Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow


It smells to high heaven in my garage!! I pulled out the emergency air purifier that I bought and turned it on's seeping into the house..

My wife will freak if she smells that...

Note to self: Run lights on at night and lights off during the day. It doesn't stink with lights off!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Natural Magic-fresh cotton scent odor absorbers from Home Depot for $4 and u cant smell nothin, the only thing u smell is the fresh cotton in the whole room like its a candle or somethin, things work amazing...:tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I had some GDP my last grow and had 2 plants start to turn purple when I turned to 12/12 and the other 3 just started to turn 1 week before their last meal.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

20 Degree swing is all you need for colors, if you can get colors into your garden without dipping below 60 you know your doing things right, ive found color to be bad unless its genetic or unless you stay in that range. I love to shot for 60 degree night temps and 80 during the day.

Keep it Green "or purple" :peacetwo:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

20 Degree swing is all you need for colors, if you can get colors into your garden without dipping below 60 you know your doing things right, ive found color to be bad unless its genetic or unless you stay in that range. I love to shot for 60 degree night temps and 80 during the day.

Keep it Green "or purple" :peacetwo:

Yeah..I don't think I'll go for the purple unless it just happens. We'll see in the next 4 weeks though. GDP is supposed to be an 8 to 9 week finish and I'm past the halfway point.


Day 77 - Flowering Day 30

Well, we had a smell explosion yesterday afternoon. I don't know what happened but I walked into the HOUSE, the box is in the garage, and it stunk in the hallway and laundry room on the way to the garage.

Box mods over the summer are now mandatory. I've got to control the smell better than I am this grow. I think it's cause the exhaust isn't keeping up with the intake.

The air coming out of the fans doesn't smell so that must be it. I've got the intake fan on a speed controller and I'm going to turn it down a bit further and see if that helps.

I also fired up the air purifier too and that is helping. I'm going for the 4" or 6" in fan with a carbon scrubber. I'll build a fan housing, so to speak, to limit the amount of noise it produces.

I'll caulk the box and seal the door area better and that should take care of it. To keep growing the wife has to feel comfortable and stink won't do that!!


Fed Jess this morning. I'm liking the FloraNova nutes. The stink started right after I started using them. Coincidence? Perhaps..


Just some random bud porn. That and a ham sandwich was divine!! :)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I am with you on the wifey thing Bro... Happy wife happy life.

The smell is because you got DANK, good problem to have... lol.

The carbon filter in the garage will work great. I vent my garage with one and it keeps the smell way down... When I smoke in there after about 5 minutes, you can't detect the smell anymore...and its nothing outside, no noise or smell Also the nice thing about carbon filters in the garage is that you can run them when it gets 100+ degrees in there, and they will dry out nicely in the hot dry air, after that they can be reused again because they will only need to dry out to activate again... seems to work 50% efficiency when they get reused. My buddy takes his apart and adds new activated charcoal to them...

The smell will get exponentially stronger. I suggest you get a $8 ono-block and put it in there with them. Ono- chemically changes the smell and I find that ono inside the box puts out a ozone smell on the air being pumped out of the box into the garage. It will smell like laundry in the garage if anything. and help to reduce the obvious blast of ganaga coming henceforth from your special ladies.

like always, :bravo:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I am with you on the wifey thing Bro... Happy wife happy life.

The smell is because you got DANK, good problem to have... lol.

The carbon filter in the garage will work great. I vent my garage with one and it keeps the smell way down... When I smoke in there after about 5 minutes, you can't detect the smell anymore...and its nothing outside, no noise or smell Also the nice thing about carbon filters in the garage is that you can run them when it gets 100+ degrees in there, and they will dry out nicely in the hot dry air, after that they can be reused again because they will only need to dry out to activate again... seems to work 50% efficiency when they get reused. My buddy takes his apart and adds new activated charcoal to them...

The smell will get exponentially stronger. I suggest you get a $8 ono-block and put it in there with them. Ono- chemically changes the smell and I find that ono inside the box puts out a ozone smell on the air being pumped out of the box into the garage. It will smell like laundry in the garage if anything. and help to reduce the obvious blast of ganaga coming henceforth from your special ladies.

like always, :bravo:

But won't the girls pick up the smell of ona??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

But won't the girls pick up the smell of ona??


I've asked that same question before...and from what I've read, a lot of people have used it with no problems and a lot of people said don't put it in the box, set it outside. VERY confusing!

Also, I now know how you felt when you were told to flush with a LOT of water. I was asking about OC+ on the discussion thread and when DocBud told me to "make it rain" with 5 gallons for each plant I froze like a deer in headlights and thought, "Are you screwing with me?" :). I know he wasn't but it made me nervous as hell! I'm going to trust him and give it a shot tonight.... but I'm still a little nervous.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I've asked that same question before...and from what I've read, a lot of people have used it with no problems and a lot of people said don't put it in the box, set it outside. VERY confusing!

Also, I now know how you felt when you were told to flush with a LOT of water. I was asking about OC+ on the discussion thread and when DocBud told me to "make it rain" with 5 gallons for each plant I froze like a deer in headlights and thought, "Are you screwing with me?" :). I know he wasn't but it made me nervous as hell! I'm going to trust him and give it a shot tonight.... but I'm still a little nervous.


Maybe the people who said don't do it have never done it! I've heard the same thing...makes sense that the herb would pick up the smell...coming from McCrackin though must mean he's done it..

Flush baby...flush...I just put 7 gallons through both of my girls again and they LOVE IT!!

Whenever I change cycles and nutes..I flush. Jorge recommends flushing every 30 days with 2 to 3 times the volume of the pot.

Get after it baby...the gurlz will LOVE it!!

Scared the SHIT out of me first time though...all the talk about over watering means something completely different than flushing.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

i dont know if i said it on here but i went and baught the cheaper version of the ona shit, its call Natural Magic - brushed cotton, it works like crazy, in the beggining of the grow i was gonna buy one of them fans with the filter and all that shit but i was like let me try this shit first before i got spendin all this money, now look never got the fan and im still usin this stuff, u see i got four plants and all u can smell in my room is clean clothes, and i got it from home depot for $4 a container, try it, i promise you wont be disapointed.. u see how my cab is built, i have the container sittin ontop of my cab in the back where the fan can pull it so glad i baught this stuff before buyin that damn fan, sooooo glad!!!! :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

i dont know if i said it on here but i went and baught the cheaper version of the ona shit, its call Natural Magic - brushed cotton, it works like crazy, in the beggining of the grow i was gonna buy one of them fans with the filter and all that shit but i was like let me try this shit first before i got spendin all this money, now look never got the fan and im still usin this stuff, u see i got four plants and all u can smell in my room is clean clothes, and i got it from home depot for $4 a container, try it, i promise you wont be disapointed.. u see how my cab is built, i have the container sittin ontop of my cab in the back where the fan can pull it so glad i baught this stuff before buyin that damn fan, sooooo glad!!!! :tokin:

I'll take a look at that bro...thanks for the rep. I'm a little freaked by the smell and I'm going to need to make some box mods now cause it's only going to get worse.

I'll check into that stuff...thanks bro!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow


Maybe the people who said don't do it have never done it! I've heard the same thing...makes sense that the herb would pick up the smell...coming from McCrackin though must mean he's done it..

Flush baby...flush...I just put 7 gallons through both of my girls again and they LOVE IT!!

Whenever I change cycles and nutes..I flush. Jorge recommends flushing every 30 days with 2 to 3 times the volume of the pot.

Get after it baby...the gurlz will LOVE it!!

Scared the SHIT out of me first time though...all the talk about over watering means something completely different than flushing.


He recommended watering with 5 gals each if I added OC+. I think BlueDog mentioned the same thing about making it rain but I need to figure out a replacement for the cal-mag if I do that. Don't you use dolomite lime for that?

Oh and are you pHing the water when flushing? Doc said for my 5 gal pots it wasn't needed which is awesome... But not about when using the "rain" method. I didn't pH the Distilled water either and the girls were fine. Guys like Doc and Blue are really a blessing when you are a new grower.

And you my friend are always a big help and a positive force, so a great big :Namaste: to you!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

He recommended watering with 5 gals each if I added OC+. I think BlueDog mentioned the same thing about making it rain but I need to figure out a replacement for the cal-mag if I do that. Don't you use dolomite lime for that?

Oh and are you pHing the water when flushing? Doc said for my 5 gal pots it wasn't needed which is awesome... But not about when using the "rain" method. I didn't pH the Distilled water either and the girls were fine. Guys like Doc and Blue are really a blessing when you are a new grower.

And you my friend are always a big help and a positive force, so a great big :Namaste: to you!

You crazy man you!! :Namaste:

Making it rain?? Is that a method of some kind or does he just mean flushing??

I do use dolomite and I top dressed that in. It's done exactly what I needed it to do. Your nutes should have enough cal/mag in them so you don't run short. I wouldn't worry about that.

You're going to nute the last gallon right??

I didn't ph my water on the first flush but I did ph on my second serious flush...I think doc's right, I didn't see a difference.

In the future, I'll ph the last gallon or something just to make sure I'm not over cooked.

I just stuck my arm in my box to turn down the intake fan and when I pulled my arm out it smelled like the dankest shit I've ever smelled wonder the house stinks..

I've got to figure this smell thing out. I'm going to be running a 50 gallon ona bucket here if I don't!! Suka also had another suggestion I might try too.

Box mods!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Making it rain?? Is that a method of some kind or does he just mean flushing??

let the soil dry up then water heavy to simulate rain (I'm guessing here)

You're going to nute the last gallon right??
I am now :)

In the future, I'll ph the last gallon or something just to make sure I'm not over cooked.

Exactly what I was thinking :high-five:

I just stuck my arm in my box to turn down the intake fan and when I pulled my arm out it smelled like the dankest shit I've ever smelled wonder the house stinks..

That is both good and bad 99% good and 1% bad!

I've got to figure this smell thing out. I'm going to be running a 50 gallon ona bucket here if I don't!! Suka also had another suggestion I might try too.

Box mods!!


You'll get it brother, I wish I had more ideas...I'll smoke and get back to you ;)
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

That is both good and bad 99% good and 1% bad!

You'll get it brother, I wish I had more ideas...I'll smoke and get back to you ;)

HA! Exactly...99% good and 1% bad!! Awesome!

I think I've got it. I don't think my carbon filters are working as well as I'd like so I went out and got a bunch of stuff to funnel all exhausts into an ona bucket (s).

Let's hope it works!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey Giantsfan - I'm not remembering your box completely, but have you tried not having an intake fan? If you focus all your energy on exhausting the air, you'll create a negative pressure that will make your passive intakes sufficient most of the time. What if you took that fan you are using for intake and used it somehow to help exhaust? I think this could help you out with smell, and in ideal world you shouldn't need the intake fan.

:goodluck: X

Edit - this assumes the carbon filters on your exhaust are working sufficiently...
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey Giantsfan - I'm not remembering your box completely, but have you tried not having an intake fan? If you focus all your energy on exhausting the air, you'll create a negative pressure that will make your passive intakes sufficient most of the time. What if you took that fan you are using for intake and used it somehow to help exhaust? I think this could help you out with smell, and in ideal world you shouldn't need the intake fan.

:goodluck: X

Edit - this assumes the carbon filters on your exhaust are working sufficiently...

You know, I read this about an hour ago and thought that there was a very good reason I put that intake fan in there.

Now that I've thought about it a bit're right. The cfm of the intake fan is higher than one of the exhaust fans and the same as the other exhaust fan. But the intake fan is on a speed controller and it's never up to full speed.

The hole for the intake fan is fine for a passive intake. I could switch the fan from the intake to the exhaust, leave the housing and hole open for passive intake. Although I am creating negative pressure with the intake fan on low it would really be negative without the intake fan altogether.

I designed ducting last night for multiple intakes to my ona bucket and bought another bucket to build another. All of my exhaust fans will go into ona buckets.

I can't smell any pot through the carbon filters at all. My wife said she could but I don't trust her nose. It smells totally clean to me.

The light exhaust has no filter on it at all. I thought cause it was sealed that it wouldn't stink but I guess I was wrong about that. I think that's my culprit.

Dank skunk is insidious. It gets out everywhere!! Thank GAWD!!! LOL

Tweaking this box takes so much time....good thing I prepped last night.

Thanks xlr8 for spurring thought!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Wow so much stuff has happened since I last checked out your journal. Those buds look incredible. It's funny that you mention the smell through the filter. I also have a filter and ona going right now and I can't smell anything. However, when someone comes over that doesn't live in my house, they ask what that faint smell is. I think we get so used to the smell that we can't pick it up after a while. I would trust the wife's nose dude, :sorry:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Wow so much stuff has happened since I last checked out your journal. Those buds look incredible. It's funny that you mention the smell through the filter. I also have a filter and ona going right now and I can't smell anything. However, when someone comes over that doesn't live in my house, they ask what that faint smell is. I think we get so used to the smell that we can't pick it up after a while. I would trust the wife's nose dude, :sorry:

I am and that's why if I want to continue to grow, even just a couple of paltry ladies, I'll have to get a handle on it. I just reworked all the ventilation like I mentioned in one of my last posts and I most certainly have a ton of negative pressure now..

I've got 230cfm of computer fans sucking air out and also the exhaust for the light is now routed to the ona bucket. Got one more ona bucket to build, just need the lid to the bucket, and I'm all set.

If this doesn't handle the smell, I don't know what will..(natural magic??)

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