SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

It depends on the strain. Some are more stable with the hermaphrodite tendencies bred out and others are prone to all kinds of issues. I had my flower lights stuck on for several days straight before I realized it and didn't have any hermies, I noticed my plants revegging, which is how I caught it.
Pretty interesting! I'm still hunting for that one seedbank that has the bedt genetics and stuff. Barney's Farm is one of my favorites but they don't have a lot of straind that interest me, Dutch Passion had but those seeds are expensive... Unless I buy regular seeds but the problrm is that I can only have a max plants of 5 so buying more than 10 seeds is not really neccisary. I also thought of breeding my own with those regular seeds but yeah. i'll be left with a few dozen seeds
I am a city mouse. So I understand the dilemma.
My Missus just got her DL back 5 years ago(it expired) but we considered a scooter as well.
I dunno?

I’m liking the idea the more I think of it keltic. They’re easy to operate and easy to maintain. Easier to store too. I can chain it to the fence running to the back yard.

Eventually I’ll have a truck to use, but I still think a small scotter is a good idea for me. There’s a wildlife preserve nearby I’d like to explore and a scotter or a bike will make it easier to get there.

kelticBlue said:
Who Rocks? Amy Rocks!......:theband:

She’s gonna get our emoticons back. :yahoo: I’ve missed some of them dreadfully. Some I never stopped coding in. :laughtwo:

Good morning everyone :love:

I looked in the tent and decided....

I call BINGO today and I have a pickup of household goods in the morning, so today was out. Tomorrow the only thing on the schedule is a late dinner with friends, so the whole day is free. I’ll make certain I have food on hand for lunch. I tend to forget I need food on a harvest day. Lol!

The smells are amazing. I’ll be drying low and slo, which means I’ll be pulling the DC that’s in the fridge right now.

Let me do that now, as a matter of fact. I’d completely forgotten the buds were in there. Lol!

I’ll be back in a bit. Be joyful my friends. :ciao:
Pretty interesting! I'm still hunting for that one seedbank that has the bedt genetics and stuff. Barney's Farm is one of my favorites but they don't have a lot of straind that interest me, Dutch Passion had but those seeds are expensive... Unless I buy regular seeds but the problrm is that I can only have a max plants of 5 so buying more than 10 seeds is not really neccisary. I also thought of breeding my own with those regular seeds but yeah. i'll be left with a few dozen seeds

Barney’s farm has CBD Critical Cure, which I consider a gold-standard CBD dominant indica. This chemovar counters both anxiety and depression, two disparate points of the emotional spectrum when treating with cannabis therapeutics. You’re not supposed to be able to treat both conditions with the same terpene profile, and yet CBD CC does just that, as well as treat PTSD and chronic pain.

I’d take another look at that seedbank rik. They’re ahead of the game with a few of their choices.
Some I never stopped coding in.

toooo fun sometimes
lolzy lols : - )

update ... ... ...
my wife got her hidden away birthday buds this morning, some of her favorite, Cannabiogen Auto cross ACE Orient Express. I have had it in vaccum bags since last year. I am like squirrel hidding away best bud for later
; - )
GrateDay all :ciao:
Barney’s farm has CBD Critical Cure, which I consider a gold-standard CBD dominant indica. This chemovar counters both anxiety and depression, two disparate points of the emotional spectrum when treating with cannabis therapeutics. You’re not supposed to be able to treat both conditions with the same terpene profile, and yet CBD CC does just that, as well as treat PTSD and chronic pain.

I’d take another look at that seedbank rik. They’re ahead of the game with a few of their choices.
Well I could always check that out! I didn't really read into CBD strains deeply that are photoperiod because I don't really have a flowering space for them in summer haha. I need a better system for the winter too so I have to figure a lot of stuff out. Thanks Sue!
toooo fun sometimes
lolzy lols : - )

update ... ... ...
my wife got her hidden away birthday buds this morning, some of her favorite, Cannabiogen Auto cross ACE Orient Express. I have had it in vaccum bags since last year. I am like squirrel hidding away best bud for later
; - )
GrateDay all :ciao:

Now this just made me smile real big. Hehe! :hug::hug::hug:

Tell her I said :yahoo: Happy Birthday! :yahoo:

Jarring it up: Devil’s Carnival 1.7

She came in just under two ounces dry, and she may be a tad overdry, which suggests I came in at two ounces in this one. :slide:

Great haul! It gives me enough to share with both my Jamaican buddy and Hash Hounds Lady Love. :circle-of-love:

I gotta get washed and dressed to go to lunch. Catch you all later. :ciao:
Now this just made me smile real big. Hehe! :hug::hug::hug:

Tell her I said :yahoo:Happy Birthday! :yahoo:

Jarring it up: Devil’s Carnival 1.7

She came in just under two ounces dry, and she may be a tad overdry, which suggests I came in at two ounces in this one. :slide:

Great haul! It gives me enough to share with both my Jamaican buddy and Hash Hounds Lady Love. :circle-of-love:

I gotta get washed and dressed to go to lunch. Catch you all later. :ciao:
That looks pretty delicious! Also pretty damn outstanding documentation work right there I just use a simple note book
That looks pretty delicious! Also pretty damn outstanding documentation work right there I just use a simple note book

You aren’t caregiver to around 19 different plants rik. Lol! If I didn’t keep good records I’d never see the patterns they present.
I would love to try to take care of 19 plants including the documents though! Seems pretty interesting!

I find it invigorating. :battingeyelashes:
I am doing 12 as of now. If I didn't have two kids I would document things a lot better. That is why I keep things simple...

I picked up some Epsom salt and h2o2 today. I heard they get magnesium hungry with LEDs, and something about the peroxide to keep the "grossies" away.
Sometimes keeping it simple isn't always so simple I guess. Lol
Belated Jarring it up: Black D.O.G.

I totally forgot to report this. Lol!

She went through some serious identity crises, and she only gave up 18 grams dry. In the end she was undeniably what Jgrow had initially claimed.

Part of her hung to dry, but the greatest amount went into the jar for a fermentation experiment. I haven’t heard from Jgrow about the effect.

@Jgrowlove, how’d you like it? :battingeyelashes:

Another one in the jars. :slide:
I’m giving the roasting bag cure a try with the Devil’s Carnival.

There’s a hygrometer in there. I’ll work it through the cure for a month, at least the part I keep here. I’ve a friend waiting for his promised share. I may hand it over in its own roasting bag.

Not a bad idea. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I’m doing a straight up hang for three days and then bag this harvest up in roasting bags to stabilize and cure.

@Chris Scorpio, how long have you been curing them before you switch to jars?

Time to get the party started :slide:

I slept ‘till 9:30. Good thing I turn the lights off the night before a harvest.

We played Canna Tetris this morning, realigning the girls to spread them out a bit.

Now to the business of washing the buds.

I’ll be back in a bit. :ciao:
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