1st Ever Grow, 8 Ball Kush

So we're 4 days into 12-12 and not too much to report.
Pots were drained today so they have had a good feed.
2ml bio grow
0.5ml bio bloom
0.5ml topmax
1ml Cal mag
pH 6.4
Ppm 920
Temp 17
Run off pH 6.6
They must have been thirsty as I managed to get them to take 12 litres between the 3.

I do have some deficiencies in 2 of the ladies, it seems like the calmag helps so I've gone back to the full dosage and will now give with every water.

I've tried moving my lights up to 20" today as I was hoping for a bit more stretch.
I've also tried a couple of tops down to try and get the canopy even.

I've had a count of the top budsites and between the 3 I have nearly 50 so I'm happy with that.
Quick update
Day 6 of 12-12 and we have the start of flowers.
A bit of stretch as they have grown 3" in 2 days.
What I thought was a deficiency in some lower leaves I know think was just lack of light to those leaves as it's only happening to a few right under the dense canopy.
I've do a little defoliation taking a few bits of lower growth that won't get any light.

I'm glad I flipped when I did as it's getting crowded in there already.

So today I was greeted with some wilted ladies begging for water.
All 3 pots were totally dry so we are now draining the pots in under 3 days.

Even at full dosage of nutes I'm seeing deficiency so I've gone totally mad and upped the dosage.
3ml biogrow
1.5 ml biobloom
1ml topmax
1ml bio heaven (bought today)
1ml Cal mag
At PH 6.3
I got just over 11 litres in the 3 pots watering slowly for just over an hour.

it will be 7 days since the switch tomorrow so I'll count that as day 1 bloom.
Hopefully the extra nutes should see them flourish.
Quick check on the ladies before lights out.

May need to water again tomorrow as pots are light already

Everything looking pretty good, they have started throwing out some white pistls so I will start hitting them with more bloom nutes.
They really are smelling great now .

Thought I'd try some close ups with my new phone camera
Hi Bill. Not too late to say :welcome: to:420: I hope you like it here.
He had a suspected brain hemorrhage, fine one day and gone the next.
.. is a nightmare. Heartfelt condolences for your loss.

A lot of us here very open about the fact we prefer dogs to people. That’s a heavy loss he was a handsome fellow.

Your first few grows each get exponentially better than the one before. We’re in the right place for that, no doubt.

A few things stuck out for me reading your grow, things I wanted to know sooner than I did:
Cal/mag. It seems you either build your own living organic soil and put slow release available calcium there, or use cal/mag in some form. Cannabis loves calcium, but it just isn’t in soil. You wonder how it ever survived in the wild ;)
Days in flower. Either just count from flip day 12/12. Nice and simple. If you’re going to keep the same strains running it won’t make much difference. It isn’t the same as days in flower though. Long after pistils first show, even after branches are really getting a bit hairy, budset happens. One day you have leaves at the tip of a growing shoot, the next day a small (but plural) amount of pistils is there instead. That’s day one. Handy to know if you’re growing an auto, I guess.

I’m sure there was one or two other things, but you know how it goes. Like, you really know how it goes you’re doing great. Your plants are gonna be as good as they can be you’ll see.

Hi DonkeyDick.

I'm loving this forum thanks.
I've spent hours reading journals and gleaming as much info as I can.
I was a total novice having never grown anything since growing cress at school in the late 80s.

Thank you for your condolences.
Billy was a huge part of our family and we miss him terribly.
Dogs are just so uncomplicated, always happy, always pleased to see you and just want to please you all the time, I just wish they lived longer.

I've had issues during my grow but feel I've learned a lot also.
I think you are correct with the clacium statement, my ladies seem to need lots of Cal mag, from what I've read this is pretty common when growing with leds, my deficiencies started really showing when I put them under the full 440w of light.

I'm very pleased with where I am now, they are far from perfect.
I set myself a personal target yield of 150g so I'm thinking I have a chance still.

The best thing about it all is I've found I really really enjoy growing.
Watered the 3 ladies tonight. Pots not totally dry but a few have advised to not let them get too dry in bloom.
I've upped the bloom nutes and a little extra Cal mag as I've got a few lower fan leaves going yellow.

They took a little over 10 litres between them before I got a little run off.
3ml biogrow
2ml biobloom
1ml topmax
1.2ml bio heaven
1.2ml Cal mag
pH 6.4
Looks like they need to be on roughly a 3 day watering cycle.

Plenty of budsites forming now, especially where I have pulled down some of the taller branches.
Also I'm taking off a few fan leaves every day where they are blocking light from budsites.


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not let them get too dry in bloom.
Hey Bill. Letting them dry out in veg is to get the roots to grow, looking for water. Once stretch finishes post flip the roots won’t grow any more and it’s time to use them :yummy:
They’ll still get droopy and hungry. Depending on the strain that seems pretty normal. Looking like they do in the photos at feeding time seems about right I’d say you’re bang on.
I found I had to teach myself to hold off on the waterings, but over a few grows now the rhythm you’ve found of a couple of feeds a week is exactly what they need.

You’ve got green thumbs you’re doing well
Hey Bill. Letting them dry out in veg is to get the roots to grow, looking for water. Once stretch finishes post flip the roots won’t grow any more and it’s time to use them :yummy:
They’ll still get droopy and hungry. Depending on the strain that seems pretty normal. Looking like they do in the photos at feeding time seems about right I’d say you’re bang on.
I found I had to teach myself to hold off on the waterings, but over a few grows now the rhythm you’ve found of a couple of feeds a week is exactly what they need.

You’ve got green thumbs you’re doing well

Thanks DonkeyDick.
It's great to get some encouragement.

I've noticed in veg this strain tends to start drooping roughly a day before the pots are totally dry.
It makes it easy now to just look for the wilt and water then for bloom.

It's going pretty good so far so I'm very happy.
Sorry to hear about your buddy. They take a piece of your soul when they leave. I lost my Lab Tessie last year, 2nd Lab, and I'm still not ready for another, but i will be. Again sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about your buddy. They take a piece of your soul when they leave. I lost my Lab Tessie last year, 2nd Lab, and I'm still not ready for another, but i will be. Again sorry for your loss.
Thank you Deketx
They really do, I'm sorry to hear you lost Tessie, I'm not religious but I really hope we get to meet them again after this life.
It's strange but loosing Billy has hit me harder than when I've lost people I know.
I'm sure when the time is right for you there will be another great dog to share your life with.
Watered yesterday, pots were light but not bone dry.
I'm still having some issues I can't solve with fan leaves dying.
I've tried a little less Cal mag just to see if it was maybe locking out some other nutrient.
The 3 ladies too just under 10 litres before I got a little running off.
3ml biogrow
2ml biobloom
1ml bioheaven
0.5ml calmag

Even with the yellowing leaf problems the flowers are now looking like proper budsites and there are a lot of them.
Now 2 weeks since flipping to bloom so still a long way to go.

Fed and watered again tonight.

They took the full 12 litres I mixed up with no run off so they must be drinking more.
I may have to go to watering every other day.

3ml biogrow
2ml biobloom
1ml topmax
1ml bioheaven
Next to no Cal mag this time, about 0.1 ml per litre to see if it is causing the yellow leaves.
pH 6.3.
There are a couple of higher fan leaves yellowing now.
Hopefully the extra N with the upped grow dose should help.

I've tied down all the dominant tops to level up the canopy and get some light to the lower budsites.
I really don't have any room left in the little 2x4.
I have also removed a couple of tops that were too low to ever make the canopy.

Buds really starting to form at the nodes now and the ladies have a real earthy smell that hits you as soon as the tent is opened.

I've also turned up the drivers to full so they have a full 440w now.
Fed and watered again tonight.

They took the full 12 litres I mixed up with no run off so they must be drinking more.
I may have to go to watering every other day.

3ml biogrow
2ml biobloom
1ml topmax
1ml bioheaven
Next to no Cal mag this time, about 0.1 ml per litre to see if it is causing the yellow leaves.
pH 6.3.
There are a couple of higher fan leaves yellowing now.
Hopefully the extra N with the upped grow dose should help.

I've tried down all the dominant tops to level up the canopy and get some light to the lower budsites.
I really don't have any room left in the little 2x4.
I have also removed a couple of tops that were too low to ever make the canopy.

Buds really starting to form at the nodes now and the ladies have a real earthy smell that hits you as soon as the tent is opened.

I've also turned up the drivers to full so they have a full 440w now.
Looking great
Fed and watered again tonight.

They took the full 12 litres I mixed up with no run off so they must be drinking more.
I may have to go to watering every other day.

3ml biogrow
2ml biobloom
1ml topmax
1ml bioheaven
Next to no Cal mag this time, about 0.1 ml per litre to see if it is causing the yellow leaves.
pH 6.3.
There are a couple of higher fan leaves yellowing now.
Hopefully the extra N with the upped grow dose should help.

I've tied down all the dominant tops to level up the canopy and get some light to the lower budsites.
I really don't have any room left in the little 2x4.
I have also removed a couple of tops that were too low to ever make the canopy.

Buds really starting to form at the nodes now and the ladies have a real earthy smell that hits you as soon as the tent is opened.

I've also turned up the drivers to full so they have a full 440w now.

No doubt they were up and praying at the light again soon after a drink :yummy:
Good idea to max out the meter on the light now the smells are gonna be great!
No doubt they were up and praying at the light again soon after a drink :yummy:
Good idea to max out the meter on the light now the smells are gonna be great!
Yes it doesn't take them long, this is the view from may camera just a couple of hours after watering.

I think 2 of them are draining the pots in under 36 hours as they really wilt by watering time, I'll have to maybe give them a light water in-between the main waterings.
They smell that good already it's a shame to filter the extraction air.
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