2x Fast Buds Green Crack Auto FFOF Soil Mars Hydro 144x5R LED Roots Organic Nutrients

Re: 2x Fast Buds Green Crack Auto FFOF Soil Mars Hydro 144x5R LED Roots Organic Nutri

very frosty. :thumb: Always sucks when its the last of it. :party: "awkwardly sings End of the Road by Boys to Men"

Its soooo haaaaaaaaaard........toooooo saaaaaay gooooodbuuuuuuuuuuy.........tooooo DrreeeeeaamBeeeeeerryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
The ladies got fed today, they were light as hell. They never go more than 3 days without hydration/feed. Nothing but lush green plants with buds building EVERYWHERE!!! No exaggeration.. I will post pictures tomorrow after I arrive home.
I'm very satisfied this grow. My 2 autos filled up a 2'x4' they would have easily filled a 3'x4' area if it weren't for my training...
Re: 2x Fast Buds Green Crack Auto FFOF Soil Mars Hydro 144x5R LED Roots Organic Nutri

I loosened some restraints to even out the canopies and shrink their profiles so they weren't pressed against the walls or each other and so I could spin them on their lazy susan's more easily (without snagging or bending when spun) to tend to and water them.
Its a thing used in the kitchen you put spices on that spins around. I have my catchers on them with the pots in them that way when I work with them training, maintenance, watering etc. I can spin them with ease instead of clunking around in my thin tent (2' deep). Also its magnificent in the fact you can just reach in and spin your girl to hit different parts with different amounts of light intensity by spinning the outer edges of the canopy into the center of the light footprint and so forth. ..
Re: 2x Fast Buds Green Crack Auto FFOF Soil Mars Hydro 144x5R LED Roots Organic Nutri



So what is everybody's opinion of a spider, not spider mites, but a regular old house spider being in the tent? Good or Bad?
I was in the tent earlier this evening and happened to turn my head to the right and noticed a spider about the size of a US quarter. .Kinda startled me! ..Lmfao! I shooed him away and went about my business.
My thoughts are it will be beneficial. If there happen to be any pests the spider will eat them.
Thoughts everybody???
Re: 2x Fast Buds Green Crack Auto FFOF Soil Mars Hydro 144x5R LED Roots Organic Nutri

Spiders are a good thing as long as you dont kill it with FIRE!!!
Re: 2x Fast Buds Green Crack Auto FFOF Soil Mars Hydro 144x5R LED Roots Organic Nutri

A big spiders place is squished under my shoe.. normal spiders are my good friends. I used to be really startled by spiders but now i consider them to be my little bug eating buddies. They will help keep the bugs away. I keep wishing a little spider would wonder its way into my tent but they mostly stay in my basement and i havent seen one yet in the tent.
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