Using Bat Guano's/Bird Guanos hazardous?

I was just doing a little browsing around about the use of Rabbit poop for fertalizer which seems to be pretty good for immediate use (2-1-1) but it also lead me to some information which I wasn't to sure about and wanted some input...

It seems that when using bat and bird poops, there is a fungus that may be present which can be hazerdous to our health...

Histoplasm capsulatum

Check it out....this fungal disease of the lungs is passed on by a fungi that attaches to the mycillium cells and may be responsible for things such as respiratory illness and more....

Anyone ever thought of this before? Had experience with it ??
I have always used a dust mask or a respirator depending on what I was mixing.... and yes, if it is a quick mix then I just hold my breath or use my shirt as a quick mask. I don't like to breath the dust of anything though. and it is poop, which I wouldn't want to inhale or eat poop.......
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