1st Afghani CFL Grow - Pics - Advice Welcome

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Once you get 50 posts you can send private messages. Message a user GreenSunAmy. They are a sponsor and have mentioned E27. See what they know.
Hey all time for another update
The baby is about two weeks or almost
Did a little growing
But still some deficiencies
Give some nitrogen to get that green back. What are your temps? That is usually the top cause for warped looking leaves
Both of those are entirely to high. Your plant is dieing from underwatering as I thought. At higher temps plants transpire at a faster rate and so they need more water. At the absolute highest you want the temps to be 85 at the highest. Ideally if you can get to about 78 or 79 would be wonderful. Please get that temp down or your plant will die. It might even be to late still but hopefully that alone will save your plant. Its choking to death. Temps that high will get you caught so fast by a police thermal imaging please lower it.
In the meantime put icecubes in your pot on the dirt close to the stem but not touching it.
Also the soil is still pretty moist just checked cause I was going to water it but it was fine. Before the replies were over watering now under. When the water in the run off tray dries up every other day I'll give it a little mist and I'll water it once its dry about half an inche to an inch and a half
Im confused. So it isnt 98 or 120? I hope not because thats just insane I would have to turn my fans off the whole day close the door for no ventilation or heat dispersion for the heat to reach 98. If you say it is 89 outside and cooler in the grow environment by a fw degrees I would still try to lower the heat a bit. Introduce another fan or have it at a height where the fan is blowing consistently at the light fixture
I said overwater before you said that your temps were 98 and 120. The higher the heat is and the more light you have the more water the plants transpire and so the more water they need to survive. If the soil isnt wet enough it will draw water from the plant to even things out. This is called osmotic pressure. I just go off of the info given. With every new circumstance the solutions change.
Overwatering,underwatering,wind damage nutrient burn
Jawon...... Please tell me what kind of dirt you used and everything you possibly can about how you started these plants.

Plants of that size do not need nutrients as early as your's did the dirt should have the required nutrients. How often do you water? if the soil dry at least an inch down before you go watering again?

Some soils have a vary alkaline PH for growing diffrent kinds of plants, should your soil be this kind, that is the cause. Don't go crazy adding more and more nutes especially when it fixes nothing to start with.

From what I can tell, you have over watered them, Are there drain holes at the bottom of the cup? Make holes everywhere small holes all around the cup allow some air in there.

I must urge you to steer away from watering her for the next 2-3 days, instead if you feel she is dry give her a little misting and check 2 inches down in the dirt, if its dry water her, if not DON'T.'

Trust me friend I have had plants before looking exactly like this got yelled at from grandparents and their friends about over watering years ago, Its ingrained into me. Much better to let the plants go till they are almost dehydrated and water them, then to water every 2-3 days per say and the plant sits in water. They do not like to be sitting in water 100% of the time.

Get back to me with a bit of info and lets see if we can save your plant.
Yes its looking better. Glad to be of help. Now im going to suggest another thing for you to do. Clean the dirt off of those leaves. By clearing the dirt the plant will transpire better. Looking good
Hey Jawon how is your day? Your plants need nitrogen pretty badly. Thats why they are yellowing. Once new growth comes out yellow your plants are gonna be dead soon after.
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