Why are lower leaves yellowing and falling off? please help!

ciao amico dogno la prossima coltivazione se usi bio bizz prendi il terriccio bio biz fish mix alga grow e bio bloom secondo me le piante crescono bene se usi tutta la linea della ditta prendi anche bio haven vedrai che avrai meno problemi puoi sciegliere altre ditte molto buone i vasi che usi quanti litri sono? + il vaso e grande + soldi servono e 6 le piante diventano grandi le foglie gialle io le stacco con le mani le foglie coi buchi puoi tagliarle se sono molto bucate togli anche le foglie rotte le foglie strane della foto le ha anche una mia pianta ma solo 2 foglie gia da 1 mese quel ragno e nostro amico dogno ok? hihihi dogno se le piante non sono iniziate a fiorire sono in ritardo io una fra 15 giorni posso iniziare a tagliare rami maturi almeno spero se sei del nord italy pure io vivo nelle alpi spreo di sbagliare ma penso potrai avere problemi con la fioritura se vivi al nord italy e non hai una serra ciao a presto secondo me gli animali diventano un pericolo per la pianta solo quando sono molti se la pianta e gia grande le foglie gialle possono essere un problema se sono tante foglie gialle solo in questi casi bisogna allarmarsi so per esperienza che la natura se da una parte distrugge poi da un altra costruisce
ciao tony, cosa vuol dire che le piante sono in ritardo? non dovrebbero regolarsi da sole outdoor? (he says the plants should have already begun flowering, that they are late, but it doesnt make sense since im outdoor ?)
grazie x i consigli :)

comunque si sono dal nord
ok i gave her 5x dosage fish mix in about 3 gallons of water (10 liters) 4 hours ago.
she looks a bit greener i guess, but its still far from the dark green it should be. and the very lowest leaves are still yellow.
maybe its just the strain? (barneys lsd) or maybe she is very very hungry, next time like 8x dosage instead of 5x? man if i had 20 plants like those i would finish the bottle in like 3 weeks lol

also, my spinosad arrived, but im not gonna use it just yet; instead of spraying the whole plants with neem every 3 days i tried spraying a little under the lower leaves every evening, and that seems to have solved most of my pests problems. but if those fuckers come back i have an extra weapon so its all good on that front :)
pics of the whole garden:

tried to take one with all 3 but ended up very blurry
ciao dogno anche io sono alla prima coltivazione ho molto da imparare e io da questa discussione sto imparando molto perche vedo le tue piante vorrei fare altrettanto mettere le mie foto ma per ora non posso non so se le tue piante sono in ritardo io ho 3 piante di ceppi diversi e le foglie sono tutte diverse anche il colore una 1 settimana fa era molto chiara mentre ora e verde molto scuro ho visto le tue che hanno i colori come le mie tu hai semi di ceppi diversi? le mie piante sono alte 3 metri e la fioritura sta entrando nella fase esplosiva i fiori e le foglie sono gia pieni di resina appiccicosa per questo ho detto che le tue sono in ritardo scusa dogno mi permetto di andare a vedere il tuo ceppo perche quello e la cosa molto importante poi ti faro sapere la mia opinione se ti interessa ciao a presto
la scura è un bubba pre 98 bx2(cali connection), le due chiare sono barney's farm lsd.
mi va benissimo il fatto che siano chiare, niente di male, ciò che non va bene sono le foglie gialle di sotto.

e comunque non dovrebbero fiorire all'inizio dell autunno? boh.

e ricordati di firmare il referendum dei radicali!!! xD
ciao :)

i told him what my strains are (the dark plant is bubba pre 98 bx2, the other ones are barney's farm lsd)
he said that different strains can have different colors, im fine with that but i dont think the yellow leaves have anything to do with the strains.
he says his plants are already flowering, but shouldnt they begin in autumn?
any inputs would be apreciated (about time i fix those yellow leaves =/)
rieccomi dogno allora bel ceppo tempo di fioritura 70 giorni quindi le tue piante dovrebbero essere pronte per fine ottobre speriamo che sia piu preciso delle mie che e tutto diverso da come era scritto sui semi le tue piante mi piacciono per me sono belle sulle ultime fotografie ti consiglio di non esagerare coi fertilizzanti anche se bio magari cambiano il gusto finale
le foglie gialle puoi toglierle a mano tirandole verso il basso se non si staccano con facilita aspetta qualche giorno e riprova non preoccuparti no problem sono poche e in basso le perde lo stesso e normale per la pianta tutte le foglie sul tronco meno gli ultimi 6 palchi si sono ingiallite e le ho tolte io sul totale di 26 palchi quindi vuol dire che ho tolto 40 foglie grandi come 2 mani foglie con 12 dita lunghe anche 30 centimetri ma le piante hanno gradito molto questa e la mia esperienza di coltivazione sulle foglie gialle
per il gusto dei fertilizzanti no problem, basta flushare prima del taglio e usare tanta melassa dopo, i germogli prendono un gusto dolce! :)
e per le foglie sotto se guardi bene anche una foglia grande a metà è gialla, per adesso evito di staccarle e vedo se riesco a risolvere

(he suggested to pull the yellow leaves off but you can see, a big leaf in the middle is also yellow so...)
hmm, giving my plants lots of nutes(5x of recommended dosage of fish mix, every 3 days) but the lower leaves are still yellow... (even the 2 smaller plants are starting to do that)
maybe its not nutrients? idk what to do :(
ciao amico dogno la prossima coltivazione se usi bio bizz prendi il terriccio bio biz fish mix alga grow e bio bloom secondo me le piante crescono bene se usi tutta la linea della ditta prendi anche bio haven vedrai che avrai meno problemi puoi sciegliere altre ditte molto buone i vasi che usi quanti litri sono? + il vaso e grande + soldi servono e 6 le piante diventano grandi le foglie gialle io le stacco con le mani le foglie coi buchi puoi tagliarle se sono molto bucate togli anche le foglie rotte le foglie strane della foto le ha anche una mia pianta ma solo 2 foglie gia da 1 mese quel ragno e nostro amico dogno ok? hihihi dogno se le piante non sono iniziate a fiorire sono in ritardo io una fra 15 giorni posso iniziare a tagliare rami maturi almeno spero se sei del nord italy pure io vivo nelle alpi spreo di sbagliare ma penso potrai avere problemi con la fioritura se vivi al nord italy e non hai una serra ciao a presto secondo me gli animali diventano un pericolo per la pianta solo quando sono molti se la pianta e gia grande le foglie gialle possono essere un problema se sono tante foglie gialle solo in questi casi bisogna allarmarsi so per esperienza che la natura se da una parte distrugge poi da un altra costruisce
Venice - 04-sep-2013 = 13.07 ore di luce
Venice - 10-sep-2013 = 12.48 ore di luce
non ancora fiorite tempo =D
listen my friend I cannot sit here and translate Italian for the next hour, but the one thing I do agree on is bio bizz. its my honest opinion that if you can possibly afford to, you should donate all your weird and wonderful potions to the real garden and get yourself the complete bio range, its clean and simple and they have feeding schedules on the internet. your plants appear to 'look healthy but pale' however the feeding schedules a hear being thrown around in this thread scare the crap out of me and I think the plant is going to get fried from it all. If you get the time and inclination, check out my old grows. you will see that im a master of bodge and improvise and the sum total experience of that tells me one simple thing, doing it right and buying the proper simple ingredients is the way to go for stress free gardening...with a single bottle of bio bizz grow and some tap water you can get a plant to flowering very nicely, then swap to bloom for the rest, so easy. the alga mics and other admixtures are generally helpful but with varying scales of cost/benefit.
hey gigabane,
look here:

it says to use bio grow before flowering, at 1ml/l. but it also says it can be substituted by fish mix(with the same dosage), and thats what im using.. when i went to the shop they said fish mix is better than bio grow for outdoor grows.

and no need to translate italian, you can look what the other people said before tony(they said to give much more fish mix and thats what i did, im giving 5ml/l instead of 1 now but leaves are still yellow..)

hope u can help me fix my plants!
fishmix isn't the same balance as grow, its 6-2-4 where as grow is 8-2-6, which means that when you multiply the dose by 5, you are getting a LOT more phosphor in the mix than you would if using the same concentration of grow, not that im saying you cant use it in place, but just making you aware that in some symptoms, the different ratios between fish mix and grow can make a difference...

most leaves that are pale green will probably survive, even if your doing everything right, its going to take week(s) for them to regain the colour properly. The yellow leaves will almost certainly never recover and you may as well pull them off.

If you have sat down and calculated your feed, PH, soil moisture/o2 levels, pest situation to be all tolerable...then do nothing else. follow your schedule and stick to it.

a lot of crop losses are caused by a minor issue because the plant owner over compensates and kills them with kindness ;)
i have a thing to measure the soil moisture, but how do i measure the o2 levels? and yeah i get what you're saying but those big yellow leaves on the big plant just dont look right to me...
today i gave a big amount of fish mix to the small plants, since they were starting to yellow too. problem is the yellowing isnt stopping, no matter how much nutrients i give them, every day they are a little bit more yellow..
I agree with GiGaBaNE on two critical points: 1) "plant owner over compensates and kills them with kindness" Most problems are caused by growers who can't back off and be patient. They end up treating treatments and the cycle becomes hopeless; and 2) "leaves going yellow this week could still be about last weeks issues" These problems take time to correct.

All of that said, your plants have been lime green/yellow for far too long. They are uniformly yellow. This can ONLY be nitrogen or sulfur, and it is almost never sulfur. Therefore, I think you did the right thing by increasing the fish emulsion. Now, pull back on the watering and give them some time.
I agree with GiGaBaNE on two critical points: 1) "plant owner over compensates and kills them with kindness" Most problems are caused by growers who can't back off and be patient. They end up treating treatments and the cycle becomes hopeless; and 2) "leaves going yellow this week could still be about last weeks issues" These problems take time to correct.

All of that said, your plants have been lime green/yellow for far too long. They are uniformly yellow. This can ONLY be nitrogen or sulfur, and it is almost never sulfur. Therefore, I think you did the right thing by increasing the fish emulsion. Now, pull back on the watering and give them some time.
hey man, everything you said, i agree with. but there is one little detail that doesnt add up: the yellowing rate has actually slightly increased from the moment i started giving lots of fish mix(it looks proportional, the more fish mix i give the slightly faster they get yellow) not to mention the 2 small plants are starting to do that too, and they never did it. but as you said for now im gonna water every 3 days (do you want it to be 4?) with costant high dosage fish mix(5-6ml/l) and see how time goes. this evening i also sprayed some worm castings extract(right dosage and everything) on the leaves, maybe that will help.
Well, you need to develop a sense when they need water. You can pick them up and see how the weight of the pot changes, or you can wait for them to wilt once to see how long that takes, but over-watering can cause a nitrogen deficiency.

Also, I just checked the analysis of the BioBizz Fish Mix and it's 2.1-0.2-6.6--or at least it is in the US, not sure where GiGaBaNE got his numbers. Not a great source of N. Before today I thought you were using real fish emulsion, which is more like 5-1-1. So, your plants have all the phosphorus they need, but may still be hungry for nitrogen. The worm castings are not going to help (nor will they hurt). They are a soil conditioner and not a good source of nutrient.

Stop adding stuff for a while and I suspect that in a week they will have improved slightly. If they remain too yellow (likely) you can find something in your arsenal of nutes that has a HIGH-LOW-LOW N-P-K and use that. For now though, just let them react to what you did today that way we can be sure.
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