Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W LED

Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

Looking lovely bro. Question what is the point of the 5gal res? I plan on growing in 5gal buckets with 4-5 inch netpots. I love your setup and the way your ladies are looking. I will prob own about two 180W GLH LED's eventually but was confused why you didnt just use some air stones and sub pump in the 5gal buckets and the purpose of the 5gal res.

Thanks man! I am really loving the DWC. It is really easy to adjust PPM's and PH. So far the plants are taking well to the environment. I don't think that res bucket is required, but there are a few advantages I really like about the 5gal res bucket.
  1. A single location to add nutes to the plants. Without the res bucket I would have to add nutes / water to each individual bucket. I still could connect all plant buckets together and feed through a single source, but I want to reduce any exposure to hot items (ie PH down, H2O2, etc)
  2. Reduce plant exposure to hot items and nutes. By adding all nutes and additives to the res bucket, I remove any direct exposure to the roots. I use a 80GPH sub pump in the res bucket to constantly circulate the water in the system. By my calculations it takes about 13 mins to circulate all of the water in the system. That allows for the nutes and the additives time to diffuse.
  3. Single location to flush the system. I hook up a water transfer pump ($90.00 from Home Depot) to the res bucket and I can pump almost all of the water out of the system. If I had to do this in each individual bucket I run the risk of sucking in the roots to the hose and potentially damaging the plant.
  4. I only had to create one water level indicator. If the plant buckets are not connected, then you would have to create one for each plant bucket. If you connect all of the plant buckets together then you could just have the water level indicator on just one plant bucket.
  5. And last, it provides an extra 3.5 gallons of water to the system. I figure that I can leave my system alone for a most 3 days before I have water issues. The extra 3.5 gallons give extra buffer time.

The 2 major modifications I made to the original design was to add the 80GPH sub pump and air stones to the res. Each bucket has 2 air stones. With the res temps I have been running it is essential that there is a lot of DO in the water. When I noticed one of my plants was lagging way behind the others I found a defective airstone. This plant was only getting half of the air the other plants were and it showed. Once I replaced that airstone the plant took off. I hope that helps.

Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

How has the water been?


The res temps have been holding steady between 83 - 85F. At this point I am adding almost 3 gallons of water a day. I make sure that it is cold water and it seems to help keep the temps in a stable range. I really do believe that using a lot of airstones to really bump up the DO helps keep the pond scum away. At these res temps I also think that a daily H2O2 regiment is essential. I am hoping that the ladies act the same way in flower. We shall see. :Rasta:
Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

Man Trich, those babies look like there ready to flip NOW. How much vertical space do you have. Those are going to be some MONSTERS. :)

Yeah I am thinking about it...over the last few days the ladies are really growing. I was hoping to get some more height out of the PK's (they are 12" tall), but the XJ-13's are really starting out pace the PK's. XJ-13 #2 is 22" tall now. I have another 36" of vertical height for the XJ-13. Does anyone think the XJ-13 will grow another 36" in flower? If yes, then should I flip these babies right away?
Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

The res temps have been holding steady between 83 - 85F. At this point I am adding almost 3 gallons of water a day. I make sure that it is cold water and it seems to help keep the temps in a stable range. I really do believe that using a lot of airstones to really bump up the DO helps keep the pond scum away. At these res temps I also think that a daily H2O2 regiment is essential. I am hoping that the ladies act the same way in flower. We shall see. :Rasta:

SOunds good man as long as it is working!

Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

Switch 'em now!
I'm being selfish as I really want to see some 12/12 action now.
Please do what you find best...

Haha...I actually think I am going to start the switch tonight. I talked with my hydro store guy and explained the height and size and he thought they were ready to switch. They have been in over 4 weeks of veg and I think all will be safe for me to make the switch. :blunt:
Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

ahh excellent stuff my man cant wait to see them soon your going to have some monsters bro

Thanks Langa! I can't wait either....on to a new phase :Rasta:

Well....I flipped them tonight. Did 2 flushes and a new regiment of nutes. The ladies go under 33 hours of darkness. Keeping fingers crossed they flower on time.

Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

So if they stretch another 6-8 inches like Mike said, you're in a great position for some PK shorties and XJ mamas.

Next 10 weeks shoukd be sweet! :cool:
Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

Yeah I am thinking about it...over the last few days the ladies are really growing. I was hoping to get some more height out of the PK's (they are 12" tall), but the XJ-13's are really starting out pace the PK's. XJ-13 #2 is 22" tall now. I have another 36" of vertical height for the XJ-13. Does anyone think the XJ-13 will grow another 36" in flower? If yes, then should I flip these babies right away?

i beat they will finish over 40". i flowered mine at around the same hight and they were around 40" at the end, it was also cold so since you face heat you will get more stretch.
Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

Ahhh, the good times awaits!
Best of luck...

Fingers crossed! :grinjoint:

Good decision on switching them to 12/12. I bet the XJ will grow at least two feet. The Pk will probably end around 2.5 feet. Looking Nice man, this is what it's all about.

Thanks GD! It will be interesting to see the differences in growth between the two strains.

So if they stretch another 6-8 inches like Mike said, you're in a great position for some PK shorties and XJ mamas.

Next 10 weeks shoukd be sweet! :cool:

The next 10 weeks should be a blast. I can't wait. I am hoping the way I setup my system will make it easy to grow two strains. I have one light over each pair of the same strain.

i beat they will finish over 40". i flowered mine at around the same hight and they were around 40" at the end, it was also cold so since you face heat you will get more stretch.

Anywhere in the 40" range should be manageable. If I can get my ladies to half of what your XJ's put out I will be stoked. :ganjamon:

For flower, I was thinking about keeping the lights to around 14" above the tops? Is that a good height?
Re: Trichtones First Grow | XJ-13 and PK | 600W GLH LED

Quick Update. Start of Day 2 of Flower.

Can I say OMFG! The growth over the last 2 days has been....well....impressive. It might be hard to see from the pics, but since going into flower these babies are growing.

I have family here for the next 4 days so, posting might be erratic. Testing out how stealthy my setup is. So far so good!

Now to the pic!

All Plants Day 2 of Flower

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