Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

hey man I scanned over the first page, didn't find overall dimensions on the cab you're using..would u mind posting that up?

Sure...I may not have posted it here.

Generally it's 3' wide x 2' deep x 4' tall.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

They are beautiful! Man I wish my screen was scratch and sniff!

I'm excited for you sir, seems like yesterday we were talking about lights and box setups and look at you now... Getting ready to harvest some awesome buds!

Great job, you should feel proud!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Well, the odor is officially out of control. I can't control it with my current setup.

I have reworked almost all of the ventilation and the filters aren't doing the job. Nothing is working, not ona, not an air purifier..nothing..

If I can't control this, I can't grow plain and simple.

My wife isn't happy and neither am I...damn it!! :)

I refuse to pull them early and my wife is ok with it lasting a couple weeks. My inlaws are out of town and we aren't expecting guests so I guess I'll be ok for this grow but don't know if I'll be able to work this again...

So sucks...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Yeah, I'm sorry too. It sucks to have a problem when it's caused by doing something really your grow. I met a guy a long time ago that vented his grow through a loose bale of hay mixed with fresh alfalfa... you couldn't smell anything and he grew a LOT of plants. I realize that this may not help you much, but after eveything you've tried...I'm running low on ideas! :)

Hey...Can you access your roof through your garage? Mr Krip and I were just discussing venting high into the air so that the smell gets blown up and away or rises before the smell can be detected. When I first started growing I thought I was smelling my girls when I was outside, but now I think it has to be my girls smell totally different.

My room is vented into the attic, then gets pulled out through the roof vents and you can't smell anything. I'm not using any type of filter and my girls are stinky! Everytime I come out of the grow room my wife sniffs me like those people sniff pillows, couches and carpet in a Febreeze commercial :rofl:

I hope a solution is close for you my man!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Damn sorry to hear that. I hope you can work it out during your off-season.

Yeah, I'm sorry too. It sucks to have a problem when it's caused by doing something really your grow. I met a guy a long time ago that vented his grow through a loose bale of hay mixed with fresh alfalfa... you couldn't smell anything and he grew a LOT of plants. I realize that this may not help you much, but after eveything you've tried...I'm running low on ideas! :)

Hey...Can you access your roof through your garage? Mr Krip and I were just discussing venting high into the air so that the smell gets blown up and away or rises before the smell can be detected. When I first started growing I thought I was smelling my girls when I was outside, but now I think it has to be my girls smell totally different.

My room is vented into the attic, then gets pulled out through the roof vents and you can't smell anything. I'm not using any type of filter and my girls are stinky! Everytime I come out of the grow room my wife sniffs me like those people sniff pillows, couches and carpet in a Febreeze commercial :rofl:

I hope a solution is close for you my man!

Thanks guys..

I'm going to have to muddle through this grow and then make major box changes. I can't fuck around with the computer fans and homemade filters. I'll have to go with products meant for the purpose of growing.

Right now, we're renting and I can't cut holes in the ceiling although that is a stellar idea. Wish I could believe me.

I'll do my best to mask it for sure...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Brainstorming options for you…
Use these in a combo pack.
GET a 4” accordion air vent for like $9 at home depot. Attach it to your exhaust and run an extra 25+ feet of exhaust tubing… put chunks of cut ono-block in the tube ever 5 feet. This will help dissipate the ono over more volume of air over time… this will help a lot.
You can then run the exhaust into a box filled with charcoal briskets for the bbq. Don’t use the ones that have been soaked in lighter fluid, oh and the ones that are mesquite are better that the normal ones. This is a great way to change the conditions for the exit air.
Exhaust can run into a litter box with fresh armor-hammer, best if it is not being used by cat…
Run exhaust into a box filled with dryer static sheets. This helps too.
The best is to extend and contain your vent air into a 40+ foot accordion tube and then run it into one of the above filters. The charcoal briskets unsoaked in mesquite are the best idea. This contains your air for much more time and allows the chunk-o-ono every few feet do a better job of changing the air composition.
You can go out there every few hours and smoke some tobacco cigar. It helps cut smell a lot. Not cigarettes because you need the tobacco paper.
Lysol bathroom spray… forget citrus, MOUNTAIN BERRY works better.
What is the best is osmium, buy it at the auto parts store. It is like Lysol but different. It helps cut smell… with ozone smell. Get this in lemon.
You can use glade pluggins get two of them for $4 at lowes. Plug both into garage. Get the ones for pets.
You could burn incense, I find cloves smell helps cut the traffic. Not hempy or cedar… but cloves are ok.
If it gets really bad, you can wait until 2:30 am and vent to the street… I do not recommend this… its like spreading nuclear radiation until you have those plants gone… If its bad now think about when you harvest and have to cut… but a vent to the street can help reduce your overall inside the surrounding area smell.
A spendy option is to buy another carbon filter and inline fan and vent the surrounding area with the new carbon filter… I usually put a brand new carbon filter in the box 3 weeks before harvest… just so that the new filter handles it....
The other thing is to make sure you have a vent in the surrounding area that keeps the air from getting into the house. A small window fan or something that flows out of the surrounding area is best to keep the air from traveling in the house when you open the door.
WISHING YOU THE BEST… LET us know what you do…
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Brainstorming options for you...
Use these in a combo pack.
GET a 4" accordion air vent for like $9 at home depot. Attach it to your exhaust and run an extra 25+ feet of exhaust tubing... put chunks of cut ono-block in the tube ever 5 feet. This will help dissipate the ono over more volume of air over time... this will help a lot.
You can then run the exhaust into a box filled with charcoal briskets for the bbq. Don't use the ones that have been soaked in lighter fluid, oh and the ones that are mesquite are better that the normal ones. This is a great way to change the conditions for the exit air.
Exhaust can run into a litter box with fresh armor-hammer, best if it is not being used by cat...
Run exhaust into a box filled with dryer static sheets. This helps too.
The best is to extend and contain your vent air into a 40+ foot accordion tube and then run it into one of the above filters. The charcoal briskets unsoaked in mesquite are the best idea. This contains your air for much more time and allows the chunk-o-ono every few feet do a better job of changing the air composition.
You can go out there every few hours and smoke some tobacco cigar. It helps cut smell a lot. Not cigarettes because you need the tobacco paper.
Lysol bathroom spray... forget citrus, MOUNTAIN BERRY works better.
What is the best is osmium, buy it at the auto parts store. It is like Lysol but different. It helps cut smell... with ozone smell. Get this in lemon.
You can use glade pluggins get two of them for $4 at lowes. Plug both into garage. Get the ones for pets.
You could burn incense, I find cloves smell helps cut the traffic. Not hempy or cedar... but cloves are ok.
If it gets really bad, you can wait until 2:30 am and vent to the street... I do not recommend this... its like spreading nuclear radiation until you have those plants gone... If its bad now think about when you harvest and have to cut... but a vent to the street can help reduce your overall inside the surrounding area smell.
A spendy option is to buy another carbon filter and inline fan and vent the surrounding area with the new carbon filter... I usually put a brand new carbon filter in the box 3 weeks before harvest... just so that the new filter handles it....
The other thing is to make sure you have a vent in the surrounding area that keeps the air from getting into the house. A small window fan or something that flows out of the surrounding area is best to keep the air from traveling in the house when you open the door.
WISHING YOU THE BEST... LET us know what you do... rock!! LOL Thanks for all the suggestions.

The filters are doing some good they just aren't taking care of everything. I opened up a little tuperware container and filled it with ona.

Not in the bucket but just open..I couldn't smell anything and the ona wasn't over powering.

I have to sort this out if I want to continue growing. It's a good thing my wife is a little understanding. If she got high, it would be even better but she doesn't really and therefore...houston we have an issue!

Anyway...I've got only 2 or so weeks left so I'll make something up!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Does it smell as strong when it's drying?? It seems to get bad around 3 to about 530 or 6pm...lights doesn't smell...

Is that normal??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Smoke Report

So Jess has been curing for just a couple days but was dry enough to sample last night...


When they say that clear trichomes produce a heady, cerebral high, they aren't kidding...GEEZ US!!!

I took two light hits and got stoned as hell. This early, the smoke is a little harsh and she'll have to sit for a few weeks at least until I try her again. This could also be because I didn't flush but once before I pulled her.

The smoke was clean, the high was heady and potent. I'm shocked to be sure. The harshness makes me think she dried too quickly but that's not the case. She was in a shoe box and paper bag for a full 7 days and wasn't totally dry when I put her up in mason jars...

She just needs some curing and she'll be awesome!! I've noticed that she smells different after just a couple days of curing than she did before I put her up. Can't wait for a couple more weeks to pass!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 91 - Flowering Day 44

Aside from the issues with smell, which I've now got a semi handle on, this has been a fabulous grow.

Jess turned out to get me higher than shit...can't wait to cure her another couple weeks to even out the harshness...not really harsh just a little....and see how she smokes after that.

The trichs were mostly cloudy this morning so I'm starting my 10 day harvest cycle. I had a few amber heads popping up too so it feels like it's the right time.

I'll flush later today and feed with something sweet. Need to stop by the hydro store and pick up a couple things anyway so I'll pick up some sweetener for the last 10 days.

My plan is to flush them a couple times in the next 7 days then let them dry out for 4 days..the last 24 hours of which will be all dark then chop.

I'm very excited to be near the end of this grow!! Need to figure out the box to continue but I'm sure I will.

Oh and it's getting SO purple!!



This is going to be some really good smoke..I know it is!! I'm actually shocked how well Jess turned out..:thedoubletake: I just figured that pulling her early like that wouldn't produce much if anything in the high department but alas it was very nice.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Sweet, you got to smoke what you grew!:high-five:. Now just think how high you're gonna get off of the other two girls!:lot-o-toke:

Those buds are looking like they are getting nice and tight. You are in the home stretch now brother! :cheer:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I'm glad to hear that you got higher than shit on Jess. I thought the potency would be weak so this is a nice surprise. Give her 2-3 weeks in a jar (if she lasts that long) and she will be a nice smooth smoke. Once again, congrats on smoking your own herb.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Sweet, you got to smoke what you grew!:high-five:. Now just think how high you're gonna get off of the other two girls!:lot-o-toke:

Those buds are looking like they are getting nice and tight. You are in the home stretch now brother! :cheer:

I'm glad to hear that you got higher than shit on Jess. I thought the potency would be weak so this is a nice surprise. Give her 2-3 weeks in a jar (if she lasts that long) and she will be a nice smooth smoke. Once again, congrats on smoking your own herb.

Totally crazy...I thought the same thing..that she would not be potent without going to full term but was good..she needs to cure for a while though.

Making a last minute decision to pull her without flushing but once left her a bit harsh unfortunately. Not going that way with the other girls. Flushing now..pure water from here on.

Went to the hydro store, the largest in the Sac region, and talked to them about my odor issue. When I said computer fans and homemade filters the guy, who I know and respect, looked at me and rolled his eyes...."yeah!" he says.

They are working just not good enough. So the plan is to rebuild the back of the box and install a new fan (4" 180 cfm) and filter (Phresh carbon filter) for one exhaust then have the light exhaust system. I've got to figure out how to seal up the light system so it doesn't leak odor.

If the negative pressure is greater to the box exhaust than to the light exhaust, should I worry about odor leaks in a sealed light exhaust?

Something tells me that if the box exhaust cfm, running constantly, is greater than that of the light exhaust system then I shouldn't have an odor issue right??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

If the light is sealed problem. But if any air passes through it, smell can pass through it. If you only have one exit for the air that is pulled out of the box then you should have no problem :)

It would almost need to be in a chain....Filter>>Ducting>>light>>ducting>>fan>>exit air. Does that make sense?
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

If the light is sealed problem. But if any air passes through it, smell can pass through it. If you only have one exit for the air that is pulled out of the box then you should have no problem :)

It would almost need to be in a chain....Filter>>Ducting>>light>>ducting>>fan>>exit air. Does that make sense?

Yeah the problem is connecting the light in such a way that makes sure that the exhaust from the light, heat, gets filtered on it's way out of the box...

Carbon filters only have one point of connection. Filter>Fan>Exhaust outside the box.

I've got to find a way to filter the air coming out of the light exhaust. Like an inline filter of sorts, one that actually works.

I don't want to half ass this and need to get it right. It's clear what I've been doing is only kind of working rather than working full on..

So I think here is where we get into McCrackin's a box that is full of carbon, line it with other filtering material and run the ducting into that.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

GF, I too am finding out how much of a pain in the ass good ventilation is to keep up with one point of exit through a restrictive filter. LOL

I'll get it figured out, even if I have to use these inlines to keep air moving...when I get some money, I want to build a box for the can-fan and put it on top of my cabinet to get it out of veg, that way I can utilize heats natural ability to rise instead of fighting it.

It is a pain isn't it? I know something will work it just a matter of discovering it. I know it's been done before.

You just can't go homemade, or I can't, when it comes to odor control. I've got to shell out the $200 for a good system. (maybe not quite that much)

That way, everyone is happy. :)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

If you look at most grow rooms, they vent THROUGH the light so that they only have to run one set of ducting.

I noticed that but then how is it filtered? I guess I don't understand how that works. I'd love to run just one duct..

Is the fan pushing the air through the filter or pulling from the filter through the fan? If you're pushing it through the filter then sure you can hook up an intake duct that goes...

outside air>duct>light>duct>fan>filter

Will it work that way? Aren't the filters designed for air to be pulled through it? If it is that way, the filter would have to be outside the box rather than inside the box?

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I noticed that but then how is it filtered? I guess I don't understand how that works. I'd love to run just one duct..

Is the fan pushing the air through the filter or pulling from the filter through the fan? If you're pushing it through the filter then sure you can hook up an intake duct that goes...

outside air>duct>light>duct>fan>filter

Will it work that way? Aren't the filters designed for air to be pulled through it? If it is that way, the filter would have to be outside the box rather than inside the box?


If your light is pass-through (like a cool tube) you could put the filter on the light then use the fan to suck out the smell while cooling the light at the same time.

Yeah...what hemp said!
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