What’s wrong with my auto?

Organic fish fertilizer is a liquid you can get pretty much anywhere. I use a brand called Neptunes Harvest, but there are many and they all probably work the same. Basically it is a protein shake for your plant...stinks like hell! I usually add a capful in my watering every 2-3 time once I notice the plant looking hungry. Strains vary, so how much each needs depends on your judgement. I think the 2 weeks was a guesstimate and early imo. Also depends on the growing medium. My soil is potent and some strains thrive in it and some burn up. Only way for me to know is to run them and watch and learn. But the ones that like it get all they need well into flowering and often I don't even have to add fish fert.

Thanks mate I’ll look further into that and see if I can incorporate it into my grow, sucks I spent so much on nutes already though might head down the route of having no compost in my soil I’ll see how I go!

Good advice here. I'll jump in: flush them heavily with pH corrected water (2 gallons, 1 each an hour apart), then get a soil moisture meter and don't water again until soil registers "dry". This should take care of any nute burn. The soil meter will help you refrain overwatering in the future. Then start a nute program for autos. I came up with the following chart, modified from FF suggested feeding schedule for photos (my apologies to FF). Perhaps it will help.

Auto-Flower Soil Feeding Schedule.jpg

Thanks for this mate! Appreciate it, just did another flush and going to repeat in an hour, she’s getting worse so I think overwatering is better than her completely frying up, I’ve always gone off the weight of my pot but I may just invest in a moisture metre! Cheers for your help and the feeding chart. :)

This is her today. Looking very sad but let’s see if I can bring her back!


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I just looked back and we never addressed lighting...tell us about that.

Currently using a Mars-hydro eco 300W LED, I had a 130W CFL going too but turned that off while she recovers, i’m almost sure the lights are far enough from her that she won’t burn, I followed the instructions it came with it had two ranges for how faraway they should be so I met about halfway if that makes sense (I’ll have to get exact measurements when I can)

The LED was added a couple of days ago before that she was under two 130W CFLs, 1 6400k and 1 2700k
Currently using a Mars-hydro eco 300W LED, I had a 130W CFL going too but turned that off while she recovers, i’m almost sure the lights are far enough from her that she won’t burn, I followed the instructions it came with it had two ranges for how faraway they should be so I met about halfway if that makes sense (I’ll have to get exact measurements when I can) The LED was added a couple of days ago before that she was under two 130W CFLs, 1 6400k and 1 2700k

I don't think the plant is getting light burn...was wondering if they were getting enough. How many hours are they on? I see a little drop of water on your plant....overwatering at this point would be lethal...
I don't think the lights are too close. How many hours are they on? I see a little drop of water on your plant....overwatering at this point would be lethal...

Sweet that’s good news! I’ve got them on 20/4, I realised about a week in I didn’t have my timer on so for the first week she was under 24 hrs of light but that’s okay for autos. I took that photo right after I flushed the pot, a bit of splashback landed on her but she wasn’t put back under the light while the pot drained outside under shade. I really hope it’s not going to kill her :/
Sweet that’s good news! I’ve got them on 20/4, I realised about a week in I didn’t have my timer on so for the first week she was under 24 hrs of light but that’s okay for autos. I took that photo right after I flushed the pot, a bit of splashback landed on her but she wasn’t put back under the light while the pot drained outside under shade. I really hope it’s not going to kill her :/
I had great success with 18/6 last winter running autos...all living things need a rest, and I have heard that darkness is when sugar/cell production occurs (and/or similar desirable things!). I tried increasing the light to 20/4 this winter and noticed i was getting more light burn on my leaves than last winter, so I just decreased them to 18/6.

I can usually tell if my lights are too close if my plants look flattened (like yours). I have strong lights so I have never seen much stretch, but I have def seen them flattened and, after I raised the light, they filled out normally.
I had great success with 18/6 last winter running autos...all living things need a rest, and I have heard that darkness is when sugar/cell production occurs (and/or similar desirable things!). I tried increasing the light to 20/4 this winter and noticed i was getting more light burn on my leaves than last winter, so I just decreased them to 18/6.

How I can usually tell if the lights are too close is if they look flattened (like yours) or stretched. I have strong lights so I have never seen much stretch, but I have def seen them flattened and, after I raised the light, they filled out normally.

That’s good to know! Thanks for the knowledge mate I’m going to switch the timer to 18/6, I’ve been doing a little more research and that’s not the first time I’ve heard this so it sounds like it’s legit. What are some tell tale signs of light burn? I had to start her off next to a window so sadly she stretched quite a lot for the first couple of days.

I’ll get the exact measurements and let you know the distance my LED is once I get the chance, I think that it’s okay but would love to hear what you think!

Hopefully this last flush brings her back and not drown her, we will find out soon!
That’s good to know! Thanks for the knowledge mate I’m going to switch the timer to 18/6, I’ve been doing a little more research and that’s not the first time I’ve heard this so it sounds like it’s legit. What are some tell tale signs of light burn? I had to start her off next to a window so sadly she stretched quite a lot for the first couple of days. I’ll get the exact measurements and let you know the distance my LED is once I get the chance, I think that it’s okay but would love to hear what you think!

Hopefully this last flush brings her back and not drown her, we will find out soon!
I think you will find 18/6 works well for you. I don't see much stretch on her unless you are referring to the stem (you can bolster than by just piling up some dirt around it). Tell tale light burns, for me, include leaves wilting (after watering, when they should be praying upwards) and tips of the plants browning and curling (fried by light). In general, lights are good anywhere about 50-75cm (20-30") from tops of plants.

If you give her what she needs she will rebound....all that sad growth will get replaced by new growth....plants want to live like the rest of us, so she will fight!
I think you will find 18/6 works well for you. I don't see much stretch on her unless you are referring to the stem (you can bolster than by just piling up some dirt around it). Tell tale light burns, for me, include leaves wilting (after watering, when they should be praying upwards) and tips of the plants browning and curling (fried by light). In general, lights are good anywhere about 50-75cm (20-30") from tops of plants.

If you give her what she needs she will rebound....all that sad growth will get replaced by new growth....plants want to live like the rest of us, so she will fight!

Thanks for that mate I appreciate it. Yeah I was talking about the stem, once she hopefully recovers I plan on doing some LST as I’ve seen really good results from other growers and I want to keep her short so it shouldn’t be a problem. Sweet I will keep an eye out for that! From memory my lights about 20-25” from her but I will double check.

She’s somehow survived this long in the hands of me so she’s definitely a fighter! Will keep you posted if you’re interested to see how it goes. I might make a journal once I get my hands on some new beans, thank you for all the help mate! Much love
She’s coming back! Ordered some more beans so I can get another one going along side her, i’m not expecting her to produce much but she’s made it this far so i’m not giving up!

Question: should I remove the bottom leaves that are pretty much dead?


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Good luck with the auto. Stress in the beginning of veg never works out to well if they make it to bloom. You may end up with a hermie
I would...they're not doing anything for the plant anymore.

All done, thanks again mate :) she’s looking better now! Also I know it doesn’t look good for me because I should have known this but it turns out I had the timer set on 18/6 this whole time so I didn’t have to change it, not sure what made me think I was running 20/4 - my bad.

What did you do?

To bring her back? Did what you said and flushed her twice - thank you for that! I haven’t fed/watered her since. The first couple of days it looked like she wasn’t going to make it but she did :)

Good luck with the auto. Stress in the beginning of veg never works out to well if they make it to bloom. You may end up with a hermie

So would that mean viable femanised seeds? Or would they all 100% herm? I wouldn’t mind growing her out just to seed, I could use some extra (sorta free) seeds! I might even look into using colidal silver if she doesn’t herm, hmmmm giving me ideas now! Haha
That’s a grate question. And maybe a true possibility to be all female seeds. Hopefully it doesn’t herm on you but if so I’d grow them anyways also.
This is her today, bottom leaves cut and pulled her closer to the ground once again. She’s definitely very alive! By the time I pulled her closer to the ground and then took this photo she had already turned back towards the light!!

Some leaves still burnt but they aren’t as nearly damaged as the ones I snipped. New growth is nice and green sorta? Anyone know what’s up with the slightly yellow tips? Aftermath of the nute burn/flushing maybe?


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That’s a grate question. And maybe a true possibility to be all female seeds. Hopefully it doesn’t herm on you but if so I’d grow them anyways also.

I would not mind if this plant hermed at all! Either way I will definitely grow her out, can pick the seeds out and make some sort of extract if she herms :)
Anyone know what’s up with the slightly yellow tips?

I've been told it's a sign of nute burn.

How old is the plant? It'll probably start blooming soon it it's 5-6 weeks old, which means you won't get much bud, but you got pounds of experience!
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