The Deep Water Culture Home

If you posted the name of that site here, OR the full name of that Mod here, please go back and edit it.
Please do not post that site name or that Mod name in full here and if you did, go back adn edit it, or a Mod will edit it for you.

We all need to make a good impression here and show we're good folks and help Moderate ourselves. We ARE THE Deep Water Culture and Deep Water Culture are very helpful peaceful adult members.!!!!

I was just showing where he was apologizing,that he never meant for this to happen.....Thats pretty peaceful to me.
I was just showing where he was apologizing,that he never meant for this to happen.....Thats pretty peaceful to me.

Purp, I knew that the owner there would get cc: of my PMs, inviting Deep Water Culture here. I think the owner got on him for running me off. You know he is not really a humble person, nor a peaceful person. I had permisison to mention the site by name in my newsletters. From my emailed newsletters for SH BP, many new people came there, and will not find me there now.
Anayway, that is why he got nice......well, sort of nice. I saw the QUESTION thread this morning.
Purp, I knew that the owner there would get cc: of my PMs, inviting Deep Water Culture here. I think the owner got on him for running me off. You know he is not really a humble person, nor a peaceful person. I had permisison to mention the site by name in my newsletters. From my emailed newsletters for SH BP, many new people came there, and will not find me there now.
Anayway, that is why he got nice......well, sort of nice. I saw the QUESTION thread this morning.

I cant PM you till i get 25 posts iam in a little trouble with my grow iave had to do so many recoverys since my well problems all the numbers are good but i get a brown slime every couple of days, My roots mass is gone very few roots left but in good shape some one susgested using peroxide in the water at every change about a teaspoon per gallon does that sound about right
and iam out of veg nutes will the peroxide hurt the plants during flower iam almost near 5 full weeks veg i just did a change iam on the last bag of veg
ladies are about ten inches high any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks
Yea i just topped my plant:bong:

you are my hero purpdaddy, and you with the brown slime, mate youve got the funk! The best ways to put an end to the funk start with diagnosing your root conditions. Now this is just a guess, but people with bad cases of the funk have these conditions, high temp reservoirs, very high humidity, and unclean conditions.

The water temp in the res should be cool/cold to the touch, not more on the cold side but you get the point. Your plants area should be spotless and clean, and maybe lower the humidity a tad. I am running a perpetual system right now where I keep my cloner in the bathroom, I know it sounds dumb but its an extra bathroom and I like to manipulate my humidity levels, and what does that better than a hot shower?

So here is what I would do in your sitution I would change the res and give the roots a 30 minute air bath, while they are breathing give your entire system a good scrub in and out. Then, if you havent already done this, clip your roots back a little, they are more durable than you think. and use the tspoon/gallon H2O2, Hydrogen Peroxide. But there is a special industrial kind you have to get from your local hydro store, not just the brown bottle stuff at the local food mart. that will clean it up a bit.

Then after that, lower the temps on your res, if you dont have a water chiller the only other ways I can think of are lowering the temp in the grow room. How I have been of some help, AC
I cant PM you till i get 25 posts iam in a little trouble with my grow iave had to do so many recoverys since my well problems all the numbers are good but i get a brown slime every couple of days, My roots mass is gone very few roots left but in good shape some one susgested using peroxide in the water at every change about a teaspoon per gallon does that sound about right
and iam out of veg nutes will the peroxide hurt the plants during flower iam almost near 5 full weeks veg i just did a change iam on the last bag of veg
ladies are about ten inches high any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks

You can PM me after 25 posts. Let me know where to send them, and I'll send ya some VEG nutes, if you are financially lost for money now. I have some left over BLOOM nutes too, to spare.

Your water is too hot, I bet is the problem.
Oh yea, and I forgot, since your trying to clean out that slime, lets assume it has stressed the plant, and it will slow down growth if you jump right into flower, but I would give it 18 hrs of light for at least a couple days of peroxide/cleaning.

And if you have the time to fully pay attention to your babies, then try giving them a 15-20 minute air bath every day, After you see the funk go away, put them babies into flower and watch those massive buds form
You can PM me after 25 posts. Let me know where to send them, and I'll send ya some VEG nutes, if you are financially lost for money now. I have some left over BLOOM nutes too, to spare.

Your water is too hot, I bet is the problem.

Thanks for the offer i just figure by the time SH sends the nutes I be in flower
just concerned the peroxide in the water at all times will hurt the plants if my well water is so way out of wack since i had it fixed go figure i shjould have left my well alone till the end of my grow and congrats on your Harvest the buds look very tasty. The temp is around 68 qnd they show signs of drinking
even thow the water was brown on top.
Most of yall have seen this already or should have....


Great post PurpDaddy, what people need to know on there rights and is a very valid point, anyone checking this video out keep going on the video's, I love the one of the kids getting pulled over by a cop for speeding and when they are asked to step out of the car the kid locks the car up after they get out, Love it.
, anyone checking this video out keep going on the video's, I love the one of the kids getting pulled over by a cop for speeding and when they are asked to step out of the car the kid locks the car up after they get out, Love it.

That was a good one! Cops around here might just tase the "lawyer boy" for fun though... :rofl:
Hi everyone. Read through the thread and just wanted to say :welcome: to all of you. I did not have much success in the short period I tried to grow in bubbles. Everyone here was quite helpful and knowlegble. I went back to soil and may attempt DWC in the future as I have the supplies. It will be interesting to see the new wave :surf: of new info to flood the site, lol. See you all around. :peace:
Hi Folks,
Glad to see other 'transplants' from 'that other site'. Looks like it's becoming a virtual ghetto; bad neighborhood, peeping toms, etc. Question about SH, does anyone think the multi-spectrum lighting set up works well for flowering or is it best to change bulbs into a flowering configuration?
Also, had a weird plant. I think it got stressed out, grew leaves with only 3 fans then went hermy. any ideas about that?
Best and happy new years to all.
Welcome to the Deep Water Culture home Hydronewbie!

The multispectrum will work well for flowering as long as you have a 2-1 ratio of 2700k to 6400k bulbs. I've had 2-3 grows with cfl's only but upgraded to HPS after I knew a thing or two. We all upgrade as we grow. NIce cheap HPS lights here:

High Tech Garden Supply

Got the 250 HPS only when I bought mine but wish I would have got the MH/HPS to add some versitility to my operation. Right now I veg with 4 105watt CFL's ( 3 - 6400k and 1 - 2700k) in a 3x4 grow space and fire the HPS when I get to 12/12.

The hermie problem sounds like a genetics problem. Where they strain seeds or bag seeds? Did it go hermie early or late?

Happy New Year!
I bought my hps thru HTG supply as well and they do have great prices and you can customize lights, wattages and reflectors to suit your budget. Had my order in 2 days.
I think that I am going to be buying a 150 watt system through them... Small space, small plants... No need for high heat! Can't wait to get it here and get it setup!

I have a 150 hps it gives off plenty of heat! work out nice, and needs cooling either way in a small enclosed space, but you can get them real close to the plants though.

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