Pain cream . . . I also referenced the original info that you found SS. I am just past the 24 hr mark now. Most of the questions or issues I have just flown by the seat of my pants so far. Now not sure I have a suitable storage.

Did ya let it cool much after ya took it out of the oven? keep warm for straining?
Gonna test it out on Mrs. first.... then figure out how to get it on the cats food or what not.

lemme think of more Qz.... ; - )
Great stuff Sue! Hope to get those figured out one day as well. Always wondered how in the heck you would fill those capsules without making a huge mess. We'll have to pick your brain once we get things on track better because we are 100% in on this magic trick. Thanks again our Gardian Angel :circle-of-love: :thumb:

Thank you Arctic. :hug: I use 3 ml pipettes. I'm pretty sure I have one pictured. They make the job easy, but only because I work on a small scale. If I were doing a large amount I'd find a much larger syringe. I think it was panacea who mentioned once that he has one that holds 60 ml? I'm not sure on that size, but I remember thinking "that's huge!"

When you're ready, I'll be here with that BioBomb recipe in hand. You're gonna love these potent little capsules. Are you growing a CBD strain, by any chance? I'm coming more and more to the opinion that everyone should have some CBD meds everyday. I'm wondering if my own daily CBD doses are the cause of my suddenly soft skin? Hmmmmm....... Hadn't considered that.
Pain cream . . . I also referenced the original info that you found SS. I am just past the 24 hr mark now. Most of the questions or issues I have just flown by the seat of my pants so far. Now not sure I have a suitable storage.

Did ya let it cool much after ya took it out of the oven? keep warm for straining?
Gonna test it out on Mrs. first.... then figure out how to get it on the cats food or what not.

lemme think of more Qz.... ; - )

keltic, this one slipped by my radar. :laughtwo:

I took it out of the oven and let it cool probably five hours - I forgot about it. Lol! For straining purposes, I wouldn't think it matters much, so I'd let it cool first.

You might ask over at the oiler's lounge about how to administer to a cat. There might be an oiler who already does this.
AND I am going to make some cream for my dad who has eczema..... wow.. might start a cannabis treatment center here...
Canna Treatment Center... good name??
AND I am going to make some cream for my dad who has eczema..... wow.. might start a cannabis treatment center here...
Canna Treatment Center... good name??

A catchy name. :laughtwo: I was just looking at my cupboard in the kitchen which is looking more and more like a pharmacy every day. Lol!
I signed up for September in the University of Vermont. I am studying hard on care giving, later I will be making creams/ointments/capsules pure oil and God knows what else I can to help people.
But maybe I should change the name to Sweet Sue's Canna Treatments Center?? it sounds better and more truthful :)
I signed up for September in the University of Vermont. I am studying hard on care giving, later I will be making creams/ointments/capsules pure oil and God knows what else I can to help people.
But maybe I should change the name to Sweet Sue's Canna Treatments Center?? it sounds better and more truthful :)

:laughtwo: Make it your own baby. You'll do well. I'm glad you'll be pursuing the degree. For now I have other priorities, and I'm hoping the University of Pittsburgh might take a lead and start a program. That would be the sweetest route for me.
:laughtwo: Make it your own baby. You'll do well. I'm glad you'll be pursuing the degree. For now I have other priorities, and I'm hoping the University of Pittsburgh might take a lead and start a program. That would be the sweetest route for me.
Well I feel the need to name it after the person which gave me the TOTAL inspiration and tools to get started :)
You will be in my heart forever :circle-of-love:
While wandering the Internet yesterday I stumbled through the virtual doorway of Ladybug. The site's dedicated to cannabis awareness with a strong lean towards pediatric patients. I recommend the site for their brilliant interviews, if nothing else. During the interview with Jason Cranford, dispensary owner and cannabis activist in Colorado, he shared his recipe for a THCA tincture prepared in your crockpot.


Necessary tools:
- crock pot capable of maintaining a temperature of 140 degrees F
- laser thermometer to make sure the temperature is constant
- stainless fork or whisk
- filtering/straining material (coffee filter, paint strainer bag, food strainer - your choice)

- carrier oil of your choice: 33 ml per gram of cannabis
- plant material, ground (a food processor works well)

- Combine plant material and oil in the crockpot and bring it up to 140 degrees F.
- Keep it at this temperature for four hours, being sure to occasionally agitate it with a fork or whisk.
- Strain and bottle. It's ready to use immediately.

They're learning more every day about the healing potential of the acid cannabinoids. Much of what's been turning up suggests the carboxylic acid cannabinoids are often as effective, if not more so, than the de-carboxylated ones in treating nausea, vomiting and inflammation.

Kate Welsh over at Skunk Pharm Research put together a thorough look at the current understanding of THCA and CBDA.

Cannabinoid Carboxylic Acids THCA And CBDA; Their Potential Functions Applications And Methods Of Extraction

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the acid cannabinoids do much, much more than we now know.

It's not something to replace a protocol using high THC to treat cancer, or any disease really, but something worthy of consideration to augment the protocol and possibly speed healing.
I've been using a high THC pain cream on patches of psoriasis I have scattered around my body. It's too dark to get decent pictures of my feet, which are beginning to heal right nicely, but I did get a shot of the improvement on my forehead.


The top picture is from May 31. The bottom was taken ten minutes ago. I apply the cream every morning after my shower, when the pores are still open and the skin hydrated. If I notice it's drying out I'll replenish, but that doesn't happen often. It's usually once a day.

The patches on my feet are larger and more established. They're isolated to the outer edges of the feet and make me wonder if this isn't a result of my sitting cross-legged on these rubber mats. I can't wear socks indoors, so I'll just have to heal them. So far the skin is responding to the cream, but it's going to take longer to heal simply due to the size of the patches. I'll get some pictures in the morning light.

It's only been a week since I started using this cream. This is outstanding results. I haven't been able to get this skin to heal for more than a decade - a decade! - and this cream healed it in a week.

Somebody tell me again why this plant is illegal? There outta be a law.

Hi SWEETNESS! I confess to lurking for some time now. I too have chronic skin issues with seborrhea dermatitis looking rash. So I found a guy that used apple cider vinegar to lower the ph of the skin before applying tanactin. I was using olive oil and cannabis but this was bad as the yeast lives on oils! He also mentioned a refined coconut oil for athletes that the yeast could not live on as the carbon level was (lower?) , Anyway he finally created his own salve and a quite interesting white paper on the whole process and eventually defeated the 'incurable ' problem. I was able to get mine under control as well with the vinegar application. I thought this was interesting as Doc Bud mentions using phosphoric acid ( PH down) in his foliar sprays to help the leaf absorb the nutrients and additives in his foliar spray concoctions.
Hi SWEETNESS! I confess to lurking for some time now. I too have chronic skin issues with seborrhea dermatitis looking rash. So I found a guy that used apple cider vinegar to lower the ph of the skin before applying tanactin. I was using olive oil and cannabis but this was bad as the yeast lives on oils! He also mentioned a refined coconut oil for athletes that the yeast could not live on as the carbon level was (lower?) , Anyway he finally created his own salve and a quite interesting white paper on the whole process and eventually defeated the 'incurable ' problem. I was able to get mine under control as well with the vinegar application. I thought this was interesting as Doc Bud mentions using phosphoric acid ( PH down) in his foliar sprays to help the leaf absorb the nutrients and additives in his foliar spray concoctions.

Interesting gudyul, and thanks for sharing that. Do you simply apply the vinegar to the skin like a wash? I'd appreciate it if you'd PM me more information. ShiggityFlip and I had a discussion yesterday on my grow journal about out treatments of our psoriasis symptoms using cannabis. He's been seeing significant clearing the more he dabs. Not surprising I suppose, considering the cannabinoid load with dabbing pure concentrates.

I, on the other hand, am using the topical and it's working well. Is it the seborrhea dermatitis that presents the challenge with the oils? You have to forgive my ignorance. I had little opportunity to tend to my own concerns during the years leading up to my husband's death, when my skin problems arose, so I've yet to study the condition in depth. I just learned to live with it.

It's refreshing to finally see my skin clearing up after all these years, but it's also time to learn more about what I'm dealing with.
I need to scream in frustration, and this seems to be the most appropriate place to do this one. Once again, I'm confronted with the agony of knowing what I do and feeling somewhat helpless as someone I love suffers needlessly. I was informed this morning that a good friend of mine in Phoenix has developed a stage two diabetic ulcer on her foot. In her case, given her current health challenges, this situation is as critical as the one that eventually took my husband's life.

She's in a legal state, but cannabis isn't the first line of treatment, but still relegated to the last gasp. She can't put the cream I believe might be able to cure this ulcer before it gets any worse on herself and the facility she's in may not be receptive to someone's homemade cream. We're dealing with a tight timeline that I'm going to do my best to beat. The thought of losing someone else I love to complications of diabetes is almost too much to bear. It's just too soon.

I'm going to take the reserve oil I used to make my cream and add a touch more CCO to it, winterize for the day and make a more potent batch of cream to send to my best friend who can then work up a plan for getting our dear friend treated. I'm not entirely certain we'll be successful, but I have to try.

I know I'm going to run up against this over and over as I spend more time doing this work, so I need to learn to deal with this without the incredible angst I'm feeling now. I can't save everyone, no matter how much I want to.
I need to scream in frustration, and this seems to be the most appropriate place to do this one. Once again, I'm confronted with the agony of knowing what I do and feeling somewhat helpless as someone I love suffers needlessly. I was informed this morning that a good friend of mine in Phoenix has developed a stage two diabetic ulcer on her foot. In her case, given her current health challenges, this situation is as critical as the one that eventually took my husband's life.

She's in a legal state, but cannabis isn't the first line of treatment, but still relegated to the last gasp. She can't put the cream I believe might be able to cure this ulcer before it gets any worse on herself and the facility she's in may not be receptive to someone's homemade cream. We're dealing with a tight timeline that I'm going to do my best to beat. The thought of losing someone else I love to complications of diabetes is almost too much to bear. It's just too soon.

I'm going to take the reserve oil I used to make my cream and add a touch more CCO to it, winterize for the day and make a more potent batch of cream to send to my best friend who can then work up a plan for getting our dear friend treated. I'm not entirely certain we'll be successful, but I have to try.

I know I'm going to run up against this over and over as I spend more time doing this work, so I need to learn to deal with this without the incredible angst I'm feeling now. I can't save everyone, no matter how much I want to.

Correct it is impossible but I know the angst because it is impossible NOT to try :circle-of-love:

Hope all will go well in the end. Anyone in her family that can go there to apply the cream? and talk to doctors about how GOOD it will bee for her to use it?
Correct it is impossible but I know the angst because it is impossible NOT to try :circle-of-love:

Hope all will go well in the end. Anyone in her family that can go there to apply the cream? and talk to doctors about how GOOD it will bee for her to use it?

I'm hoping someone can be persuaded to do something with it. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the strongest support system. She's best friend to my best friend, a woman I admire like no other. I'm certain that when she receives the package she'll go and start the process herself and personally speak to the staff of the facility our mutual friend is being cared for in. There's only so much she can do herself and she's more frustrated than I, having just watched me go through this with my husband. She'll do her best to make things work out right.
5:1 BioBomb Capsules

Be aware that these are powerful capsules that will hit your system hard and fast. Onset is typically within 5-10 minutes and, unlike other edibles, it hits at full force and stays that way for up to 10 hours. This is not an exaggeration. I typically take the next capsule somewhere around hours 7-9.

The basic recipe is (1 gr CCO + 5 ml coconut oil) + 15 ml lecithin + 45 ml coconut oil. For medicinal purposes you may want to choose another carrier oil. Olive oil is an excellent choice for just about everything except liver cancer, in which case you want coconut oil. Using olive oil helps the cannabinoids avoid first-pass through the liver. For recreational purposes, go with coconut. It goes right into the liver after the stomach and gets metabolized. Metabolization = great buzz. :battingeyelashes:

If you're using less than a gram of CCO you just adjust the recipe proportionately. I've made capsules with as little as 0.2 ml of CCO.

The Process

1 gram of CCO added to 5 ml of coconut oil. Set the dish in a hot water bath, just at boiling. Turn the fire off when the water gets to boiling.


When the CCO begins to melt into the coconut oil you can begin to stir. Get it completely mixed together before you move to the next step.


I use the end of my teaspoon to stir. It's stainless, has a small but effective surface area and does the job for me.


Add 45 ml of coconut oil and 15 ml of liquid sunflower lecithin.


Stir together until it's all thoroughly mixed. When you think it's mixed enough let it sit for a few seconds to see if anything's trying to separate out. If so, keep mixing.


Seal the mixture securely and refrigerate overnight. This bonds the components together in a way that won't happen without the chill.


After at least 12 hours remove from the refrigerator and let it slowly come to room temperature. Check to be sure it's all well mixed and fill the 00 capsules. This size capsule can also be used as a suppository.

These are my personal protocol. To be honest, I'm not certain many could tolerate this as well as I do, so I caution you to know your own limits. To keep it all in perspective this is level three of a progressively increasing dose schedule.

The ratios are Carrier oil: CCO The only thing that changes is the measurement of carrier oil. Everything else stays the same.

Level one - 20:1
Level two - 10:1
Level three - 5:1
Level four - 1:1
Level five - 0:1

Enjoy. If you make any, let me know how it goes.
Hi Sue,

Sorry to hear about your friend! I hope the care package you send will help! As you know, I'm trying to help a good friend who has a brain tumor which is not getting any better, hoping the capsules will heal him (ideally) but at minimum help him deal with symptoms and make him a little more comfortable. Following your instructions, I started with 1/2 ounce of hash and got a little more than 4 ml of CCO. We got the wrong capsules, the vegetarian kind so will go get the animal gelatin capsules tomorrow, fill them up and deliver to our friend.

A BIG thanks to Sue for helping me get this right today!! :circle-of-love: :love: :thanks: :hug:

A few pics.



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