plants look great chief stalks look to be 2 inches thick! must be nice to get clones as easy as going to target and getting coffee lol!
Lookin good wish i had someone close to get a clone from

Id hook you up with a clone if you were by me bud. Yea me and alaskan1 lucked out by being a few miles away from eachother. Going to be cool watching those thimgs grow in his journal thats for sure
Very Nice Looking Chief! Get ready to stake them up :thumb: by the looks of them you are going to have some heavy buds (fingers crossed)!

Good looking grow you have going on :thumb:
I can't wait for them to start blooming for you, going to be quite the site.

your going to have a fun journal to watch for that.

WELL im going to do a smell update right now. I walk in the door from smoking a cig outside and my house smells like it was constructed out of weed. my girlfriend is worried about her parents and them coming by and passing judgement on us so i'm going to have to pick up some ONA gel soon to help mask this smell. anyone know another cheap way to fix the smell problem let me know if not im buying some ONA.

i love this smell. this smell runs through my whole house and for a grower this kind of smell is flattering. i cant wait to smell them in bloom. my god its going to get harsh in here
your going to have a fun journal to watch for that.

WELL im going to do a smell update right now. I walk in the door from smoking a cig outside and my house smells like it was constructed out of weed. my girlfriend is worried about her parents and them coming by and passing judgement on us so i'm going to have to pick up some ONA gel soon to help mask this smell. anyone know another cheap way to fix the smell problem let me know if not im buying some ONA.

i love this smell. this smell runs through my whole house and for a grower this kind of smell is flattering. i cant wait to smell them in bloom. my god its going to get harsh in here

Chief I ran into a similar problem last night. I went out into my backyard to take a bag of garbage to the can and as I was walking along I was hit by the smell. I was very worried. I then had my kid walk the same place I did and he said no not that bad, at least not as bad as the chicken smell from the neighbors yard... But I am concerned.....I will start my chop tomorrow after work.
Chief I ran into a similar problem last night. I went out into my backyard to take a bag of garbage to the can and as I was walking along I was hit by the smell. I was very worried. I then had my kid walk the same place I did and he said no not that bad, at least not as bad as the chicken smell from the neighbors yard... But I am concerned.....I will start my chop tomorrow after work.

i will be there for those updates man! i cant wait to see the how she looks chopped up. congrats on finishing the long wait of growing these things.
I didn't want to spend 100+ on inline/carbon filter in the process of building DIY ona bucket my neighbor has one and it neutralizes the smell of 5 fully budding (38days flower) in a whole bedroom
and the fresh linen smells good too hahah

ye ai keep hearing good things about ona gel i noticed its not too priced too bad but 20 bucks could be used for my plants growth instead of stealth..o well the sacrafices we must make lol. thanx for the feedback i'll probably have to give ONA a try
My prize package showed up today at about noon i got ALOT more Sierra Natural Science products than i thought i'd get thanks alot corey for sending me your line of nutes :high-five:.

the nug jar or the rolling papers didnt come but im guessing its becasue they were shipped seperatly.
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