1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

It took me forever to see the difference in trichomes. I actually was starting to call BS on it no matter what I did with my 50x hand microscope they all looked clear (so I thought). My microscope has a purple LED and 2 bright white LEDs you can switch back and forth between. What I didn't realize is that with either lights on I can't tell worth a damn what color they were as they only appeared clear. When I shut the light off it was plain as day that many were milky and some were ambered. Lights were just causing glares on the trichomes and I was mistaking the glares for being clear :laughtwo:

That's a good note, didn't think of that. I'll have to put mine in some natural lighting and check trichs. See if I'm seeing anything different.
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Did you scope out the trichs? if so, how did they look when you decided to harvest? Just curious, im at day 43 and I still have a little ways to go I believe. Not seeing any cloudy trichs yet, all crystal clear. Had to be the BEST feeling chopping her huh? Im excited for you brother!

I was watching the trichs every day from the end of week 7. It seemed a very slow transition to amber from cloudy, wasn't sure if I was seeing it correctly. And then, around day 55 or so, I was seeing an increase daily. When I chopped (day 63) I would guess I was about 15-20% amber, my thinking being that in drying it would add another 5-10%. I wanted to try for a 'high' instead of a 'stoned' feel so I was hoping to keep the amber under 50%. I'm so tempted to try a little bud now but I have waited this long, why spoil it.

As for the chop, yea, it was pretty cool. Sat on my couch in the basement watching baseball and trimming away. Being a short plant, it wasn't too bad to trim, kinda fun. My hope is to get an oz. once dry, anything over that is a bonus.
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

I was watching the trichs every day from the end of week 7. It seemed a very slow transition to amber from cloudy, wasn't sure if I was seeing it correctly. And then, around day 55 or so, I was seeing an increase daily. When I chopped (day 63) I would guess I was about 15-20% amber, my thinking being that in drying it would add another 5-10%. I wanted to try for a 'high' instead of a 'stoned' feel so I was hoping to keep the amber under 50%. I'm so tempted to try a little bud now but I have waited this long, why spoil it.

As for the chop, yea, it was pretty cool. Sat on my couch in the basement watching baseball and trimming away. Being a short plant, it wasn't too bad to trim, kinda fun. My hope is to get an oz. once dry, anything over that is a bonus.

Ok cool, just wanted to know what to expect and when. I like the couch lock myself so what's a good ratio of amber?
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

20-40% amber for couch lock, as I guess the more amber you get to a certain point the greater the couch lock. Never tried a super amber'd bud though and I've heard of guys cutting it as early as 10% for the couch lock, some later. I'd consider chopping at 10-15% amber though and it'll probably cure and finish up closer to 20-30 if you time it properly.
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

20-40% amber for couch lock, as I guess the more amber you get to a certain point the greater the couch lock. Never tried a super amber'd bud though and I've heard of guys cutting it as early as 10% for the couch lock, some later. I'd consider chopping at 10-15% amber though and it'll probably cure and finish up closer to 20-30 if you time it properly.

Cool, thanks for the info man, again. Getting anxious lol
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Well, today was a shitty day. Yesterday I added my t5 lights for some added light, today when I check on the ladies at 730 am, my HPS light was not on. So they only light that was on was my t5 light. I guess some is better than none right? anyways, in freaking out fashion, I quickly threw in my 600w MH bulb for the time being. Came right on. Took my HPS bulb back and got a new one but upgraded to Hortillux free of charge due to warranty. plugged that back in and we are back with HPS and my t5's.

Will This mess with my grow with this lighting mishap? Also, during the change, somehow one of my colas was leaning at a 90 degree. guess the stem broke. ITs not snapped all the way but I seen it oozing some. I splinted it using bamboo...will it recover? Is that going to effect my lady?

Also, again, a shitty day, I noticed some small rusting going on some leafs on my pineapple chunk...its not heavy but enough that I noticed...any ideas what it is and how I should correct? will it set me back some?

Needless to say, having that happen at first wake up, ruined my day to say the least lol Hope this all doesn't set me back too much
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

That is really amazing for your first grow! :goodjob:

Thanks man, just ran into my first mishap and issues today all grow. I knew it was too good to be true lol
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Thats how we learn to grow better though and not make the same mistake next time. Youre doing awesome! :thumb:
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company


Check the chart to try to determine what your problem may be. Could be a P-K prob.

As for the lights, someone with more knowledge will have to give you some help.
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

I was looking at that chart, but then I did some reading in other posts about rust spots and noticed some stating rust spots usually mean its an airborne fungus. so it had me worried.

Looking at the chart, closest resemblance would be phosphorus def....but as a noob im not sure. ill get pics tomorrow if it will help. Thanks buds4all...
OK everyone, just a heads up....I changed the title to my journal. Didn't like how boring it was. had no ifo in it. so, its been updated. Thanks for following 420, had no idea how much fun and informative this forum is. Ill be here to stay! Now, its time to medicate after this long shitty day! Hope everyone else's day went much better than mine!
ALSO, forgot to write this in my last post. Temps were getting so hot outside and even the temp in my room was hard to get low enough to drop the temp in my tent. Night temps in tent wouldn't go below 70 and hovered around 80 during day, So I decided to rig something up so I didn't have to spend 600 on an AC unit just yet lol. I have an AC vent right above my tent luckily so I attached some ducting around it and ran it through the topside of my tent. So far its worked great. temps back down to around 67 lights off and 75 lights on.

Had a couple pics from adding my T5 light. not sure if it will do anything but I figured, wth, why not.


Theres a lot of people that actually do that. I've seen a lot of videos on Youtube where they rig something up with an a/c duct close by. There was one guy that actually bought one of those little $99 window units and had it rigged up to cool his tent. It worked! :laugh:
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