Southern Hemisphere Midsummer Grow

Yea my water is mostly either just plain water with the right amount of lemon juice to get the pH right, or water with a bit of pee plus an adjusted amount of lemon juice. SOMETIMES I'll add the store bought nutes, but I am switching to the teas for now. But yea the bonemeal has lots of calcium and magnesium as far as I understand, (ok now that I looked up not sure on the magnesium but confirmed on the calcium) and my plants seem to be loving it. The plants that was planted in soil without bonemeal in it (the wooden box) have issues that the others don't seem to have, and their leaves are paler too. As for the tea, I'm going to dilute it. I made a tea with 14 tablespoons of coffee and the same bonemeal. It's like 2 gallons and I'm going to add like 500ml to 5 gals of water. I'll test the pH and see if I still need to add lemon juice or not. Does this sound reasonable or what?
I wouldn't mist them even less during a heat wave. What I recommend Is find some kinda of tarp covering like the stuff they have greenhouse's. Or diy something up to give them a bit of shade also a fan might help as well to keep the air moving. I know it sounds weird but it works. Also avoid misting during hot parts of the day as it will give the leaves burns. If you can water in the morning it would also be a good idea. As well as sometimes wetting the ground under the pot for me I just kept them in the shade during the really hot parts of the day then dumped water on the tiles on the terrace before moving back on it to keep the pots semi cool make sure the roots/pots don't get extremely hot as well I used other plants to shade the pot.
I've got good news, I'm getting a new phone on the 1st. That means moar pics!

I isolated a small plant that just went into veg, and I'm drenching it in pure, undiluted coffee and bonemeal soup. I want to see what happens when a plant is completely overdosed with it. If it just keeps growing like normal I know that I can go wild with the tea, if it dies, then I'd have to be careful with the stuff.
I've got good news, I'm getting a new phone on the 1st. That means moar pics!

I isolated a small plant that just went into veg, and I'm drenching it in pure, undiluted coffee and bonemeal soup. I want to see what happens when a plant is completely overdosed with it. If it just keeps growing like normal I know that I can go wild with the tea, if it dies, then I'd have to be careful with the stuff.

Can't know for sure where the lines are exactly until you cross them. Sacrificing one for the good of the rest sounds like a great idea.
36°C is nothing for cannabis, but any temperature over 30°C will slow down the transpiration hence the metabolism. I'd water them in the morning and in the evening every day and also water more often, that's it. Shade cloth for vegging is useful as well if you expect more heatwaves.
I'm watering daily, picking especially mid afternoon, but with not too much water. I noticed with this heat if I don't give water regularly I get nute burn. I even got burn right on the sun side of a plant this afternoon and nowhere else. I'm thinking as the water heats up and transpires the nutrients get too concentrated, even when I've been watering with nothing but plain water. Some of the soil I mixed up for these guys is a bit hot, and my subsequent transplants where without any added compost, but lots are still in the overly hot soil, so it is making giving these guys nutes tricky. One wants more other wants a flush... It's all good tho, I only want to end up with 20 females, no more, and if I lose a couple it would take some stress away actually. I just HATE losing plants tho. Once I planted a seed I want it to turn into a full grown plant.

I found a few tiny bugs, including the most dreaded mealy white one, on my plants. Luckily at my last trip to the garden store I asked for a food-safe pesticide just for something like this. I used to make all kinds of organic pesticides but my plants never liked them and they rarely solved shit. I have tested it on some of my plants previously with no ill effect, and apparently it's safe to use up to 3 days before harvest. (Not that I'd do that, I'd prefer not to spray ANYTHING once the buds appear, but even if I have to kill during flowering at least I know that if I give it at least 2 weeks and spray my plants down with regular water I'd be good.

So I went ahead and sprayed them all, from the bottom up. Should keep things under control.

The overdosed plant is still ok. Lets see in 2 days tho.
Ok, flushing and organics do not usually mix. What you can flush out are anions of nitrates cause they do not stick to the particles of soil as well as cations of potassium, calcium or phosphorus. You need to cut your mix in half or even more using plain garden soil without any nuts added, and that will satisfy cannabis. Remember that anything you put in there your plants will eventually suck out, and that will influence everything but MOST IMPORTANTLY the quality of your buds. You don't want ugly tasting smoke in the end, believe me.
Thanks for the info on that one. I flushed not to get nutes out but to get the pH right. The pH was too high so I flushed with pH'd water. I then added some nutes back with 1/4 strength 3/2/1 and pee diluted 1:500. This proved too much so I cut the 3/2/1 out and just did the pee, and now I'm switching to the tea, which I am testing to see if it can kill or not. If this dose I gave the plant doesn't kill it then I know the coffee and bonemeal is safe to use in the concentrations I'm planning (1:40)
So some of my transplanted plants seem to be having a bit of strain adjusting to the new environment. Got a bit of burn on the one side... I'm guessing this potting soil is a hot one as it is with nothing in it.

I'm sure it's nothing too much to worry about cause when my best friend's mother saw my plants she called me a scientist... lol People are used to seeing weed with issues I guess. On my next grow I'm going to get my local Agri to order in some soilless mix or something I can work with as a base and build my own soil from something that isn't hot already. I'd like to do some worm compost especially, and get actual worms in my pots to aerate the soil. Maybe if I start a giant worm farm and get that to work through some of this soil mixed with the right kind of composting stuff, I could end up with some super soil.

But for now I'm just going to make sure they get enough soil. I'm sure with a regular watering with pH'd water and mild nutes (the coffee and bonemeal doesn't seem to have any negative effect at all) I'm sure everything will be a-ok. As long as I keep pests away that is.
Ok so I decided to do something crazy. I took my biggest plant, which is a very sativa, probably port st johns, that has been growing a bit too 'airy' for my taste. I fimmed it like crazy. I fimmed the top, and every single branch on it. I have never seen what happens to a plant that has been left this long before topping and then got fimmed all over. This should be good.
Ok suckish news. I can't get my phone till next monday cause it needs to get ordered and shit... Too bad too, cause my plants basically exploded. I also finally got their final containers, and most of the soil. (Shop ran out, and the next shop also ran out... I'm buying up all their stock LOL!)

A few of my plants ended up in their old pots too long and got some damage, especially one that was in a half-see-through container. They are now going into bigger pots and the one in the see through contrainer looks better already now that it's transplanted.
Ok, so this stuff is getting out of control and I'm running out of space that gets enough light. I also just can't provide for this many plants right now, but I just can't kill any of these... I'm going to give them to a really good rasta friend of mine, to plant straight in the ground. They don't know how to grow in containers but they grow great stuff straight in the ground. All the little ones that are in little pots, I'll be taking to his place and I'll fix up his soil for him and plant them, and buy him a ph test kit. I will be keeping everything that is over a foot tall tho.
I'm getting my phone later today YAY! I can't wait to show you guys what my garden looks like now!!! Drop of bad news tho, my biggest plant decided to grow balls. Fucker... It's over a meter tall, and that is after a full on top all over... But balls. Fucking balls...

I'ma spare him till I have my phone and have pics, but then he has to make way for one of the confirmed females that need a bigger pot.
Ok, good news and bad news. Bad news, I'm only getting my phone on fucking friday, good news, I borrowed my gran's. Got some pics. Look at this: (Oh, and the field is post-culling of the two males I found. I only took pics of the biggest one.) I'ma water my plants while this shit uploads.
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