Take 2: A New Start


Well-Known Member
Lets start with the basics shall we
2 seeds
Seed one orange Cookie
Seed two is just a bag seed

Both of the seeds are in the germination stage.
As of September 2 2019 around 4:20am

Both seeds are in soil for germination under a 5000k CFl

Soil is just a cheap bag from dollar general.

I will be giving nutrients starting day 15 of the seedling growth.
*Low amounts*

For watering I will be using just basic tap water that have been boiled.

For air I will be adding a cheap fan mounted to the wall on firday.
September 6 2019

For humanity I'm just gonna leave it as is from the closet.
Unless it becomes a problem.

This is my 2nd attempt at growing first one went good up till day 17 when I overdosed my baby's on a root product.
They where way behind on growth so wanted to help them out. Went the wrong way though.

Here is the start of my grow setup it's pretty bad looking but will do the job for now.

I look forward to hearing from yall and seeing what's to come.
*Take 2 a new start*



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Y'all know the movie toy story where they had to hide in the street cones to cross the road so human society dose not see them?

This is like that my indoor grow
(poor boy) style had to much light coming from my closet so I had to find a way to reduce the light amount.


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Been a long enough wait seems the orange Cookie seed did not wanna sprout out.

Guess you get some bad ones.

The bag seed on the other hand was starting to also give my hopes up I was less then a few hours from dumping it and trying another bag seed.

Lucky charms on the other side had my back and decided to make it pop.
After almost a full 3 days of germination in soil .....

Now it is making its way up the chain.
Not sure if it was the idea of soil germination or just a stuck up seed but and all ends at least it's making progress now.

No point and posting a picture we all know what a seedling look like after coming out of the soil.

I have also however decide just to toss some seeds in a spot I made out front and see how they survive against bugs and the environment. 3 have Pope's out and are growing good 2 where just planted from germination so the root is going already.

It seems on 2 of the seedlings cotyledons
Are getting eat buy bugs one still remains on one plant the other one is just a small part missing but both cotyledons
Are still on..
Will upload pictures as soon as I take them.

The following picture are the few bag seeds.
germination style was soil only.

As seen the cotyledons on a few of them have been attacked by bugs.

Did not seem to slow the growth of the bagseeds by much thankfully.


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7 day's have been along since my last update.

So let's do a quick update.

A rabbit took one of my babys life away and almost took another one.

They have been keep in the sun most of the days.

I pull my seedlings in when its storming
So mother nature doesn't screw me over.

They are way ahead of my last grow attempt which where just now geeting to the same size at 15 days.

Heres a picture of the 2 fighter plants.



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My lord how fast some grow
Just after a day you see such a difference.
And under some cfls also

Well that being said
They have been moved to the out side life for the next 2 weeks.

Due to some cleaning that have to be done with painting.

They should be fine assuming the evil rabbit don't return lmao.

Will be updating pics after 3 days of outside side.

Stay happy my friends.​
Looks like you got past the seedling part, now you're on your way to growing a monster plant!
Isn't this fun watching them grow every day and noticing how fast they grow?
I love that stage of growth — just every day you notice a little something different. Before long, they’re gonna be big enough that you lose track of daily growth. I’m no expert but it seems like you’re on the right track in terms of paying good attention to the plants.

Keep posting pictures so we can see how it goes — i am gonna be popping some seeds too soon for indoor project, will be interesting to see how it compares to your climate in Oklahoma
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