Week 2 Of Flower Progress

Looks like the plant just need fed with a base bloom , there is tip burn that looks like (k) def , yellow looks like (n) def
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, i would feed a 1/2 to 3/4 strength bloom now , once its dryer ,i wouldnt go full on with a med size plant , i think your flush was a good one just and the medium is nute free ( hopefully no pellets ) was there pellets in the mix can you remember ?
Looks like the plant just need fed with a base bloom , there is tip burn that looks like (k) def , yellow looks like (n) def
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, i would feed a 1/2 to 3/4 strength bloom now , once its dryer ,i wouldnt go full on with a med size plant , i think your flush was a good one just and the medium is nute free ( hopefully no pellets ) was there pellets in the mix can you remember ?
Yeah there were these little yellow balls throughout the soil. Some green ones too.. damn, let me tell you, it's good to get some feedback from you lol I feel like I can beat this issue now
i wouldn't' use soils with the balls , they can be your worst nightmare :) you will be ok now , i don't think its affected the bud growth too badly :) ,
Being that im at week 6 in a few days, should I try to feed maybe once or twice more or only do it once after the soil dries and then water from then on out? I didn't do any sort of flush with my last plant and I was happy with the way the bud turned out so flushing isn't a huge concern for me. I just don't want to starve the buds if that makes any sense lol
Hey friends, just wanted to give an update on what's been going on with the plant. So far the buds still seem to be coming along just fine. Day 47 from the time I saw the first pistils and day 51 from the actual flip to 12/12. I've been feeding her to try and combat the issues that arose but don't seem to be making any sort of progress. Although now I'm honestly not that worried about it. Im think I'm just gonna water from here on out until the end and just deal with whatever else happens. At this rate the plant won't have any leaves left lol






Howdy do. What are you still feeding them? You may be over doing it. Have you give them a break from the nutes yet? Youve trained them perfectly. It would be a shame to not optimise your hard work so far.
Howdy doo. What are you still feeding them? You may be over doing it. Have you give them a break from the nutes yet?
Lol no. Every watering i feed a little, I've been desperate man. But from here on out im determined to just water, maybe that's what I should've been doing. Me thinks my soil is all out of whack and the plant is definitely not happy at all. Honestly though, I blame part of it on the incredibly cheap, shitty soil i bought at the last minute when I transplanted her into the 6 gallon fabric pot. After I did that I started seeing all kinds of issues that were just made worse by me but its never gotten this bad lol. Even when I used miracle grow soil, I had nute burn and N toxicity all throughout the plants life but no problems like this. Im way out of my league here and it's definitely intimidating because I'm sitting here like WTF. But yeah, im just gonna water from now on
:D give them a break and just feed them a pH balanced water for a few times. I did exactly the same at the beginning and mine didn't even make it as far as yours . Feeding every time can work in some mediums. But I think you may have give yours a little bit too much love. Just be a little bit patient for a few days
Lol no. Every watering i feed a little, I've been desperate man. But from here on out im determined to just water, maybe that's what I should've been doing. Me thinks my soil is all out of whack and the plant is definitely not happy at all. Honestly though, I blame part of it on the incredibly cheap, shitty soil i bought at the last minute when I transplanted her into the 6 gallon fabric pot. After I did that I started seeing all kinds of issues that were just made worse by me but its never gotten this bad lol. Even when I used miracle grow soil, I had nute burn and N toxicity all throughout the plants life but no problems like this. Im way out of my league here and it's definitely intimidating because I'm sitting here like WTF. But yeah, im just gonna water from now on
I think you’ve answered your own question. Soil will make or break you and then throw in all the other variables. I used Coast of Maine as my base soil and amend with Earth Dust dry amendments and knock on wood ive had zero issues thus far
I think you’ve answered your own question. Soil will make or break you and then throw in all the other variables. I used Coast of Maine as my base soil and amend with Earth Dust dry amendments and knock on wood ive had zero issues thus far
Its like I know what the problem is but I don't know i guess denial or something, i want to think that maybe it's something else and not something caused by me so I come here hoping for a different answer but come to the realization that yeah, it's most likely my fault lol
Its like I know what the problem is but I don't know i guess denial or something, i want to think that maybe it's something else and not something caused by me so I come here hoping for a different answer but come to the realization that yeah, it's most likely my fault lol
It's a learning curve mate. We have all done exactly the same.
You won't do it next time. Plus it's not too late to recover
Ah yes. I'll be honest after this plant and the issues I faced, I lost interest in growing after this. It really had me discouraged because after the last pictures I posted on this thread, the problems got worse and worse until I was forced to chop her down. But, it wasn't all bad. Even though the buds weren't as fat and ripe as I would've liked, they still came out great and got me stoned so that's a plus. But im happy to say that I am back in the groove of things and taking this as just another learning experience
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