(that im suspicious of) some fly paper, and neem oil for the gnats. Probably going to make a diluted neem oil spray and diluted peroxide spray with a some sand on top too.
Making some holes below the level of the sand so water doesnt get to badly trapped by the sand.

As far as soil goes im gonna move out of miracle grow and use just plain potting soilmixed with perlite.
Sound good? Ill let you guys know how it goes.
Sum look to be struggling.. You want a good organic soil, maybe some premium pot mix with slow relewse nutes. Putting a bag or so of Perlite mixed thru soil is good for roots to breath a little n not compact the soil.
Ive had good results usung perlite to my mix. Dont go much on nutrients as whats in soil should keep em going until theyve gained some height.
Transplant is fairly easy, take it easy n hope it comes together for ya! Smokemup
Yeah hey to keep y'all updated I used perlite and transplanted both into bigger pots with the new no miracle grow soil with a really thin layer of sand on top and both looked a lot better last time I saw them I'll take pictures when I get back home.

As far as watering from the bottom can someone explain I'm worried about them not being able to soak the water far enough up into the soil for the roots to get their moisture also I'm worried about standing water I have two three gallon pots in a tray. can someone explain how to water from the bottom? Thanks so much y'all are the best! :cheer:

If I wanted to water from the bottom, I'd put the potted plant into a tub or bucket, fill with water to about 3/4 of the potted plant container. Let it set for 20 min or so to absorb water from the bottom and then remove to allow drainage. This may be ok for a few times, but it would get old after a few days!

You could set up a flood and drain system if you really want it.

Good luck
Yes that's exactly why, but flood and drain and watering from the bottom seems like south trouble foru set up that I think I'm
Just gonna water and let it mess up the sand and then fix it after, much easier than having to fill and empty a tub every time I was to water
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