Trala’s Tent

I love the way you reply to my missing worded post like I’m semi literate lol.
OK, just because I gave you bonus points for your use of punctuation doesn't mean I'm gonna correct every post for spelling and grammar! :thedoubletake:

BTW, there should be a hyphen (minus sign) between "semi" and "literate" ;)
I'd wait at least 24 hours to see if she sheds the helmet herself. No reason to rush it and take the risk now. I would try to mist the shell a couple/few times per day (the soil is plenty wet already, so you can avoid that, if possible) and see what happens when the cotyledons try popping out.
I'd wait at least 24 hours to see if she sheds the helmet herself. No reason to rush it and take the risk now. I would try to mist the shell a couple/few times per day (the soil is plenty wet already, so you can avoid that, if possible) and see what happens when the cotyledons try popping out.
I’ll reassess in the morning. I’ve given her head a few drips of water through the day. She is the ugliest seed everrrr!

She was dead centre when I planted her, but when I dug her up I panicked and sort just laid her and she ended up at the side of the pot without enough depth and dirt to cover her. I felt almost all hope was lost. I’m shook she sprouted!

I know a lot of you guys get twisted over soil and wetness, but I don’t. I don’t soak my seeds or paper towel them. I throw them straight in. It’s summer here and right now it’s 1735 and 27 degrees. The Seedling mix I use doesn’t hold the water. Just moistens it. The excess water basically runs straight through it. Every time I’ve photographed I’ve literally just squirted 2mL of water on them. Which I do twice a day.
Tra, I have had a number of seedlings that've had their 'helmets' left on, and I have mortally wounded most of them when I tried to get the membrane off. In light of my errors I would suggest, mist the head, wait a few minutes, mist again, wait some more, and only then, really really gently try to free it. And because you want it to survive, if it doesn't want to come off easily then let it recover a bit and try again later. Patience is an asset with this.
Hey Stung :)

Omg patience is not my strong suit.

I won’t do a thing until tomorrow afternoon. She has grown a bit more since this morning. She looks kind of like a lizard, if that lizard was a crack addicted sex worker with a head like a dropped pie.
Yea! It shows itself. Cool!
I’m so excited and nervous!
If it was me I would wait another full day. When needed I remove the membrane with a wet finger lightly rubbed on it. I keep re-wetting with a fresh drop and lightly rubbing. It softens, no it doesn't get hard. 😎 The membrane softens when wet.
Done ✔️

I’ve been droppering her through the day. 💧

And I’m gonna leave the whole “rewetting, lightly rubbing gets soft not hard…” well alone! Teddy will have me over his knee quicker than you can blink.

She’s easily my ugliest seed yet. But we might still have a Barney’s Farm grow! I realised on nightshift my Amnesia Lemon was a bonus Herbies Seeds seed. So it won’t even be an actual Barney’s grow. We will know my Sunday I guess.
I know a lot of you guys get twisted over soil and wetness
So, you're making it a guy thing, huh? :thedoubletake:

I take full responsibility for being twisted about wet soil and seedlings; and I wear the badge with honor!

Remember a few years ago when I said this?:
On the seedling, most commong newb mistake is over-watering. You want the vegging plants to go through wet/dry cycles to force the roots to search for the water. If the medium is too wet, the young roots can't uptake the water quick enough and the roots start to rot.

Careful if you lift "up" on the stuck membrane- the whole sprout pulls out of the ground real easy right now, and we sure don't want that happening!
Hi C Spray!

I sure don’t.

Omg I wasn’t going to say this out loud but I defs killed the Girl Scout Cookie with my impatience. She looked exactly the same when I dug her up, and when I squeezed the seed open she was a healthy vibrant whitey lime colour, coz at the time I thought “you just killed your seed you Fucktard..”

Then I spin, rinse and repeat the whole skull fuckery. I’m so annoying.

This day forward as the God of Canna as my witness, I’m not going in to recover a body for at least 7 days after I plant.
So, you're making it a guy thing, huh? :thedoubletake:

I take full responsibility for being twisted about wet soil and seedlings; and I wear the badge with honor!

Remember a few years ago when I said this?:

While I get loads wrong, I know how to grow a plant, when I say plant I mean house plant. I’ve been snipping cutting (clones) and potting up (up potting) my whole life. I am not about reinventing the wheel. I’m not about complicating watering. My plants tell me when they need water. I know by looking at them. And as a rule I understand seedlings now. I used to nearly kill them with underwatering, following the advice I was given.

I have never been roots driven. A plants foliage tells you what’s happening with the roots. Well I think it does. I’m only interested in roots if the plant has growth problems.

My failing is flower. I fall when it comes to flower. I veg like a Viking then flower like a Fucktard.
While I get loads wrong, I know how to grow a plant, when I say plant I mean house plant. I’ve been snipping cutting (clones) and potting up (up potting) my whole life. I am not about reinventing the wheel. I’m not about complicating watering. My plants tell me when they need water. I know by looking at them. And as a rule I understand seedlings. This is my first ever seedling mong.

I have never been roots driven. A plants foliage tells you what’s happening with the roots. Well I think it does. I’m only interested in roots if the plant has growth problems.

My failing is flower. I fall when it comes to flower. I veg like a Viking then flower like a Fucktard.
Ya need more light mate!! Or more reflective surfaces to make the most of the light you have!!
I promise ya your yields will improve!
Ya need more light mate!! Or more reflective surfaces to make the most of the light you have!!
I promise ya your yields will improve!
I agree.

Since I’ve stopped putting the big flower girls outside, I’ve noticed an improvement. Keeping them under the light I mean.

My zkittles will hopefully at least get me 3oz.

I actually love the process of growing. I’m not greedy. I’m happy with 3-5oz per plant not including autos.
And I’m gonna leave the whole “rewetting, lightly rubbing gets soft not hard…” well alone! Teddy will have me over his knee quicker than you can blink.
Rubbing it doesn't get it wet or hard. I know, no fun! :ganjamon: Add moisture.
The membrane is snotty and will dry again. Moisten it through to remove when ready if it doesn't come off on its own. Its good for the sprout like food
Rubbing it doesn't get it wet or hard. I know, no fun! :ganjamon: Add moisture.
The membrane is snotty and will dry again. Moisten it through to remove when ready if it doesn't come off on its own. Its good for the sprout like food
Lights on soon! I’ll check her as soon as they are on :)

I legit have butterflies (or the early stages of gastrointestinal trouble…)

Beatles tune. It's driving me mad.
I don’t know it.

And my brain is desperate for the connection it’s smashing Beatles songs together.

🎶 I want it soooo badddddd
Coz here comes the sun and I say it’s alright
So I just went and checked on my… omg I have no name yet! She has grown up but not opened. I just gently wet her head. She is in a critical condition and I’m concerned about a brain injury. I can’t even deal with how much I want this seed to survive.

Gear chang tho, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She looks EXACTLY like I do when I get my hair done! Lolllll. It’s funny coz it’s true!


The flowers and the freak this mornin’


Nice job on being patient! It should be easy to get the helmet off, now! :welldone:

About 5 minutes after misting the top, just LIGHTLY poke the opened shell with the a toothpick. Push back and down and it will fall off. Is the membrane still connected?
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