Velk's First Grow Journal - Coco - Auto - LED

Here ya go hippy what effect the rotation has done along With the training my only issue is the insides are getting crazy bushy more bushy than my fuzzy little fro ....

The two smallest ones are over there transplant shock now I think as they have actually been growing now and look half decent

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Looking gorgeous mate :)

Maybe they're just learning off their dad - fro for dad, fro for babies :)

Haha well in that case they defo need a hair cut lol I don't know if another defol will benefit them I need somebody's in put lol I may take of there wire let them stretch for the night and put back on in a day or so I'm just experimenting with what what does what who and were lol I'm getting handy with the training now (well I hope I am .)

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Mate by the look of those plants you're getting extremely handy with the training :)

Thanks man it's making them so full and bushy and gained a nice bit of height

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Ooh nasty mate where you reckon that came from?

I don't know I have no big gaurd on my intake I took it off as felt was suffocating them. I'm going to take some of the foam filter stuff from the carbon filter and use that as taking it off the filter will probs help me out as the extractor fan is an intake fan Wichita aren't to powerfull so won't last as long but be better suction and better bug guard I looked on google didn't look like a white fly looked like a lil bug that goes for the light when window left open I hope it was harmless it's in a better place now anyway ...

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