Trichs Travels On The LED Highway

I saw Mr. Ottawagreens cabinet and was very impressed by it. When I initially started that's what in wanted to do. A good cabinet grow. So I stupid bought the super locker 3.0 lol. Yup, yeah I know lol. Live and learn. Turned out to be my 1,600 dollar drying cabinet! Lol, oh man...
Thanks for subbing my man!

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Oh my man I kick my self in the balls everyday, trust me I do.
My current set up is Flower in 4x4x7 veg in 4x2x7. But I have another big closet in use to veg and grow Autos.
Running in my 4x2 I have the kind L300 and the Amare SS -150 over a Hammer Of the Gods by NW Exclusive Genetics in a 100% perlite bucket using Irons method and doing amazing. Pics in gallery

In my 4x4 I have 2 big ass LA Affies from Cali-Connection
1 Lady Oblivion Sanctuary Gardens
1 Fruity Pebbles by Pokesmot Seed
All under an Amare Solar Eclipse 450-UVB

The closet grow with autos and some veggers I have
1 Mars 2 400
1 Mars 2 900

Dry in super locker lol, ahhhhh. Makes me made ever time.

And anyone into Hydroponics should stop messing with those crappie pumps we all use. Check out the Pond Master it's what I use its a pump runs all 8 buckets with force! Also runs a 35 gallon holding tank in use to get my tap water dechlorinated.

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Wish you posted this earlier, lol...I just brought a crappy $50 pump, 370gph, for drip recirculating.. I've always hand feed and it shits me. Has the girls missing out some days too.. I prolly should have looked a little more. Pumps up 120cm/47", I only need it to go 50cm- 2' at most....shouldn't need to strong a pump, I'm hoping...
Oh no I meant for air my man @GrizzWald . I've bought those commercial o2 elemental air pumps, I have 2 a 951 and a 751 I don't use anymore cause they are so very dang loud. This thing, this beast pushes like crazy through a 3/4 inch hose to all buckets. And whisper quiet. No noise. It's nice..

Sooo much less heat and a bonus, no pumps in tent for added heat in the res

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Oh lastly I run all my buckets as individuals. No buckets are connected. Makes for a major pita when ph time and res change time, but allows me to take on multiple strains at once

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Alright everybody gonna update in segment here as I'm still getting use to this site.
Here is my Hammer Of the Gods By NW Exclusive Genetics. This thing is dealing with a few P and Or K issues but I'm sure she will be just fine. The PH is on point and I'm supplement now with KoolBloom, I'm using Irons Method on this girl except she is in 100%perlite hempy bucket..
And here we have my Lady Oblivion with those big ole leafs.
Grows as well using Irons Method except in coco perlite hempy buckets. Love my passive and active hydroponics...
Here is my Fruity Pebbles growing along side my Lady O. She is in a 100% perlite hempy bucket grown ad well using Irons method. These babies are loving my Amare SE 450-UVB. And he'll I am too.
And these babies here are my LA Affies from Cali-Connection. I really love growing these hardy plants. Easy easy to clone and root very well. Heavy trich production. Love em. Grown using Irons Method except in 50 50 coco perlite hempy buckets. There is 2 big ole girls in the back of my 4x4 vegged for 2.5 months and still about 24 25 days left of flower I presume.
100% perlite Hempy bucket you ph water to 5.5? Do you have any problems with the plant wanting to fall over? Did you make your bucket or buy it? Thanks mate I'm all caught up here
Hey hey my man! Welcome and thank you for joining the ride my man!
When tinkering around with my grows, I decided one day when I was out of coco to go true hempy bucket and try 100% perlite. I'm glad I did.
And no my brother, I thought the same as you, not much support with perlite right? She is as steady as they come sir. And my Fruity Pebbles as well very stationary inside the bucket. , 1 3.5 gallon back buckets 30 bucks.
Holes 2 inches from bottom made with drill about 5/8 size hole. If you need a hand let me know bro

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I ph it to right around 5.8 to 6,0 I'm ever exact cause I have up on using meters long ago. I only use Indicator drops now, so much easier and I never second guess them.

Sent from my SM-T230NU using 420
Nice Trichs, girls look good. I was thinking of purchasing a ph meter also. but the drops work every time. Going to look into the tri-meter but the couple hundred bucks can buy a lot of drops. I'm so cheap lol
Oh heck yes bro, I was told at one time that that was a rookie move lol. Goes to show cause man, my Gardens pretty ok... lol

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Question off topic: do you every get an error and it won't let you post. I get a protocol error and have to log out then log back in for the post to be sent. Not sure if it's the site or on my end. About every 3rd post I have issues. Pretty sure it's my end but can't find my problem.
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