The Mountain: Grow Support From The Over 50 Club

Hey Gutta! I'm sorry to see that you are having an issue with one of the girls! Let me ask you a couple of questions. First what are we using for potting mix? Are we using new containers or sanitized containers? Have you been feeding the girls? If so what are we feeding? If so on what schedule? Again if you are feeding, are you measuring the volume that you are feeding and the PPM's. Are you located in a colder area and where in your room is the little one located? Are you misting the leaves?

Please let me know what you can and I will be happy to give you the possible areas of concern. I am sure that there are others on here that will also chime in. Best of luck in all you grow!
Hello uptheholler thanks for replying so quickly..ok so I'm using foxfarm ocean forest soil my containers are reused and sanitized, I have the fox farms line up and only have feed them big bloom and alittle calmag but mainly tap water that set out for a couple of days right now it's pretty cold and snowing with temp around 25 high 12 low, my room is located in the basement in a finished room temp fluctuate depending on wheather 72-75 degrees, also im running a 600w hps I hit them with a little mist sometimes like once a week if that.
Hey Gutta! Thanks for the info. First I'd say you have a reaction to over feeding that is the curl of the leaves. The little bit of drooping of the leaves could indeed be a slight bit of reaction to cooler temps than what she likes. Basements are tricky during the winter. Even though the air temp may be in the 70's since cold air sinks the floor temp maybe in the low 50's. That's why I asked where she was sitting. It also looks like she got some water up on her lower leaves. I don't usually like to mist young plants or even top water unless I have to. Wet leaves allow the easier transfer of disease pathogens. Back off of the feedings. Those plants are still young and Fox farm soil is fairly nutrient rich as it is. I also recommend applying the exact same volume of water and nutes to your plants. That kind of consistency, along with keeping records of what you apply and when will allow you as a cultivator to replicate your grow each time. So when you get dialed in you will be able to get close to the same results each time. I would think that because you are so conscientious that she should pull out of this in a week or so. If she doesn't come back and let me know and I will help you out with a couple of other ideas! Best of luck in all you grow!
I haven't been on farm** but I am crushin' and a few of you fellas here...;) Been seeing you around the site sharing all your wisdom and stories. :love::Namaste::love:

I'm working my way through this thread and wanted to say THANKS! This is a good one for sure. Lot's of cool info. Thanks all!

Do they realize how few female farmers or even farmer's daughters that there are out there? Man on that site their dance cards must be pretty full!
O.K. I'm In! Is Being A Canuck/Canadian & Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Fan. (I could skate Before I Could Walk) Dad was a True Fan Eh! lol. Anyhow. I'm certain I'm Over 50 by 2yrs "I Thinks" LOL. Seriously though. I would VERY MUCH LIKE TO LEARN FROM My ERA for sure. I Mean just Growing up in the 60's 70' & 80's Qualifies us for some @ the Very Least Intellectual Hilarious & Very Experienced Growing Tools & Tips etc. etc. I Humbly Accept the Invite. If You'll have me that is.

Sincerely: Donny D. :Namaste: :Namaste:
I hope this is how this works with adding these pics to my edited post here
Agree Conrad. Looks like pheno drift.

Think of it this way J ... ever seen a litter of kittens where you know who mom and dad are. Mom is a Siamese Cat. Dad is a black cat. They make six kittens ... two look just like mom - gray fur blue eyes. Two look just like dad - black with yellow eyes. One is all black except for a leg that's gray, and has blue eyes. One is mottled blue and gray. It just depends on how that DNA helix lines up. You can bet that there's some other DNA mixed in both of em. Hell, one time out of a hundred they'll throw off a totally white kitten.

AND THAT is why I like working with clones from the same mom. I have two moms of Blue Dream. One has a very thin leaf and is lanky. One is a fatter leaf and stays closer to the ground - bushy. They both Blue Dreams.

With clones ... you have a much better idea of what you getting. Just look at mom.

~ Auggie ~
Hey CabinetG! Welcome to the Mountain! Hang around here all you want! I don't believe I have ever tapped a maple tree like on your flag there! If you have any problems bring em on up here and if you can help out with someone else's problem then jump on in. As Abraham Lincoln said, "If you can't skin then at least hold a leg!" Best of luck in all you grow!
I haven't contributed to this thread in quite a while; for a couple of reasons. Health one of them ... I had a right hip replaced a couple of months ago. I thought it was going to be no big deal. It was. But, I'm back and strong again. Clone season is heating up in N. California and I'm busy with orders.

Good to see all you old farts still kickin .. and a couple of new/old farts.

~ Auggie ~
Welcome back Auggie! I have a few friends with new hips and they LOVE them! Hope yours works out as well.
Nice set-up CG! Love the t-shirt too!!!

Please excuse my ignorance for asking these two questions.

1) What kind of manure do you use?

2) What is the name of the place that sells 9000 Ladybugs?

I will be moving to the Prescott, AZ area in about 6 months and plan to get a MJ license which will allow me to grow my own MJ Indica plants for my own use. Thank you to anyone who answers my questions.

Please excuse my ignorance for asking these two questions.

1) What kind of manure do you use?

2) What is the name of the place that sells 9000 Ladybugs?

I will be moving to the Prescott, AZ area in about 6 months and plan to get a MJ license which will allow me to grow my own MJ Indica plants for my own use. Thank you to anyone who answers my questions.

I don't use manure as I grow hydro. The big online retailer with "Prime" service has ladybugs. Good luck. :)

Please excuse my ignorance for asking these two questions.

1) What kind of manure do you use?

2) What is the name of the place that sells 9000 Ladybugs?

I will be moving to the Prescott, AZ area in about 6 months and plan to get a MJ license which will allow me to grow my own MJ Indica plants for my own use. Thank you to anyone who answers my questions.

Bu's Biodynamic Compost is popular here in NorCal. It's dairy cow compost. Chicken manure is also often used in organics. There are many internet suppliers of ladybugs & also available at many nurseries or home & garden stores.:Namaste:
Hey Grilcheez! I just add manure to my normal compost pile and let it all cook together. The moist manure with it's bacterial content helps speed up the decomposition in the pile. It helps raise the piles temperarutre to where I end up with nice product to use in my grows. As far as lady bugs are concerned I usually catch my own. Sunflowers seem to be big ladybug hang out spots in my garden also zinnias, Over a few days I can catch plenty for my room.Best of luck in all you grow!
Hey fellow mountain dwellers! I thought that I would give you the update on our homesteading project. Well the Barn-do-minium is almost completed. I spent the last 3 days hand digging a 350 foot ditch 18 inches deep to run my water line from the new well to the house. That was more mattock time than old Holler had spent in quite a while. But like a lot of jobs on this project you have to keep telling yourself that you only have to do it once! It was one of those projects that brought back to my mind what my Dad would tell me whenever I was working on a long tough job. He would always say," Always look at the fence that you have finished painting and don't look at the fence that you still have left to paint!" He was right! So we dropped our new pump 180 feet down on the new well and got her wired up. That means in about 2 more days of finishing the plumbing rough in and hooking up the new shower and such and....... we will be living on the new digs!! We are excited but I still have 2800 square feet of greenhouses to build and a ton of plants to start. Got to get the new chicken yard built and a lot of finish work to do in the house. Last but not least I have to finish my new play room for my LED ....HPS comparison run. Have I mentioned we are excited?? The mountain top we are on is stunning and the creek is begging me to get out the kayaks and start fishing but....too much work to do! We won't have internet for a while so I may have a short dark time from my friends here in the 420 community. But I'll come hauling butt back over the mountain as soon as possible. I know that this thread is for grow advice but I thought that some of you may be interested in how our homesteading project was going so I thought that I'd take a second to share it with you. As always....Best of luck in all you grow!
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