600W LED Grow

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Your simple LST technique is sweet bro..Thanks for reminding me + reps when I can...

ya it dosent get much more simple then that, just bent them down one time and ur good to go. ive done it before where i tie 50 different branches down and found out it was just not for me. i like just getting around 6 tops and letting them grow up as they would normally. i dont have hight problems so i dont care how tall they get just want the even colas.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I do the same way Irish, and I can always add more ties later if I want to even things out or gain more headroom.

do you LST them late in veg, after one month?

that's worked well for me also, although it does take some more care because the stem is not as flexible. I do it a couple of hours after watering, and that helps a lot with preventing those "oops" we all dread.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

so their for even if the yield isn't as good as HID leds still have a place in my grow room a few months out of the year. and so so HID. just like Hydro has a place in my grow room cretin months out of the year as soil has other months of the year.

Beginner question here. I am getting my new lights from Mike anyday now and staring my first grow. I am planning on using hydro (DWC) but now you got me thinking. I think we are in similar climates (cool in winter and hot in summer). I am assuming that you use soil in the summer and hydro in the winter? Is that because in summer the resevoir temps get too high and cause problems? I guess the real question is what is the decision criteria for using soil over hydro based upon room temp? Thanks for any advice you might have :Rasta:

BTW - your grow looks awesome. If i even come close to half of what your grow looks like, I will be a happy camper:goodjob:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I do the same way Irish, and I can always add more ties later if I want to even things out or gain more headroom.

do you LST them late in veg, after one month?

that's worked well for me also, although it does take some more care because the stem is not as flexible. I do it a couple of hours after watering, and that helps a lot with preventing those "oops" we all dread.

i usaly tie them down around 2 weeks into veg or around 10-12". then let them veg for another week or two. i start them young and barley bend them at or little by little every few days. it dose help when you water first for sure.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Beginner question here. I am getting my new lights from Mike anyday now and staring my first grow. I am planning on using hydro (DWC) but now you got me thinking. I think we are in similar climates (cool in winter and hot in summer). I am assuming that you use soil in the summer and hydro in the winter? Is that because in summer the resevoir temps get too high and cause problems? I guess the real question is what is the decision criteria for using soil over hydro based upon room temp? Thanks for any advice you might have :Rasta:

BTW - your grow looks awesome. If i even come close to half of what your grow looks like, I will be a happy camper:goodjob:

to be honest i dont think its a good idea to grow hydro in hot heat, less o2 to the roots and causes root problems and all kinds of things IMO without a water chiller. i do you soil in the summer and works great, keeps my roots cool and happy. i haven't grown hydro yet but i will in the cooler months but i would do it in the heat unless maybe Hempy or maybe ebb and flow. but probably not even that.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I am planning on using hydro (DWC) but now you got me thinking. I think we are in similar climates (cool in winter and hot in summer). I am assuming that you use soil in the summer and hydro in the winter? Is that because in summer the resevoir temps get too high and cause problems? I guess the real question is what is the decision criteria for using soil over hydro based upon room temp?

This is what I find using LED's and DWC. LED's don't heat up the hydro unit like an HID bulb would.. In the summertime in my LED room I put my DWC units on my basement floor and find absolutely no need for a chiller (water temps stay at about 68/70 degrees). But when I use HID lights I find the water starts to heat up to near 80 degrees after a few days, regardless if the reservoir is on the cement floor or not durring the summertime.. So IMO that's one of the pros for LED's, the lack of radiant heat.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

This is what I find using LED's and DWC. LED's don't heat up the hydro unit like an HID bulb would.. In the summertime in my LED room I put my DWC units on my basement floor and find absolutely no need for a chiller (water temps stay at about 68/70 degrees). But when I use HID lights I find the water starts to heat up to near 80 degrees after a few days, regardless if the reservoir is on the cement floor or not durring the summertime.. So IMO that's one of the pros for LED's, the lack of radiant heat.

good point. the radiant heat will get you in the heat. with hydro and the tops of ur girls. i also think that radiant heat helps with bud growth, thats why hps buds grow so good. IDK?
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

to be honest i dont think its a good idea to grow hydro in hot heat, less o2 to the roots and causes root problems and all kinds of things IMO without a water chiller. i do you soil in the summer and works great, keeps my roots cool and happy. i haven't grown hydro yet but i will in the cooler months but i would do it in the heat unless maybe Hempy or maybe ebb and flow. but probably not even that.

This is what I find using LED's and DWC. LED's don't heat up the hydro unit like an HID bulb would.. In the summertime in my LED room I put my DWC units on my basement floor and find absolutely no need for a chiller (water temps stay at about 68/70 degrees). But when I use HID lights I find the water starts to heat up to near 80 degrees after a few days, regardless if the reservoir is on the cement floor or not durring the summertime.. So IMO that's one of the pros for LED's, the lack of radiant heat.

Thanks Irish and Dogsnova.....I will probably build my DWC system and test it out. In fact i might just test both DWC and soil in the same grow and see what works best. I was thinking about 4 plants for my first grow so two DWC and two soil should work. Thanks for the advice! :grinjoint:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Thanks Irish and Dogsnova.....I will probably build my DWC system and test it out. In fact i might just test both DWC and soil in the same grow and see what works best. I was thinking about 4 plants for my first grow so two DWC and two soil should work. Thanks for the advice! :grinjoint:

sounds like a good idea. keep me posted of both work for you. :goodluck:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I also think that radiant heat helps with bud growth, thats why hps buds grow so good. IDK?

IMO there is also a major drawback with radiant heat that happens during flowering with HID bulbs. HID bulbs (with all their radiant heat) will cause the flowers to absorb way too much heat, that in turn causes a deterioration of THC production in most current hybrid strains that I've played with..

That's why I think we will hear a lot of growers talking in the future about how LED's can make more potent flowers, less radiant heat absorbed by the flowers = more potency.

Also let's not forget LED's using the correct TUNED spectrums will also increase flower potency by defalt. So as far as potency goes LED's are a win win on that front..

As far as size of flowers goes with having radiant heat, yes I would think radiant heat plays a roll in the size of flowers to some extent, But I think the (single point light source) plays a bigger roll IMO. The size of the flowers in your garden are more directly related to the size of the single point light source the plant is receiving..
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

IMO there is also a major drawback with radiant heat that happens during flowering with HID bulbs. HID bulbs (with all their radiant heat) will cause the flowers to absorb way too much heat, that in turn causes a deterioration of THC production in most current hybrid strains that I've played with..

That's why I think we will hear a lot of growers talking in the future about how LED's can make more potent flowers, less radiant heat absorbed by the flowers = more potency.

Also let's not forget LED's using the correct TUNED spectrums will also increase flower potency by defalt. So as far as potency goes LED's are a win win on that front..

As far as size of flowers goes with having radiant heat, yes I would think radiant heat plays a roll in the size of flowers to some extent, But I think the (single point light source) plays a bigger roll IMO. The size of the flowers in your garden are more directly related to the size of the single point light source the plant is receiving..

that is true sometimes the radiant heat will make your resin glands explode from the HID light, thats why sometimes u see all kinds of frost on the lower leaves some times, because they exploded and fell to the lower part of the plant. and thats why you will also here some growers claim that their lower buds are more potent then their tops, its just because they received less radiant heat and did not deteriorate or explode.

very good point my friend. i would love to see some lab test of an led vs HID grow and see how much THC each side has? that would be pricey but cool as hell.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Thats why you will also here some growers claim that their lower buds are more potent then their tops

This is exactly what I get when I put my HID bulb too close to the top of the canopy. Like you are saying, it only seems to happen to some strains.. For what ever reason some strains are defiantly more susceptible to this (radiant heat) phenomenon then others...:cool:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Can't Waite bro... :reading420magazine:

ya i almost burnt the shit out of my girls last night. i was feeding them for the first time with MOAB and ur suppose to use 1-2tsp per 5gal and i was high and mixed 2tsp for 3gal of water and my other base nutes, then as i was just about to feed them i thought about it lucky for me and dumped the water out and made a fresh new batch with 1/4tsp per gal. lol.. i could see it now my crop would be fried when the lights came on. shit i hope their ok at 1/4tsp.
Day 49 of flowering















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