Thank you Mr. Krip and nooby. I'm much better today. Life and death go hand in hand. It's always difficult to see those younger than you go first and it's frustrating being so informed and having no influence over the situation other than prayer - not something to be lightly dismissed, but you understand what I mean.

Hello all, my part Good Morning all :)

I know the feeling ( my cousin 27) Does your cousin WANT to take cbd oil?

I was busy spreading some reps :) Thank you CC for telling me
Hello all, my part Good Morning all :)

I know the feeling ( my cousin 27) Does your cousin WANT to take cbd oil?

I was busy spreading some reps :) Thank you CC for telling me

I was told it's too late. It's not something you intrude on. They know I'm here.

Good morning. It's almost my bedtime now. :laughtwo:
I was told it's too late. It's not something you intrude on. They know I'm here.

Good morning. It's almost my bedtime now. :laughtwo:
Well, it is their choice and yes you cant push if they don't want it.
But it is hard to know you have the "relief or possible cure" and they say no.

The friend I will help now with cancer, she smokes already, but I want to make oil for her to medicate daily (morning/noon/evening)..not just a joint a day.
Well, it is their choice and yes you cant push if they don't want it.
But it is hard to know you have the "relief or possible cure" and they say no.

The friend I will help now with cancer, she smokes already, but I want to make oil for her to medicate daily (morning/noon/evening)..not just a joint a day.

Good. A joint isn't getting her more than pain relief. She needs cannabinoids in much larger numbers.
I've been using a high THC pain cream on patches of psoriasis I have scattered around my body. It's too dark to get decent pictures of my feet, which are beginning to heal right nicely, but I did get a shot of the improvement on my forehead.


The top picture is from May 31. The bottom was taken ten minutes ago. I apply the cream every morning after my shower, when the pores are still open and the skin hydrated. If I notice it's drying out I'll replenish, but that doesn't happen often. It's usually once a day.

The patches on my feet are larger and more established. They're isolated to the outer edges of the feet and make me wonder if this isn't a result of my sitting cross-legged on these rubber mats. I can't wear socks indoors, so I'll just have to heal them. So far the skin is responding to the cream, but it's going to take longer to heal simply due to the size of the patches. I'll get some pictures in the morning light.

It's only been a week since I started using this cream. This is outstanding results. I haven't been able to get this skin to heal for more than a decade - a decade! - and this cream healed it in a week.

Somebody tell me again why this plant is illegal? There outta be a law.
I'm having my first tacking experience tonight. While preparing some 5:1 BioBomb capsules and I had a small amount of CCO on the plunger of the empty syringe that was a little mixed with the coconut oil I'd drawn up to get the measurements correct. I stared at it for a few seconds and thought about how it looked to be the size of a first tack. Then, on impulse, I stuck it on my gums and didn't swallow for almost half an hour. Not swallowing was easier to do than I'd anticipated. Ironic, since that was one of my biggest hesitations in tacking. :laughtwo: Isn't it always the way? Lol!

I know you're not supposed to swallow this, but I couldn't waste good cannabinoids, so I did. I'm not concerned with euphoria. I welcome it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

This was oil made from my Jack Herer. It didn't give me much oil at all, but it's tasty and potent. This was a very small tack, what one would expect to take the first time, and it was taken on impulse. I can't say I feel different, per say, although I do feel taller, of all things :laughtwo: and I feel more "present", if that makes any sense.

I've been considering that regular capsules and/or tacking could have the effect of healing the scalp psoriasis from the inside out. I posted the pictures of the improvement my skin's shown since I started using the THC pain cream on the patches of psoriasis, but these bits of healing don't confront the metabolic imbalance that's causing the scalp to flare up to begin with. Psoriasis is an inflammatory disorder and should respond to CBD.

The CBD capsules and more focus on a regular cannabinoid therapy beyond BioBomb brownies might serve me well here.

It'd be nice to have clear skin again. Been a long time.

5:1 BioBomb capsules

These are for recreational use. Cajun assures me that for medicinal purposes you want to be at least 10:1 Carrier Oil:CCO. Probably the best starting point for a new protocol is 20:1. I'm looking for euphoria above and beyond the norm.

I had a mere .2 ml of Jack Herer CCO, to which I added 1 ml of coconut oil and heated to mix. This means heat the water bath to boiling and turn it off. Then wait, and swirl, and wait some more.



Add 3 ml of liquid sunflower lecithin and 9 ml of coconut oil. Mix thoroughly.


Cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning I'll bring it back to room temp and fill some capsules. Then I'll take one and see what happens.


Dont you just love science? :laughtwo:
Good day all :)

I wanted to share a story with you all, I hope you don’t mind….

I got chatting to a to a guy who was telling me about his wife medical condition, Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a sudden, severe facial pain, described as sharp, shooting or like an electric shock.
It usually occurs in sudden short attacks lasting from a few seconds to about two minutes, which stop just as abruptly.
In the vast majority of cases it affects part or all of one side of the face,-with the pain most commonly felt in the lower part of the face. Very occasionally it affects both sides of the face, but not normally at the same time.
People with the condition may experience attacks of pain regularly for days, weeks or months at a time. In severe cases, attacks may occur hundreds of times a day.

His wife has suffered immensely with chronic pain and lack of sleep for years now. Only a few weeks back, she ended up in hospital 3 times in a week for pain killing injections. There is no treatment or cure for this condition. They try to control it using a cocktail of pain killers including codeine and epilepsy drugs which do not really work.

She is a career lady so being baked was not an option. After reviewing all the info, my hunch was she would be best to use a 1:1 strain as we know CBD seem to work better when used with THC.

Our strain was CBD Crews Critical Mass

We made size 00 caps with a ratio of 20:1. The first 12 days worth of caps were made using Flax, no lecithin. She Started off using 3x per day as suppositories but she was still having problems so we increased to 4x. 4x per day was much better but she was still getting twinges and reaching for the pain killers. We then increase up to 5x per day and for a over a week now, she has not had a single problem. She is sleeping through the night too. He said, the difference in her is mind blowing, finally pain free and getting the much needed rest through the night. It has simply, changed their lives :)
This is a wonderful testimonial Chewey. Thanks so much for the informative share. I'm so thankful she's found relief. And so simple in the end. One begins to fight the sense of frustration that our politicians choose to turn a blind eye to the reality of what this plant can do.

Keep us informed of her ongoing progress please. And share with her our joy at hearing her story. Good instincts Chewey. :high-five:
Guess what i've been doing today.....

I need to make a clarification to my post on the capsules. I refer to this as a recreational dose, and that's already caused some confusion.

When you begin a new protocol it's recommended you begin with a simple 20:1 ratio, Carrier oil: CCO. When you've reached the point where you want to increase the potency your next step is a 10:1 ratio, followed by a 5:1 and concluding with a 1:1 ratio. Obviously, someone who progresses to the 1:1 ratio is treating serious disease.

When you're preparing CCO for recreational use, where euphoria is not just appreciated but desired, you can go straight to the 5:1 BioBomb mix. Be aware that this is not a ratio to be consumed lightly. This mix will mess you up, so be responsible and set your stage carefully.
Finishing the job

I rolled out of bed and took the mix out of the refrigerator to get it to room temperature while I gathered supplies.

I'd finally received my capsule-filling jig. This made my life so much easier I giggled all the way through. :laughtwo:




I have a total of 14 capsules.


I took one at 10:45. If I'm not flying by 11:15 I'll take another. I can actually feel it beginning to creep as I type.
I thought I'd posted pictures of my feet so we could watch the cream heal the patches of psoriasis, but if I did I can't find them.

Found them!! :woohoo:





The difference in lighting makes it difficult to distinguish the changes, but you can see there's less dryness. What's not obvious from the pictures is the way the skin is softening. The dry patches are slowly but surely diminishing, in the same way the face is healing and the skin feels significantly softer.

I'll try to remember to post every Thursday from now on.

My daughter has keloids. I'm going to have her try some cream on them.
I thought I'd posted pictures of my feet do we could watch the cream heal the patches of psoriasis, but if I did I can't find them.

Found them!! :woohoo:





The difference in lighting makes it difficult to distinguish the changes, but you can see there's less dryness. What's not obvious from the pictures is the way the skin is softening. The dry patches are slowly but surely diminishing, in the same way the face is healing and the skin feels significantly softer.

I'll try to remember to post every Thursday from now on.

My daughter has keloids. I'm going to have her try some cream on them.

:) good one... now I have one more thing to learn how to fix.... my aunt has psoriasis. THANK YOU
:) good one... now I have one more thing to learn how to fix.... my aunt has psoriasis. THANK YOU

You are soooo welcome. I've battled with scalp psoriasis for over two decades. The patches sprung up as he fell into his death spiral. It's my body punishing myself for letting him die, or at least that's how it feels. I know I have to conquer that feeling of inadequacy to get true healing, so I'm working on the spiritual healing part too.

My hope was that the oil could be effective against the patches. Now I can find a way to apply something akin to this to the scalp. That's going to be significantly more challenging, I think.
Sue, would you mind passing the recipe for the lotion/cream you use. I think it called for bees wax.
I know you posted it once already, but I'm not sure which of your journals I saw it in. Stoner moment. Lol

Here's the link to the post Canna. Have fun. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Sue, I'm going to try making some for my Dad's PHN. Are those 1oz. bars of beeswax???

They're close enough for government work Mr. Krip. Use the strongest THC you can get.
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