Radogast 2 - Return of the Clones

:sorry: That is really a bummer about Salome and Delilah. They were gorgeous boys, that's for sure. I have decided to go 11/13 also, I just can't decide what my start and stop times will be.

You may have noticed that I early veg longer than normal (basically bad parenting.)
Once I get them into late veg, I grow them to be robust and almost too large for the flower room.
I do this because, at the end, it seems every 2 weeks more of veg is 1/2 oz more yield.

I think of 11/13 as a potentially more fragrant, flavor inducing version of 12/12,
so ... I go 11/13 as soon as I decide the girls are as wide as they need to be and 5" from being too tall.

This is based on a perpetual grow where veg is seperate and the flower light is always on, so each girl can be on her own schedule.
If you are batching your girls, I would take an average of "big enough" through "almost too big."

I have not grown autos because over half of the auto girls I see on the threads start to flower before they reach my definition of "big enough." With my slow vegging skills, my yield would be horrible.

If you are growing autos, I would go 11/13 as soon as they go from pre-flower to "starting to look like puffball flowers."

Stop time of 11/13 is harvest time :)
:sorry: That is really a bummer about Salome and Delilah. They were gorgeous boys, that's for sure. I have decided to go 11/13 also, I just can't decide what my start and stop times will be.

I just had mine come on an hour later. Figure I spend more time with them later in the day than I do in the morning.
i have a giselle flowering clone. Should i toss this one?


I'd say let this one go, but try to determine what the problem was. It lacks any spark (of course you'd be better able to determine that, since I'm in virtual space). Having said that, you've saved the unsavable before Rad, so if it's not taking up needed space.....
Today was a busy day in the cannabis garden. I accomplished many things, almost everything on my list.

First off, the removals. Salome was chopped yesterday. Delilah was chopped today. I don't need to flower boys - especially unnamed breeder boys.

Delilah's clone was fed to the worms. Root balls were sifted for soil and scatterd in the outdoor gardens. Roots and branches were scattered among the ferns. I have no pictures of this because my phone SD card went bad. I lost about 200 unsorted pictures (mostly prom lino photos) and will need to reload about 30 ebooks.

Former Salome and Delilah pots were filled with the final two unsexed plants graduating from early veg. They had been waiting for a slot since November. My oldest in early veg are now from April clones. One AK47 'Gabby' clone was promoted from the clone dome to a pot in early veg. The second Gabby clone sleeps with the fishes, as does the odd looking Giselle clone.

Early Veg area. New AK47 'Gabby' clone. Removed Giselle, Salome, and Delilah clones. 2 unsexed seeds graduated to 7 and 10 gal pots in late veg.

Unsexed breeder seed 'Lachesis' graduated from 1 gal to 10 gal LOS soil. Also unsexed breeder seed 'Janice' (not shoown.)



Reorganized Late Veg SWICK to have larger plants on the right (more accessssible for training, easier to move to flower)
Left: Snowcap 'Snow Queen' & Girl Scout Cookies clone in back.
Center: breeder seed 'Janice' & Hawaiian Skunk 'Hani' C1 in back.
Right: White Widow 'Bellatrix' C2 & Caramelicious 'Quiffa' C1 (the final returning clone) in back. 'Lachesis' off to the right.


White Widow 'Bellatrix' C2 - tied down and staked up to start shaping a 28" canopy, Caramelicious 'Quiffa' C1 in 5 gal bucket.


Santa's helpers trimmed and thinned Borderline 'Bowie' (about 34" tall) before she graduated to the flower room. They also took 'Bowie' clones.


Borderline Bowie in front of AK47 Gabby and Big Bertha


The flower room oscillating fan died, so the garden room oscillating fan graduated to the flower room.


Current occupants of the flower room.


I fast dried leaf trim from boy plants in flower, in the oven (9 cookie sheets for 1 hr each at 225.)


Male trim, dried and sifted for glycerin CBD tinctures
The bottom jar is for 90-day room temperature glycerin tincture. The top jar for 24 hr crock-pot 'Keep Warm' glycerin tincture.

I'd say let this one go, but try to determine what the problem was. It lacks any spark (of course you'd be better able to determine that, since I'm in virtual space). Having said that, you've saved the unsavable before Rad, so if it's not taking up needed space.....

This Giselle clone had nice roots, but her top looked like those Saguaro Cactus 'Monstrosa' and she wasn't growing new leaves.
I chopped and used her soil as top dressing in the back yard seed pit.

It's hard to post less even when you try huh? :laughtwo: I loved that Big Bertha pic last page. Don't you love how cannabis plants have their own 'fur' up close? :) Hahaha, santa's little helpers. I sure bet it would be cool to grow up in your family, learning all about this. Now that's a life skill, and a fun hobby. :love:

Too bad about the giselle clone and boys, I'm slow to let go too haha. Wonder if I'll get my first male this year, chances are a lot higher than other years with all these strains haha. Interested to see you do those tinctures. Stay well Rado + family! :circle-of-love:
The bottom jar, coarser cut and including more stem material??? That would be how I would approach it. I have an unbased theory that there's something important in the stem material that we're missing out on when we consume only the leaves and flowers, so the 90 day one would be my chosen method.

Do you find any difference in quality, one to the other?
It's hard to post less even when you try huh? :laughtwo: I loved that Big Bertha pic last page. Don't you love how cannabis plants have their own 'fur' up close? :) Hahaha, santa's little helpers. I sure bet it would be cool to grow up in your family, learning all about this. Now that's a life skill, and a fun hobby. :love:

Too bad about the giselle clone and boys, I'm slow to let go too haha. Wonder if I'll get my first male this year, chances are a lot higher than other years with all these strains haha. Interested to see you do those tinctures. Stay well Rado + family! :circle-of-love:

Today is my day I am allowed to post ... so there !

I'm not worried abot the Giselle clone. I normally take 2 clones and throw one away. That clone was a busted top that rooted. I have an official clone taken later that is fine. The second clone was taken when she showed pre-flowers. I don't like those clones growing alternating leaves as much as clones growing paired leaves - but either is better than not growing new leaves :)
Since today is a do as much as I want on :420: day, here's some photos of Giselle at 61 days in 12/12 (about 7 weeks of true flowers)

2/3 of Giselle


Giselle's full canopy


Giselle's top cola (not large, but she has more :) )


HWS Hani is a sugary, leafy mess. There is bud under there. Thick and squishy,stinky, sticky. 61 days of flower


Everyone else says this skunk smells dank, but for me the dominant aromas in the room come from Giselle and the former male Delilah. I guess my nose doesn't respond to aroma the same way as most.
Is Bowie wearing lace?! :laughtwo:

The teenager with the black lace tights and blue pearl ring is the one who named Bowie. She has finished trimming her side and is rocking out waiting for someone male to turn the plant. An extravagant, homemade, cosplay quality Bowie costume is in her future plans.

The enthusiastic, knobby kneed teenager in the yellow shorts and tie-dye just returned from a week on the cape. He got hit on in Provincetown - Duh!

I imagine Sir David Bowie wears lace every change he gets. He has been known to answer his phone "This is The Bowie!" His namesake is more modest and less sartorial.
The bottom jar, coarser cut and including more stem material??? That would be how I would approach it. I have an unbased theory that there's something important in the stem material that we're missing out on when we consume only the leaves and flowers, so the 90 day one would be my chosen method.

Do you find any difference in quality, one to the other?

I have no experience making tinctures = alcohol, glycerin or other.

I sifted stems out of the mix as the recipes I could find wanted a finely chopped mix. Baking and sifting through a wire strainer made tiny, non-powdery flakes.

The short ball jar is seperate because we only have a six ounce jar of glycerin in the house. The mix looks different, but only due to the curvature of the glass.

A recipe I read after posting this suggests using one of those scented wax warmers (powered by a 25W bulb) as a 24-48 hour heat source.

--- 10 minute pause ----

First attempt to make a gylcerine tincture: Cannabis leaves, jar, food grade vegetable glycerin, incense heater.


Stirring glycerine into the dry leaf mix until reaching a pesto consistency (about 6 oz.)


The shorty ball jar makes a close (but not airtight) seal on the wax incense heater.

:rofl: ... I always love coming by here. too funny. Of course the teenagers dress with lots of personality :) their father wears animals. (living ones-mind you) My mom and I were rocking out to Sir Bowie a few weeks ago in the middle of the night. We woke my dad and dogs up in a clamorous discord of "She could spit in the eyes of fools! As they ask her to focus on saaaaaailors!!" I already love your helpers. :grinjoint:

Thanks for the photos! Hani's a little messy yeah but very sweet :) lots of sugar. Giselle's looking very nice too. Maybe a few more clawy-yellow leaves than is pretty, but the buds look great. Enjoy your day of 420 mag! :love:
The teenager with the black lace tights and blue pearl ring is the one who named Bowie. She has finished trimming her side and is rocking out waiting for someone male to turn the plant. An extravagant, homemade, cosplay quality Bowie costume is in her future plans.

The enthusiastic, knobby kneed teenager in the yellow shorts and tie-dye just returned from a week on the cape. He got hit on in Provincetown - Duh!

I imagine Sir David Bowie wears lace every change he gets. He has been known to answer his phone "This is The Bowie!" His namesake is more modest and less sartorial.

I'm sure he is quite prone to lace. Its all for aerodynamic purposes, though.
Hey Rado me ol mate, Glad to see things going great. Love the tincture touch as well! I reckon by the time I catch up on the journals I'm subbed on I'll be back on a plane half way round the world for another month trip!

A little setback wih the tincture. I was planning to use a potato ricer and muslin cloth, but our two full bolts of muslin cloth have disappeared - 3 of us each searched high(attic) to low(basement.) I didn't quite look everywhere, for example I didn't search the trunk of my car or inside bags of potting soil.

By the time, we decided to go with cheesecloth, took care of dinner, and ordered a better glycerin vape on the internet, the day was done.

I turned off the switch tonight. We will rewarm the tincture tomorrow before squeezing.

This is exactly the hands on experience we wanted to gain by doing a test run with boy leaves :)
Hi Rado! I found that using an old t-shirt worked better than the cheese cloth better for me when squeezing the plant material. It really holds onto the glycerin! :geek:
Hi Rado! I found that using an old t-shirt worked better than the cheese cloth better for me when squeezing the plant material. It really holds onto the glycerin! :geek:

Old t-shirt, great idea!

So, we left our tincture mix sitting above a 25w bulb wax warmer at about 190°F for 36 hours, cooled then reheated for one hour to liquefy some before pressing.


Old potato ricer and cheesecloth. I used a 12"x24" cloth folded twice. 8x8" or 10x10" folded once would reduce bulk and absorb less glycerin.


I had started with about 1 oz of leaves and 6 oz of food grade vegetable glycerine(VG.) I had no recipe.
Next time I will go for about 1/2 oz of herb and 4 oz of VG.


The herb 'cake' and cheesecloth are still holding about half the infused VG. Less cloth will help.
This is an almost acceptable waste for trim. If tincturing quality bud, 50% wastage is a lot.


I licked the bowl (no THC) and the flavor of the tincture is 95 VG taste, with only a touch of leaf taste. No vape test for a few days.

My body feels vibrant, like this VG tincture actually contains active ingredients. I like the color.


The VG washes clean with plain running water. Easy, easy clean-up :)


--- bottom line -----

I like this process: Easy to do. Very safe. Inexpensive. Easy clean-up.

The potato ricer worked better than I expected. Less cloth and less herb will improve squeezing efficiency.

I can't speak to potency, since these were boy leaves from flower - an unknown entity to me.

A very satisfying experiment.

I look forward to the taste in a sub-ohm liquid vaporizer tank, though I imagine THC infused VG will be better tasting :ganjamon:
Interesting. I haven't even looked into tinctures at all. I have no idea what one uses them for, but I like the way you covered this experiment.

I found myself wondering if you could find a metal coffee filter that would fit into that ricer. If so, you could just spoon the mash into the filter and press it with the ricer. Nothing would get absorbed in anything. You'd just have what stays in the mesh of the filter. More product, easier cleanup. :hmmmm:
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