Week 2 Of Flower Progress


Well-Known Member
Off topic, is there a way that I can post to the same journal post without having to create a new one? Do i just continue to post on this one? Is there a way to save this post so I can easily come back to it? Or how do people normally update their grow journals? Im still new to how the page works

Here we are at week 2. She seems pretty healthy so far, though I am noticing some yellowing on the lower, older fan leaves. Is this normal? Should I try to up her nitrogen or let her do her thing? This is new for me since every other grow I've done the plants suffered from N toxicity so I never saw any yellowing at all. Other than that, the bud sites look like they're developing nicely. What do you think of her? Any opinions/ advice greatly appreciated






Yes keep posting right here is perfect, your plants look great. About 2 to 4 weeks into flower perhaps. Tiny bit of tip burn but that’s telling you nutes are hitting the spot.

In the menu bar click on 420 Forums then click on Your Threads and this one plus any of your other threads will be visible. It’s a pain to need to page out to a dozen pages one by one to find your stuff, the journals that get a lot of traffic or update daily rise to the top while others sink lower.
Yes keep posting right here is perfect, your plants look great. About 2 to 4 weeks into flower perhaps. Tiny bit of tip burn but that’s telling you nutes are hitting the spot.

In the menu bar click on 420 Forums then click on Your Threads and this one plus any of your other threads will be visible. It’s a pain to need to page out to a dozen pages one by one to find your stuff, the journals that get a lot of traffic or update daily rise to the top while others sink lower.
Preciate the love. Id like to get an accrual actual feeding schedule down because right now I'm all over the place doing random shit. Most of my plants have suffered from nute burn and N toxicity. I've always assumed it was the Miracle grow soil i was using, so I never really bothered feeding any extra out of fear of making it worse but this plant actually started yellowing on the older, lower fan leaves so I figured whatever fertilizers was in this soil have pretty much run their course
Harry - I’m a newbie myself only growing a year now, so with that being said, picking up on deficiencies and diagnosing them correctly is not always my strong suit.

Feed schedule is tricky... there’s a difference in grow media. You can run a soilless mix which usually means it’s 100% inert as in no nutrients in the media. So take for example hp pro-mix its peat perlite & mycos (peat has zero nutrients - same for coco, coco has zero nutrient) pro-mix & coco these you have to bottle feed on a schedule because they are soilless. But you can also use pro mix and add a bunch of other amendments to create a true supersoil or living organic soil - these can be water only, but for true los or supersoil you build the soil to nourish the plants and don’t rely on bottled ferts. There are different rules for example coco is treated as hydro & must get quarter strength nutes every day, looks like soil but it’s totally different.

some folks do feed, feed, water, others may do feed, water, feed, water. It helps to use enough liquid on a plant enough to get 10% runoff - this is supposed to help flush out some of the old nutes. Anyway let me shout out to the @NuttyProfessor and see if he will take a look see

I don’t have a particular feed or water schedule other than I run wet / dry cycle pretty good in veg and try to give them what they need in the soil and as far as feeding.... I’m in supersoil /Los but I use MSA silica, liquid fish ferts, kelp flakes & superthrive.

I replied to your faq post but wait to see what other replies come in & hopefully the Professor will drop in later. I think cal-mag is all you need but see what Nutty has to offer. Also wanted to say good eye on noticing the changes and shouting for help, I think reading the plant is better than sticking to a strict schedule on feed / water. Anywho I’m not a pro - just a gardener!
I’m a newbie myself only growing a year now, so with that being said picking up on deficiencies and diagnosing them correctly is not my strong suit.

Feed schedule is tricky... there’s a difference in grow media. You can run a soilless mix which usually means it’s 100% inert meaning no nutrient in the media. So take for example hp pro-mix its peat perlite & mycos (peat has zero nutrients - same for coco, coco has zero nutrient) pro-mix & coco these you have to bottle feed on a schedule because they are soilless. But you can also use pro mix and add a bunch of other amendments to create a true supersoil or living organic soil - these can be water only, but for true los or supersoil you build the soil to nourish the plants and don’t rely on bottled ferts.

some folks do feed, feed, water, others may do feed, water, feed, water. It helps to use enough liquid on a plant enough to get 10% runoff - this is supposed to help flush out some of the old nutes. Anyway let me shout out to the @NuttyProfessor and see if he will take a look see

I don’t have a particular feed or water schedule other than I run wet / dry cycle pretty good in veg and try to give them what they need in the soil and as far as feeding.... I’m in supersoil /Los but I use MSA silica, liquid fish ferts, kelp flakes & superthrive.

I replied to your faq post but wait to see what other replies come in & hopefully the Professor will drop in later. I think cal-mag is all you need but see what Nutty has to offer
Man thank you. This is my favorite site as far as getting very helpful advice and diagnosis. She seems to be doing alright other than the nute burn. Im not noticing any N toxicity (or at the very least, very very little N toxicity). I thought maybe she was experiencing some pH lockout or something due to me not watering too runoff for awhile and that's when I started noticing the newest growth (leaves) growing in with their edges curled down so I gave her a very heavy flush. The water came out very dark brown at first. Im still noticing some slight curled edges. So really the only two things I notice are the yellowed, lower old fan leaves which seems to have stopped now, the curled edges and the nute burn (although nute burn im not really concerned with)
The lower fans may still turn yellow and die, not ideal but not the end of the world either. I only see the tiniest bit of tip burn so not too much N at this point. Plants look really good overall from what I see, anxious to see what the Prof has to say about it...
While waiting for the Professor, one last question, in your opinion. Would you try to add more N or should I keep it at what I'm feeding her. She's getting much more P and K while the N is relatively low
I’d either go low on the N or hold off altogether on N for for now. Honestly think you would be better to sit on your hands and wait on Prof, he’s in UK & will chime in later tonight. They aren’t going to go anywhere in the meantime. Apologies I replied to a faq post from another user - not you! I’m losing it over here... :cheesygrinsmiley:
which MG soil have you used ? , there is a few out there i dont see (N) excess either , is it pk boost ?
i would ride it out after you got the brown water out , and feed bloom nutes with (N) next time , feed water is for the peat base more as the peat grabs nutes and holds them, coco does the same but not as much , when you water peat base again it lets the nutes go , just stops a build up of unused nutrients , cool for super soils
which MG soil have you used ? , there is a few out there i dont see (N) excess either , is it pk boost ?
i would ride it out after you got the brown water out , and feed bloom nutes with (N) next time , feed water is for the peat base more as the peat grabs nutes and holds them, coco does the same but not as much , when you water peat base again it lets the nutes go , just stops a build up of unused nutrients , cool for super soils
I've always used the miracle grow moisture control soil so I don't know if I just always overwater or if I don't water to runoff enough but the first few plants I grew they had several issues with real bad nute burn and some rough, dark green leaves with clawed tips. I have some bloom nutes on hand that are higher in P and K and lower in N that I've been using so I guess I'll continue to use that lol. I think I'm just really paranoid im somehow gonna ruin this plant
Off topic, is there a way that I can post to the same journal post without having to create a new one? Do i just continue to post on this one? Is there a way to save this post so I can easily come back to it? Or how do people normally update their grow journals? Im still new to how the page works

Here we are at week 2. She seems pretty healthy so far, though I am noticing some yellowing on the lower, older fan leaves. Is this normal? Should I try to up her nitrogen or let her do her thing? This is new for me since every other grow I've done the plants suffered from N toxicity so I never saw any yellowing at all. Other than that, the bud sites look like they're developing nicely. What do you think of her? Any opinions/ advice greatly appreciated






That is one tidy lady. Well impressed :thumb:
I've always used the miracle grow moisture control soil so I don't know if I just always overwater or if I don't water to runoff enough but the first few plants I grew they had several issues with real bad nute burn and some rough, dark green leaves with clawed tips. I have some bloom nutes on hand that are higher in P and K and lower in N that I've been using so I guess I'll continue to use that lol. I think I'm just really paranoid im somehow gonna ruin this plant

you have to watch out for soils with slow release nutes , they can be very hard to handle , when you water you feed , they have small pellets ( in some ) , these feed every time you water , so if you get locked out , you try flush but you water so you feed , ( some are deadly) , if you have an auto your screwed but with a regular you can dig it out and repot

i think your plant looks ok , i would just water this time when it dries a bit , then back to bloom with a little (N)
you have to watch out for soils with slow release nutes , they can be very hard to handle , when you water you feed , they have small pellets ( in some ) , these feed every time you water , so if you get locked out , you try flush but you water so you feed , ( some are deadly) , if you have an auto your screwed but with a regular you can dig it out and repot

i think your plant looks ok , i would just water this time when it dries a bit , then back to bloom with a little (N)
Thank you so much lol this really put my mind at ease and brought back a little confidence in growing
Its a Purdy plant to this Newbie, im jealous, mine are at 10 days into 12/12 and still nothing but pre-flowering so far. May just be a strain thing , not sure as its my first grow. One or more had suggested my 600 watt LED is too small to make good flowers, Im hoping to prove them wrong! Did u top her, if so how much, ive topped 4 of mine once and one was hit 7 times, just experimenting! Heres my latest pics!

A Crew 2.JPG

A crew 1.JPG
Its a Purdy plant to this Newbie, im jealous, mine are at 10 days into 12/12 and still nothing but pre-flowering so far. May just be a strain thing , not sure as its my first grow. One or more had suggested my 600 watt LED is too small to make good flowers, Im hoping to prove them wrong! Did u top her, if so how much, ive topped 4 of mine once and one was hit 7 times, just experimenting! Heres my latest pics!

A Crew 2.JPG

A crew 1.JPG
Yes I topped her twice and let her side branches grow up so they were all at an even height. And I really doubt it's your light lol im using two 20w blurple Walmart led fixtures and one 12w red/blue led strip with 5 clamp lights supplementing, each with a Walmart grow bulb. You're plants are very pretty and look nice and healthy. Im also a beginner, I wish I had some good advice to give you but I too am always in need of good advice
Doesn't matter what or how much your set up was mate. It's what's in your heart that makes them grow. :)
I really believe that. Perhaps you could help answer a question I have at the moment, the whole time growing this plant in particular, ive noticed the edges have been "rolled" down, it's not really bad but noticeable. Even the new leaves that grow in, the edges are facing down and not straight out. My thought was that it was an overwatering issue. What say you?
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