Small issue of wilting


Well-Known Member
I have three plants that are new strain. Untested other than I grew three of them a few months back. One got root rot. One grew really nice and the other I gave away.
It grew nice but was the friends first grow so it did mold as he allowed 66 rh during budding and I'm sure that caused his mold. But otherwise his plant turned out better than mine as far as trich production. Mine Hermied.

The plants are part blueberry pancakes part pistachio auto.

In a mixture of promix bx and promix organic in the black and yellow 2 cubic feet packs. 50/50

Perlite layered small bit at the bottom. Maybe half inch. Then the 50/50 mix. For about 3 inches. Then inch of perlite. Then 2 inches of the 50/50 mix.
Then about inch and a half of perlite then 4 inches of 50/50 mix for the top.

Mixed Dr earth dry veg in the 50/50 mix

Worm castings also mixed into the 50/50 mix at 1.25% nitrogen per the bags recommendation.

I had a 6 pound bag and put two pounds in a mix for 7 gal pots. I did two at a time.

One of the three is in a 5 gal pot with adjusted mix of all to lower for a 5 gal. Just a bit.

Grow started on 5/5/24

Because they were small we didn't water them heavily and I didn't start the clock for the addition of more amendments until 3 days ago I gave them all pot of gold at the required dosing but I do believe it should have been followed exactly even with a small plant.

This is my first outside grow.

I know on my best and biggest looking plant it has minor signs of tunneling bugs. Can't remember there name.

But it's so minor only one line on one leaf and small light brown spots on three leaves. Very small.

The other two show no signs of bugs. I can't find any on them either.

The issue is.....the plants all.had their very bottom first jagged leaf shrivel up.

Stayed green though but did dry out.

The one in the five gal felt pot now appears to be having the same issue as the single segment jagged leaves on an entire node. But it's a small node. But i know if it didn't have this issue it would be much bigger in that spot. It's the first node on the plant but it's shriveling on the top leaves of that node and the bottom leaves.

The rest of the plant is fine. Or so it seems for now.

I just ordered new amendments to switch to. I almost gave them more Dr earth veg but decided if they need nutes I'm switching.

I purchased bud doublin. A friend used it and had not one single issue through his entire grow and it was his second grow. Five plants all turned out perfect.

Since I only gave them pot of gold once and have given them no more amendments.... Would switching be ok now?

In the second photo.....the middle plant Is the one shriveling. Color is good and the leaves shriveling are still green.

Bags are heavy and watered once every three days with one gallon and though I may need more water than that they are not drinking it up fast at this time.

They also get enough air up on the roof. For sure. It's always blowing wind on my roof.

I want deep green leaves from now till budding starts.

Since I believe they will auto I only have a few weeks left to get this right before going into early bud if they auto. But since this is a mixed strain maybe some will not.

Also...should these pots be sitting up on something? So air gets under the pot. Normally they will would be in a drip tray inside. But not needed outside.

on the roof !! sweet hack lol .. :laughtwo:
is that for stealth or light exposure ? i'm not sure they'll remain incognito for long.

they look fantastic to me. i'm assuming they are a little deeper green than in the photos.

you're gonna need waaaaay bigger pots. as mentioned, looks fantastic so far, you're gonna need bigger pots and an aggressive feed plan if staying where you are. good luck with the dr. earth.
on the roof !! sweet hack lol .. :laughtwo:
is that for stealth or light exposure ? i'm not sure they'll remain incognito for long.

they look fantastic to me. i'm assuming they are a little deeper green than in the photos.

you're gonna need waaaaay bigger pots. as mentioned, looks fantastic so far, you're gonna need bigger pots and an aggressive feed plan if staying where you are. good luck with the dr. earth.
A little of both. I have no place in my yard where sun is enough.
But my roof is golden.
Only my back neighbor can see them. But his glasses are reeeeealy thick. So I'm hoping they see my cherry tree and think it's tomatoes.

They do look great. But..being my first time growing outdoors it worried me a bit.

I'm switching from Dr earth to Bud Doublin. The three pack at Amazon

A friend who knows nothing used it and had not one single issue. People say it smells like shit but it's outside on the roof so who cares.

I just saw one of these on the plant ....

Its a nymph but doesn't appear to be the ones in pest guides. They are white in the guide.

They need more nitrogen I'm sure. But they just got a dose. But only a dose of pot of gold which I think is fast acting and is gone in like three days.

My friends mom also grows and she said she tried the bud doublin for the first time and it turned all her plants a darker green and didn't hurt them at all.

So I'm gonna switch.

I think(don't know for sure) that I need to be boosted with nitrogen before they bud so I can cut it back in mid bloom and not get Hermied.

One thing I noticed is the two plants I topped are blowing away the one I didn't top. All the same strain. But it's new so no telling if that has anything to do with it.

And that would mean topping autos is good. Not bad as I've heard from some.

I am wondering if I should top the two I did top again. Just to get more tops even.

I have three plants that are new strain. Untested other than I grew three of them a few months back. One got root rot. One grew really nice and the other I gave away.
It grew nice but was the friends first grow so it did mold as he allowed 66 rh during budding and I'm sure that caused his mold. But otherwise his plant turned out better than mine as far as trich production. Mine Hermied.

The plants are part blueberry pancakes part pistachio auto.

In a mixture of promix bx and promix organic in the black and yellow 2 cubic feet packs. 50/50

Perlite layered small bit at the bottom. Maybe half inch. Then the 50/50 mix. For about 3 inches. Then inch of perlite. Then 2 inches of the 50/50 mix.
Then about inch and a half of perlite then 4 inches of 50/50 mix for the top.

Mixed Dr earth dry veg in the 50/50 mix

Worm castings also mixed into the 50/50 mix at 1.25% nitrogen per the bags recommendation.

I had a 6 pound bag and put two pounds in a mix for 7 gal pots. I did two at a time.

One of the three is in a 5 gal pot with adjusted mix of all to lower for a 5 gal. Just a bit.

Grow started on 5/5/24

Because they were small we didn't water them heavily and I didn't start the clock for the addition of more amendments until 3 days ago I gave them all pot of gold at the required dosing but I do believe it should have been followed exactly even with a small plant.

This is my first outside grow.

I know on my best and biggest looking plant it has minor signs of tunneling bugs. Can't remember there name.

But it's so minor only one line on one leaf and small light brown spots on three leaves. Very small.

The other two show no signs of bugs. I can't find any on them either.

The issue is.....the plants all.had their very bottom first jagged leaf shrivel up.

Stayed green though but did dry out.

The one in the five gal felt pot now appears to be having the same issue as the single segment jagged leaves on an entire node. But it's a small node. But i know if it didn't have this issue it would be much bigger in that spot. It's the first node on the plant but it's shriveling on the top leaves of that node and the bottom leaves.

The rest of the plant is fine. Or so it seems for now.

I just ordered new amendments to switch to. I almost gave them more Dr earth veg but decided if they need nutes I'm switching.

I purchased bud doublin. A friend used it and had not one single issue through his entire grow and it was his second grow. Five plants all turned out perfect.

Since I only gave them pot of gold once and have given them no more amendments.... Would switching be ok now?

In the second photo.....the middle plant Is the one shriveling. Color is good and the leaves shriveling are still green.

Bags are heavy and watered once every three days with one gallon and though I may need more water than that they are not drinking it up fast at this time.

They also get enough air up on the roof. For sure. It's always blowing wind on my roof.

I want deep green leaves from now till budding starts.

Since I believe they will auto I only have a few weeks left to get this right before going into early bud if they auto. But since this is a mixed strain maybe some will not.

Also...should these pots be sitting up on something? So air gets under the pot. Normally they will would be in a drip tray inside. But not needed outside.

Plant risers sold online for different sizes will elevate those pots.
I have played around with plants on house, garage and shed roofs just for the experience of it. They were not Cannabis plants but the problems will be the same. The amounts of sunlight are great but the winds and heat are killer.

They also get enough air up on the roof. For sure. It's always blowing wind on my roof.
Be ready to move the plants back inside if thunderstorms or even just strong winds are predicted. It will be hard enough to keep your balance while carrying something and walking on a sloped roof and windy conditions will not help.

Roofs can become hot, really hot. The larger the plant the more more water that will transpire. Be prepared to water more often.

Yes, it is hard to beat roofs for sunlight.
Are these nymph an issue?

I found two more on the two plants that are now shriveling leaves.

Of course I had to use Dr earth because Amazon screwed me again.

I ordered the bud doublin it's supposed to come in a three pack with grow bloom and micros.

The pack came with two blooms and one micros.

My fortune of course. Forced to use what I didn't want to.

I have one more plant and it's a guzzurple and I won't transplant till the bud Doublin is here

Man they frustrate me with never sending me stuff that works.

I just sent back security cams. Because it kept distorting.

It's mounted so I can see my plants from inside the house and know if an animal is messing around. I have vids of squirrels eating my strawberries on my front porch. 😂 It was hilarious how he was batting at them at digging through the greens to get to hidden berries.

The last three photos are of each of the three. And the issues each are having. All seemingly slightly different.





I just saw one of these on the plant ....

Its a nymph but doesn't appear to be the ones in pest guides. They are white in the guide.
The photo in msg #3 looks like one of the nymph stages for an invasive insect called a Lanternfly. I have gotten the impression that if there is one on a plant then a minor infestation has already started. Look for their egg masses on your plants, on the roof and on nearby trees.

That insect came up in a thread here on 420magazine the other day just a few hours after you started this thread (It must be Kismet)....
Well as usual. Yesterday they all looked good with all having very slight issues.

Then this. Today.

I believed this plant in the five gal would die but the biggest plant is doing ok and has a little of this. But I don't see those lantern flies anywhere today. I put neem oil on them and it rained today and I just went up on the roof and this is what it looked like.......

These are killing my ants fast. This is three days from the first sign to a plant being nearly destroyed. The other two are doing ok. But clearly they are getting on them.

So far it appears I see neem oil may work but also arbico and Captain jacks.

This is forcing me back inside under lights which I wanted to avoid.







This is a nightmare
problem with an open space is once a pest has found them it's easy to invade, and they don't face many predators.
This is unreal.

These plants were perfect. For nearly a month and then it just went boom.

Now...this plant when I saw it's leaves praying straight up in the air and the other two were not doing that it reminded me of my plant that died.

So ...I told my roommate this plant is gonna die. I don't know when but it will.

And here it is dying. And it got water....plenty.

It also was getting watered every third day over a gallon.

We mixed the amendments in the medium and let it go almost three weeks before we gave it pot of gold. Before I gave it the pot of gold liquid it was showing signs of wilting.

I don't see infestation anywhete. There are Zero pests on this plant now and it just keeps going to death.

It was supposed to get another 1/4 cup of dry veg. Amendment. And it's supposed to get that every two weeks. I know what happens if it does t get it because on my first grow I went a month before it got a other dose and they all turned out great.

What would cause this if not peSts?

A bad strain maybe?

My friend when grows says she just dish soaps them when they have pests. But there is no pests on it now and it continues to get worse.

I am hoping it's genetic from being a seed I grew from two plants.

This plant was not topped and the other two were. Same strains all three. Those other two are doing much better but when I finally gave them all another dose of veg Dr earth one of them turned green and the other didn't. It got lighter. But this one? It's shriveling up and I believe if this was a nutrients issue it would be burning up not drying out and shriveling u whole action green

The others are now in a tent and I want to figure out how to get them back outside.

No matter how much I read and spend it's one problem after another.

The other plants and some others.....

I have to keep them here until my room is finished. I am building a room for this.

I may sell all my lights and get a better one too. I got them all for free.

They tried to gaslight me where I bought them and I caught them so they had to pay me to keep them all. I got five for them paying me 200.00 on credit.

Crazy i know. But that should teach them to not lie to me on customer service.

The photo in msg #3 looks like one of the nymph stages for an invasive insect called a Lanternfly. I have gotten the impression that if there is one on a plant then a minor infestation has already started. Look for their egg masses on your plants, on the roof and on nearby trees.

That insect came up in a thread here on 420magazine the other day just a few hours after you started this thread (It must be Kismet)....
I am seeing no infestation anywhere. I've looked all over.

It may be a strain issue. I checked some roots on the dying plant and they seem weaker than they should be. But there is no reason they should have root damage.

It has to be strain related. Those three are a mixed strain. I had issues with the stsiaj the last three I grew. One died as it started budding. The other two both defoliated themselves of the bottom third but one made it and the other I gave to a friend and it made it. But not without trouble.

One problem i think also roommate has me not wateing to run off. But when they were small. And the damage started out of the blue before I gave it any new nutes.

It may be the strain. But if it's not I have the other plants are all from a reputable company. So they should make it. But now I am worried about putting them outside. Because of the possibility I could lose any of them.
Can anyone take a guess what is causing this?
This can't be a deficiency. It has nutrients.

The other plant is really dark green and though it also has some issues the one in the photos below did this in two days.

Photos below are all the same plant.
I will make another post of the second one.

Ya know....this plant strain has yet to be grown without issues.

The only thing that has yet to happen is some good run off. And that will happen. Next watering.

I am watering every third day and it seems the medium I stays moist. 7 gal felt pots and a gallon and a half of water.

Am I under or over watering?

I am definitely switching nutrients. As soon as I can. Would have already done it if Amazon didn't send me the wrong stuff. They always do this to me too.

Edit .....oh wow.. .I touched the big leaf that looked like it's stem was yellowing and it just snapped. It sounded like a fried branch cracking but it's yellowy green and another stem is like that too.
So I am putting a photo of that leaf. It's the strangest thing.

Can a pest cause this to happen from great and perfect to whacked out in three days?

The last two photos are of the leaf that just broke like it was a dried leaf but isn't dried out yet.








This is the issues on the post aboves sister plant. It's darker by a lot and they both have been treated identically.

I just don't get this. These two plants having issues and have no idea what to do. As I never do . Lol






Well as usual. Yesterday they all looked good with all having very slight issues.

Then this. Today.

I believed this plant in the five gal would die but the biggest plant is doing ok and has a little of this. But I don't see those lantern flies anywhere today. I put neem oil on them and it rained today and I just went up on the roof and this is what it looked like.......
I am wondering if the plants showing the problems that you mention (in msg #8) might be caused by a combination of reflected heat plus light off of the roofing shingles.
I am wondering if the plants showing the problems that you mention (in msg #8) might be caused by a combination of reflected heat plus light off of the roofing shingles.
I thought of that myself. But the problem is.... They are looking better and darker green having been brought in the tent but the bottoms of the plants are still getting hard and shriveling.

I really think this is just a case of unstable genetics. And a little nitro tox now that really doesnt worry me.

The plant that died, I knew it was going to. I have a note when it was only a few days old in my journal saying, " This plant is forever in pray mode just like my other plant that seemed to stop growing and took peroxide to get any buds on it."

And it sure enough died.
These are the two that made it.
The one in the back was the big leaf plant. Same strain.
The one in the front was the one with twisted leaves. They are outside being flushed but man did they darken up from another dose of Dr earth veg. Started shown g a bit of signs of burn but not terrible.

I am wondering if when I got this new version of neem oil and sprayed them did I put too much neem in the mix? And could it do that to these plants? The one I was using called for 3.5 teaspoons per 32oz for infeststio. This one called for 2 for infestation but I gave it 3. Wonder if that could cause it.

I just don't think it was the nymph because I never found eggs or others. And only found 10 total between these three plants and my cherry tree and my cherry tree has 2 or 3 of them on it.

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