Trailer Trash Farm

It makes my heart sing to see beautiful grows with the basics, fantastic job man. I'm with harry... these babies are gonna bulk up quite a bit in the next cpl of weeks. I'd let em ride for about 10-11 weeks... get those trichs at a pretty amber ;)
Thanks guys

The garden is doing great and will be medicating me in a few weeks.I'll add some pics of garden right before the Gardner gets his clippers out. .

Got a microscope today(RATSHACK $$12 SPECIAL)100x and was playing around taking pics of trichs.Here is one,the others didn't turn out so well.I have will have to fook around with settings on camera someday here and get better pics.Was hoping to harvest in 2 weeks but that would only give total of flower period 8 weeks.Ill wait and see if trichs get color here in next week or 2.Ill will be cutting 1 or 2 of the lower branches next week for sure for xmas festivities.

Thanks for kinds words :clap: again all,I really do appreciate the help and comments.I owe this grow to all of you on this forum and others who donated lights to get me going.Thanks all
I'm sold on cfl's and will also be buying stock in Neptunes.:bong:
For a poor man and first indoor grow,think it turned out pretty good:yummy:.Started as trailer trash and turned into Trumps plaza,lol
Cut off a lower branch and its dry,bout ready to consume.Smoke report to come later this evening.
Hers a pic of 2 day dried bud.Kinda smells like a mix between hay and lemon I'm sure curing will take care of the hay smell.

Yummy! Congratulations on your grow. I've enjoyed watching your progress.

Now when's the next one? :smokin:

Peace and good growing:hippy:
Thanks guys,I haven't harvested yet.Prolly another 2 weeks and it will be ready.I cut a smaller branch <pictured above>off for holiday festivities and man its was and is tasty.I just wanted to see if i could pull this off indoors and seems to be a success,I doubt there will be another indoor grow,I'll wait for the spring time.I'll post some more pics of harvest in few weeks till then happy holidays and keep smokin.
Couple of pics before harvest,been on 12/12 for 7 weeks now.11 weeks total from seed.They are ready to harvest so Im gonna wait another week and get r done.
Enjoy !!!!





wow dude i just stumbled on this grow and i never thought cfls could do so good. that what i planed on using for my first indoor grow. thanks for all the insite and great info. i cant wait to hear what u get off of those nice girls.

peace glass out
The plants buds have filled in and swollen nicely TrailerTrash. The Trich pic above was an amber treat, reminds me of some honey oils I have come across. So we know we will see some more pics when final cut takes place, and look forward to them.
Job well done TT!
Yummy, yummy, yummy!

The plants are looking good!

Peace and good bud:rollit:
After further thought and evaluation of the stash box,being down to a couple bowlfuls I determined that something needs to be cut down 2nite.So I had a pruning party and invited all the taller and bigger colas to the party,left all the other lower and smaller ones for another day.Im sold on the cfl's.The colas that lived there entire life next to the light(Never more then 2 inches away at anytime)are swelled,packed tighter and full of resin more then some Ive seen grow under the sun.Anyone that is forced to use cfl's or even for a small grow,you wont be disappointed!I'm thinking scrog for the next attempt :)
and now what u been reading about and wanting to see.






The ladies all dressed up and ready for the night out in the dry box.


Now off to get medicated with a nice ball of finger hash I accumulated during the pruning party.
Thanks,the finger hash was awesome,took the trimmings from pruning party and made some hash.Used ice cold water method using the blender then let mixture settle,and strain water off top,then pour thru coffee filter,wow tasty for sure.Turned out bout 2 grams.I'll check in later when the bud is dry with final weight of harvest.
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