Should I keep these plants or throw them away?


New Member
hey guys i was wondering if you think i should keep these plants, they're nirvana ak48 feminized. i planned on using them for mother plants. my problems first started a couple days after i transplanted when i realized i was overwatering them and it took me like a week to stop overwatering lol and the humidity was getting low like 20-40% and the temps kept bouncing from high 60s to low 80s so i got a humidifier and a thermostatically controlled fan switch and raised my lights so now my environment and watering problems are solved but when everything was going on one of the plants leaf tips started pointing up and turning white/yellow and drying out and getting crumbly. fast forward to today and the leaf is like totally dead and the other leaf is still drooping but the new set of leaves that grew are perky as hell and look healthy, the only thing I've noticed is on each new set of leaves theres like a brownish/purplish color on the new leaf growth but it goes away before the leaf gets big, anyone know what this is? cotyledons are almost fully yellow now too. the growth rate has been slow though (even though i just fixed my problems like 4 days ago) i put the seed in a rapid rooter to germinate on dec 23rd and transplanted december 30th and put them under 400w hps (i know i put them under way too strong of a light, lesson learned) i haven't fed them yet either but i been adding 35% h2o2 (hoping i don't have root rot) and my tap water is like 100-150ppm. should i keep them? i feel like they might still have a chance but if you think i might have ruined their chance to be healthy moms please let me know. thanks!
No on is lurking here anymore...this area is dead.

If you want fast responses you need to post in the FAQ.

I see no reason to kill those. Almost anything is recoverable in Veg. Those have a bright future.

good luck!

once a leaf is damaged it wont heal by the way. only very few problems are recoverable in the bad leaf. you have to look at the new growth to know whats up.

True stunting can take more than a week to recover from.

Root root is hard to imagine in that sterile of an environment without nutes. I suspect you are just expecting it to look better faster than it should. These are way early underdeveloped. They have no immune system and are weak. Anything you do wrong at this stage is very hard to handle and recover from fast.

Patience my friend.
No on is lurking here anymore...this area is dead.

If you want fast responses you need to post in the FAQ.

I see no reason to kill those. Almost anything is recoverable in Veg. Those have a bright future.

good luck!


thanks for the tip, theres over 260 views in like 4 days and you're the only one to respond lol but yeah they're recovering now but still moving kind of slow i guess even though they just started recovering from the overwatering and shock (took one of them out the pot to look at the roots) like 5 or 6 days ago, I'm more wondering now if i should put the 2 northern lights i just sprouted in the same tray with the ak48 once they're old enough and I'm also worried about the AK's turning hermie on me for all the stress i put them through
Naw no worries mate! Hermi from stress only happens in Bloom. We can do crazy thing to them and their clones for years before the genetics auto flip and become hermies from no stress.

You are totally fine and over thinking this. They are very week until the get a few sets of fan leaves. Be patient until they make it to a sort of adolescent stage. Those are like baby's in a blanket at the hospital still.

Seed come with lots of nutes to get them through the first few sets of leaves. People screw this up all the time but they need nothing but good temps, humidity and very light watering until they are even really capable of doing meaningful photosynthesis. Just let them be (they also are like hermits and want to be left alone) and keep the room happy and water them slowly and let the roots dry out and you will be surprised.

Most people on this site are too scared to have an account and post. Getting 100 views doesn't mean much. I don't know how old you are but people from my generation never though weed would become legal at all not even medically like it did in the 90's. people from my generation and older are still weary and scared and don't trust the internet. many people are from countries where it is still VERY illegal. I was helping out a guy in Turkey the other day who lives in an area where you can't get alcohol. If he was caught they would kill him.

So having a few views is meaningless. Unless one of the active experts on here catches the post you don't know what you are going to fact a good half of the people on here responding to posts don't have a clue what they are saying....they may in fact be right but don't know why they are just regurgitating something the read. I see incorrect bad advice on here every day. So just because someone answered doesn't mean they gave you good advice.

2 days ago someone I correspond with regularly on here asked me to look at their post. they knew they had a problem and posted something I missed asking if there was a problems. 4 different people had posted "that looks great!". When I looked at it it had 3 obvious overt signs of Nitrogen Toxicity which is one of the most common problems and she was killing her plants. If I hadn't been asked to look at the post she would have gone ahead and killed her plants because no one was telling her what she needed to hear. And in this case it was disgustingly obvious there was a problem and every one was "wow such nice plants!"

Zombie Kush Help

So many of those 200 views were by people you don't want to hear from honestly.
it is so dead over here I only remember to check in the hydro space about once a week. I used to only hang out in DWC but that went dead so I ended up in FAQ. Main hydro has more people but if you need an answer now post it in FAQ. I swing around here about once a week or 2 if I remember.
Naw no worries mate! Hermi from stress only happens in Bloom. We can do crazy thing to them and their clones for years before the genetics auto flip and become hermies from no stress.

You are totally fine and over thinking this. They are very week until the get a few sets of fan leaves. Be patient until they make it to a sort of adolescent stage. Those are like baby's in a blanket at the hospital still.

Seed come with lots of nutes to get them through the first few sets of leaves. People screw this up all the time but they need nothing but good temps, humidity and very light watering until they are even really capable of doing meaningful photosynthesis. Just let them be (they also are like hermits and want to be left alone) and keep the room happy and water them slowly and let the roots dry out and you will be surprised.

Most people on this site are too scared to have an account and post. Getting 100 views doesn't mean much. I don't know how old you are but people from my generation never though weed would become legal at all not even medically like it did in the 90's. people from my generation and older are still weary and scared and don't trust the internet. many people are from countries where it is still VERY illegal. I was helping out a guy in Turkey the other day who lives in an area where you can't get alcohol. If he was caught they would kill him.

So having a few views is meaningless. Unless one of the active experts on here catches the post you don't know what you are going to fact a good half of the people on here responding to posts don't have a clue what they are saying....they may in fact be right but don't know why they are just regurgitating something the read. I see incorrect bad advice on here every day. So just because someone answered doesn't mean they gave you good advice.

2 days ago someone I correspond with regularly on here asked me to look at their post. they knew they had a problem and posted something I missed asking if there was a problems. 4 different people had posted "that looks great!". When I looked at it it had 3 obvious overt signs of Nitrogen Toxicity which is one of the most common problems and she was killing her plants. If I hadn't been asked to look at the post she would have gone ahead and killed her plants because no one was telling her what she needed to hear. And in this case it was disgustingly obvious there was a problem and every one was "wow such nice plants!"

Zombie Kush Help

So many of those 200 views were by people you don't want to hear from honestly.
to be honest i would look at those plants and say something must be off, although id have no idea what it would be, it just looks way too green and they look kind of full like they might be a tab bit overwatered (I feel like I'm an expert on what developed plants look like when they've been overwatered now after all the overwatering research i did lol) and some of the leaf tips curling down is definitely some sort of problem (i assume the nitrogen deficiency you mentioned).... but thats the problem when i first started, you get so many different opinion and "lessons" when asking questions its ridiculous. like when i was first getting my flood timing right for when i first transplanted the AK into the flood table some people would say the light was perfect ("seeds start under the sun in nature, the 400w aint shit") then others would say don't use anything more then a 24w shop light but i actually posted on another 2 forums sites asking what i should do for floods and 2 of the moderators told me to flood every 2 hours and hand water the rapid rooter which led to me overwatering obviously lol then i went to RIU and one of the guys told me how i needed to water as little as possible (without under watering obviously) so the roots force themselves to grow... and since i followed his advice things have been going pretty decent, so i can see what you mean when you say i probably don't want the advice from those 250 people lol and thats dudes got bigger balls then me, i aint doing nothing that involves the death penalty lol but thats a good analogy with the baby at the hospital but i already started feeding them, at 290ppm(.7 conversion) the actual leaves were starting to turn yellow and the cotyledons are totally discolored. everything going good i guess, they're definitely growing but still haven't took off yet. how long does it usually take for them to start really taking off? once they're like 2-4 weeks old right? know theres a lot of variables but i feel like my plants are growing a tad bit lower then they should, probably because I'm having some sort of algae or bacteria boom in my res, its like a white snotty-like substance and it makes my res so foggy that i cant even see my air stone but ill post a couple pics. the pics of the plants from yesterday, sorry they're shitty
I actually have to take off but I will answer tonight.

I would say though think about running some beneficial bacteria to clean out the system. You can go back sterile later if you so choose.
Saw your thread and thought I'd chime in a tip for you. I've found that plants this small require very little water regardless of the medium. Usually I water these with a sprayer with 1/4 strength nutes a few times a day.

I wouldn't even bother running the res. until they're bigger. In the meantime I'd clean it out with hydrogen peroxide and let it run a few hours.

It's going to be a great setup once you get them going! ☺
I actually have to take off but I will answer tonight.

I would say though think about running some beneficial bacteria to clean out the system. You can go back sterile later if you so choose.

alright thanks dude but I'm thinking about it, from what I've read like literally everyone who uses the beneficial bacteria ends up solving their issues but i didn't know it was as easy to switch from sterile to beneficicals then back to sterile, i would think that could shock the plants or atleast be stressful to the plants
Saw your thread and thought I'd chime in a tip for you. I've found that plants this small require very little water regardless of the medium. Usually I water these with a sprayer with 1/4 strength nutes a few times a day.

I wouldn't even bother running the res. until they're bigger. In the meantime I'd clean it out with hydrogen peroxide and let it run a few hours.

It's going to be a great setup once you get them going! ☺
yeah i learned my lesson with that, just sprouted some northern lights and I'm hand watering under a t5 for atleast 2-3weeks before i transplant them to flood and drain but as far as the ak48, i took one of them out of the pot to inspect its roots and their definitely good to be flooded right now, I'm actually seeing some decent growth (not as much as id like)and i only have them at 300ppm right now started feeding them a few days ago but heres a pic of the roots exactly 1 week ago.
Saw your thread and thought I'd chime in a tip for you. I've found that plants this small require very little water regardless of the medium. Usually I water these with a sprayer with 1/4 strength nutes a few times a day.

I wouldn't even bother running the res. until they're bigger. In the meantime I'd clean it out with hydrogen peroxide and let it run a few hours.

It's going to be a great setup once you get them going! ☺
yeah i learned my lesson with that, just sprouted some northern lights and I'm hand watering under a t5 for atleast 2-3weeks before i transplant them to flood and drain but as far as the ak48, i took one of them out of the pot to inspect its roots and their definitely good to be flooded right now, I'm actually seeing some decent growth (not as much as id like)and i only have them at 300ppm right now started feeding them a few days ago but heres a pic of the roots exactly 1 week ago.
Going back and forth is no problem at all. The only problem is trying to run both at the same time...that is just stooopid and we see it on here all the time. People don't realize it.

First they go to the Hydro store which of course sells them on a chiller...why wouldn't they? And then they sell them on some chems like H2O2...why wouldn't they?

Then the grower goes off and buys a complete line of products from some manufacturer. That is because when you read their website it always says there stuff runs best if you buy everything and run it together...why would they say anything else?

Any decent nutrient line has beneficial Microbes for sale. I think Advanced Nutes has 3...I know they have at least 2.

Then people run all that together and then complain that the bacteria does nothing for them. Well duh you killed it immediately.

Now on the other hand I have converted multiple grows on here from sterile to living to clean out the mess and then it is up to them what they want to do. It is fine to dump the res and turn the chiller back on and add in your H2O2 after it is all cleared up. It is also fine to just keep going with some living stuff. I have talked to people who have extremely warm reservoirs with no issues at all...way warmer than I would ever let happen. So in some cases, if you have a hard time keeping it cool, then maybe you ought to just switch over.

But there is nothing about running either that says "from now on I am stuck and can't change". The bacteria I am referring to is not the same stuff that causes problems. It is totally different and prevents the bad ones from living. So breeding a colony of good guys and dumping them in there for a while can only help you. That is just a scientific fact. Now if you do something stupid and dump them in a res that kills them then you just wasted time and money. But if you wait until your next res change and run beneficials at that time you may be amazed how long you can go before your next res change.

yeah well my whole thing was i went into the hydrostore with a list of stuff i needed, grabbed everything on the list and nothing extra. my hydro guy hasn't sold me on one thing yet or even really tried to at all. the only type of additives or nutes i have for my res are maxigro, maxibloom and h2o2 but I'm not having trouble with my temps, i can keep them under 70, right now its 68.4 but summertime I'm fucked lol. but i didn't know you could totally resolve your issues with 1 microbe product, like something like rhizotonic or something like that? i thought you had to get a bunch of shit together to make a microbial army using tea lol but i know beneficial bacteria are the real deal but id rather stick to just h2o2 if i can, id rather just have oxygen and nutes in my tank instead of any bacteria at all and h2o2 is pretty damn cheap for the most part considering you only need like 1-1.4ml per gallon (i use 35%) every few days... but so far so good since the last res change on wednesday. no sign of that stuff or fog yet, i think the 2nd air stone i added (and more powerful air pump) really helped, plus i been keeping on top of the h2o2 doses so think thats been helping a bunch too i just hope this shit stays away
Yeah no... I wans't talking about you really just pointing out be careful. 3 days ago someone wrote on this web site how they were trying to solve something and were using a Bacilius product and then switched to a Glomus product and that worked so they wont use the bacilius product. Well guess what. Those 2 products have nothing to do with each other. In fact you can buy products with both of them together because they do not do the same thing and are good to add together. I can't even think of a good analogy to explain how wrong that is because it is just so disconnected. Those 2 additives do very different unrelated things and both work. So one they were using wrong and clearly the other they needed is all... It like I have a shed on fire so first I tried calling the fireman but they were too busy because we don't pay enough taxes here to have enough of them. So then I tried my garden hose and that worked. Okay so why does that mean fierman don't work?

And the trick to a sterile res is it must stay sterile. Once a big infection goes down it is very difficult to save the plants without using microbes. It is fine to go that way until you have lost control Then to fix it chances are you have to add the microbes is all. If it gets into the roots and the medium then you have to flush and clean that medium somehow.

There is a guy on here right now who did exactly that. He used everything he could to kill off the infection and nothing worked. 24 hours in my tea and his plants are healthy and maintenance free. He left them alone for a long time as he had to leave town and just posted today he returned and they are great. He has a way to remote monitor and the whole time pH was stable and EC right on. That is the main reason for microbes is a healthy stable res. The side benefits are it is the cheapest easiest way to run a DWC and you prevent many problems and increase the growth rate.

This guy had been running sterile for 12 months he said and never had a problem. Then something happened and nothing he tried could get rid of it. So I asked him to start this journal and we took care of it and he is much happier. He may never go back.

Undercurrent RDWC With Compost Tea Grow - First Journal
Yeah no... I wan't talking about you really just pointing out be careful. 3 days ago someone wrote on this web site how they were trying to solve something and were using a Bacilius product and then switched to a Glomus product and that worked so they wont use the bacilius product. Well guess what. Those 2 products have nothing to do with each other. In fact you can buy products with both of them together because they do not do the same thing and are good to add together. I can't even think of a good analogy to explain how wrong that is because it is just so disconnected. Those 2 additives do very different unrelated things and both work. So one they were using wrong and clearly the other they needed is all... It like I have a shed on fire so first I tried calling the fireman but they were too busy because we don't pay enough taxes here to have enough of them. So then I tried my garden hose and that worked. Okay so why does that mean fierman don't work?

And the trick to a sterile res is it must stay sterile. Once a big infection goes down it is very difficult to save the plants without using microbes. It is fine to go that way until you have lost control Then to fix it chances are you have to add the microbes is all. If it gets into the roots and the medium then you have to flush and clean that medium somehow.

There is a guy on here right now who did exactly that. He used everything he could to kill off the infection and nothing worked. 24 hours in my tea and his plants are healthy and maintenance free. He left them alone for a long time as he had to leave town and just posted today he returned and they are great. He has a way to remote monitor and the whole time pH was stable and EC right on. That is the main reason for microbes is a healthy stable res. The side benefits are it is the cheapest easiest way to run a DWC and you prevent many problems and increase the growth rate.

This guy had been running sterile for 12 months he said and never had a problem. Then something happened and nothing he tried could get rid of it. So I asked him to start this journal and we took care of it and he is much happier. He may never go back.

Undercurrent RDWC With Compost Tea Grow - First Journal

yeah that was stupid of that guy lol but thats kind of what scares me about a sterile res is loosing control but i checked out that journal and even though i do flood and drain (I'm thinking it'd still work) I'm wondering what the hell is in that tea? lol.. or did you already say it in this thread? because that guys roots look good as hell
That is my special recipe. I have posted links to it everywhere on here. There is a cool thread IMO in DWC where I was explaining all this to these 2 guys and went out and made the tea and showed with pics step by step. But I don't point people there anymore. It is a long read. A few months later this guys did a real nice post with details about all the stuff in a good tea. At the end of that post I added my refined recipe. So I point people there instead. Saved his grow!

The warnings about it being strong really have to do with your res size and plant health. My tea is more than microbes. It has everything a plant needs including bloom enhancers but is great any time of the grow. So there are nutes in there if you follow it correctly. I basically was pissed at how much Advanced Nutes charges for Bud factor X so I made a concoction that is Voodoo juice Plus Nirvana plus Bud factor X and some more stuff for a few bucks. That'll save you a few hundred bucks a run.

Tea Bag your DWC

I got tons of people using it on here now. All of them happy as a clam and will never stop using it. Some swear by it as saving their grows.
That is my special recipe. I have posted links to it everywhere on here. There is a cool thread IMO in DWC where I was explaining all this to these 2 guys and went out and made the tea and showed with pics step by step. But I don't point people there anymore. It is a long read. A few months later this guys did a real nice post with details about all the stuff in a good tea. At the end of that post I added my refined recipe. So I point people there instead. Saved his grow!

The warnings about it being strong really have to do with your res size and plant health. My tea is more than microbes. It has everything a plant needs including bloom enhancers but is great any time of the grow. So there are nutes in there if you follow it correctly. I basically was pissed at how much Advanced Nutes charges for Bud factor X so I made a concoction that is Voodoo juice Plus Nirvana plus Bud factor X and some more stuff for a few bucks. That'll save you a few hundred bucks a run.

Tea Bag your DWC

I got tons of people using it on here now. All of them happy as a clam and will never stop using it. Some swear by it as saving their grows.

alright thanks man, sounds good, my res seems fine now but I'm definitely going to check it out because I'm sure its only a matter of time before that slimey shit comes back
Yeah to clean it right you have to remove the baskets and wash them good and set aside while you sterilize everything else which is difficult late in the grow.

So much simpler to use a tea.

Make sure when you do you pour it through the baskets. so if you have like 8 baskets and want to put in 16 cups you put 2 cups through each basket so the extra goes into the res but the majority of it hits the medium. In a flood and drain I would do it a few minutes before flood so it gets in there and then you rinse it out into the system.
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