Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Thanks Suka...

This is kind of the boring part of the grow...waiting for the trich's to change...watching the buds get bigger and frostier...I mean...

I'm just watching the grass grow...


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 86 - Flowering Day 39

Not much to report. Watered with full nutes. Went back to the original nutes I was using with a slightly higher ph.

Watered to runoff. Baby's runoff was about a 1/2 of Dorothy's. Dorothy was about 20% and Baby about 10%.

Didn't check trich's today. I did yesterday and they were clear. I will check on Monday, the beginning of week 7.

I'm expecting over the next 2 weeks the buds will fatten up. They have been rather sluggish over the last 2 weeks. Changing nutes and higher temps were the only differences. There has been some fattening but it's been nominal I feel.

The weather is supposed to be normal, in the 60's, over the next couple of weeks. Great timing for me as the box runs about 10 degrees, give or take, than the ambient in the garage which tends to run cooler than outdoors. That should bode VERY well for the stretch run.

GDP is suppose to finish in 8 to 9 weeks. We'll see.

Good news is the RH is finally under control. It rained last night and ambient humidity was quite high but in the box it wasn't. Thank gawd for the mini dehumidifier! It really works.



Questions? Comments? All are welcome!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Don't worry about the yellowing at this stage of the grow my friend. Since trichs were still clear, it's good that you gave them nutes. They are looking really good.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

lol thats crazy, everybody has the same microscope and the same thermometer/hydrometer, i think that thing works great, i love it !!!! :thumb:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Don't worry about the yellowing at this stage of the grow my friend. Since trichs were still clear, it's good that you gave them nutes. They are looking really good.

Yeah I am a bit far down the line huh? Can't believe it actually. I'm going to do so many things differently on my next grow..might even use OC+...

Any drawbacks for you using oc+?

lol thats crazy, everybody has the same microscope and the same thermometer/hydrometer, i think that thing works great, i love it !!!! :thumb:

I'm not sure how accurate it is but it is a nice all in one package isn't it??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks like the flowers are eating the leaves :morenutes: By eat I mean they are slowly being engulfed by the flowers... Kinda like what happens to a pair of shorts on a fat girl :rofl: rrragghrrr

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks like the flowers are eating the leaves :morenutes: By eat I mean they are slowly being engulfed by the flowers... Kinda like what happens to a pair of shorts on a fat girl :rofl: rrragghrrr


Oh that is such a suck visual but I SO get it!! LOL

Your flowers and hemp's flowers aren't eating their leaves....but I'm not going to stress too much..I'm going to get me some Hygrozyme...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 87 - Flowering Day 40

Houston, we have purple! I noticed today that there is a little purple coming through on the leaves.

I think these plants really prefer the nutes I was using over the FloraNova nutes I switched to.

It appears that they look a little more vigorous this morning and stretching a little bit toward the light.

Temps have been lower and I think that helps as well with this strain. According to what I've read, it really prefers the mid to low 70's.



They are looking better today. We're getting close now! Gotta build a bud dryer for the box!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I just love the look of healthy Indica! Those girls look like the swelling is still on overdrive. Here comes the goodness my man!

Great job, you should be proud. Plus next time around you will be armed with the wealth of knowledge you gained from this great grow.

Great work!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Any drawbacks for you using oc+?

Your flowers and hemp's flowers aren't eating their leaves....

Hey GF, from my limited experience using OC+ I can tell you that there are only a couple drawbacks to using it. One would be that you really can't control what nutes your girls are getting, but I think that OC+ is a balanced fertilizer and as such provides what is needed.

Another drawback I think is the fact that the excess N in the plants that should be getting used up at the end of flowering is not used up because the OC+ is still providing N up until you chop. What I'm going to do though to combat that is I'm going to dry them up before I chop them. And when I harvest, I will keep the plant intact and dry it that way for at least a week. I'll just cut it and hang it up. It's more difficult to trim it afterwards but I believe it dries/cures better this way. Hope this helps.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

i dont know if it was on here or not but i read that somebody said to put it in teabags that way at the end u can take it out before ur ready to harvest that way at the end it wont be in there...i have no idea which thread i read that on...
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF, from my limited experience using OC+ I can tell you that there are only a couple drawbacks to using it. One would be that you really can't control what nutes your girls are getting, but I think that OC+ is a balanced fertilizer and as such provides what is needed.

Another drawback I think is the fact that the excess N in the plants that should be getting used up at the end of flowering is not used up because the OC+ is still providing N up until you chop. What I'm going to do though to combat that is I'm going to dry them up before I chop them. And when I harvest, I will keep the plant intact and dry it that way for at least a week. I'll just cut it and hang it up. It's more difficult to trim it afterwards but I believe it dries/cures better this way. Hope this helps.

That makes sense. I think that the tea bag idea would be the solution to that but then you'd probably have to have bloom nutes after you pull the tea bags out wouldn't you?

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I don't have a picture update but I just looked in on the girls and the purple is coming through even more today than yesterday...

I'm assuming I'm getting closer to harvest...will start doing a little trimming tomorrow to clear out some room for lower buds..

Did just a little bit today, not much..

Tomorrow is trich check and clearing out some leaves that look distressed and are in the way of lower bud development....

As of tomorrow, I'm in the final two weeks of flower according the 95% of the sources I've read, the weather is cooperating and the rh is in the perfect range...

How fortuitous is that??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks good and I say do a little trimming. I would think you would be watering a lot these days... So just water them a ton,let them dry out, then at the hottest part of their day add bloom nutes to 450 ppm, or 1/2 tsp per gallon. Then water with that... They will poof up by the day...

The yellowing is sign your frills are almost done... You don't want chloroflavor but a bit of green or n late stage helps flavor...

I would just be patient. so I would say, go two more weeks adding bloom nutes, then week of flushing every day then a three to four days to dry out soil completely then a week of minimal watering... The flavor will be perfect... Harvest, like may 7, 2011 that's a Saturday...
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks good and I say do a little trimming. I would think you would be watering a lot these days... So just water them a ton,let them dry out, then at the hottest part of their day add bloom nutes to 450 ppm, or 1/2 tsp per gallon. Then water with that... They will poof up by the day...

The yellowing is sign your frills are almost done... You don't want chloroflavor but a bit of green or n late stage helps flavor...

I would just be patient. so I would say, go two more weeks adding bloom nutes, then week of flushing every day then a three to four days to dry out soil completely then a week of minimal watering... The flavor will be perfect... Harvest, like may 7, 2011 that's a Saturday...

Wow..that sounds wonderful! Thanks for the input!

Day 89 - Flowering Day 42

The purple hues are now pretty visible whereas before it was just a tinge.

They were also dry as a bone! That was strange as they usually go 3 days between watering. The runoff was exactly the same amount but I was very surprised how light they were when I picked them up this morning.

They are beginning to smell a little stronger now. From my estimation, I've got about 2 weeks to go..maybe 3 weeks.

Trich's are just starting to turn milky. I've got just a few that are looking like they are going amber but that isn't the norm at all. Should have milky trichs by the end of the week.

When I get milky..I'm in full on harvest nutes.

I did do a little trimming this morning and culled out some of the leaves that were in the undergrowth and dead. It occurs to me that I water to 25% runoff I may have leached the nitro out of my soil and that could explain the premature yellowing that started just after I started 12/12.

I got some good pics this morning, check out the purps!!


mmmm very tasty looking I think!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

they look real good, and the purple looks crazy, i think im gonna start germin some seeds and gettin this second grow on the ball... cant wait cause i know this grow is gonna be way better then the first...but way to go bro harvest is right around the corner!!! :thumb:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Wow they are looking great my friend. I love it when plants turn purple. It's great sight for sure. I'm so excited for you and for your harvest. Another 3 weeks sounds just about right. :goodjob:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

they look real good, and the purple looks crazy, i think im gonna start germin some seeds and gettin this second grow on the ball... cant wait cause i know this grow is gonna be way better then the first...but way to go bro harvest is right around the corner!!! :thumb:

Wow they are looking great my friend. I love it when plants turn purple. It's great sight for sure. I'm so excited for you and for your harvest. Another 3 weeks sounds just about right. :goodjob:

Thanks's crazy that I just noticed the purple coming in on Friday when I watered last.

I can't wait to harvest this "crop".

By the way, Jess is dried and is curing. I'll let her sit about 2 weeks then give her a smoke and see if there is any affect. She weighed out at about a 1/4 oz after being dried for 7 days.

I also turned my scrog frame into a drying rack for my box. I'll put the trim in paper bags underneath and put the buds on the rack on top of newspaper or something similar.

It's looking like a minimum of a 4 oz harvest from this. Crazy...but we'll see.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

What are you planning on doing with the trim?

And yeah, you'll have at least 4 zips dude.

I was thinking of making brownies with it. I like edibles and am more likely to chogie down one of those bad boys rather than smoke a j...or bong.

I'm new to vaporizing and hash seems like time I don't want to spend so..brownies baby!! :)

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