About fans?


Well-Known Member
I've been reading about using fans in an indoor grow area. I've never used a fan in my grow area, which is just a corner of a large basement storeroom (grow takes up a 2' X 8' area in in 14' X 20' storeroom) and has produced 4-5 crops of autos so far. So to you, what are the pros and cons about using a fan? For air movement? For stressing the plants, thereby strengthening them? To help simulate what the plants have to deal with when grown outside? Conversely, will the artificial "wind" slow plant growth? What? I think I might be missing something, but I'm not sure.
Ventilation is very important during the flower stage and veg as well. Helps keep air flow movement through your plants or space . Helps dry out medium better m if any pest that fly land blows them.off so they can't walk on stems.

There are alot of benefits to fans and air flow In my 4 years of growing now.
Fans do a couple important things.

1: They make the plants move. This builds stalk and branch strength

2:Cannabis sends more energy to the parts of the plants that are moved by wind. The plant is trying to attract pollen, and wind carries pollen.

3: The air movement helps prevent mold by evaporating moisture on the plant.

4: the air movement helps with temp control

I’m sure I could list more reasons for fan driven air flow, but I’d wager that most growers would agree that air flow is a big plus
You need 2 things from a fan/fans: circulation and ventilation(fresh air and moving air) I have an 18" wall fan in my grow area. Plants grown in the wind are much stronger than those grown in a greenhouse. Plants have pores and breath through the pores. Wind helps them breath.
I've been reading about using fans in an indoor grow area. I've never used a fan in my grow area, which is just a corner of a large basement storeroom (grow takes up a 2' X 8' area in in 14' X 20' storeroom) and has produced 4-5 crops of autos so far. So to you, what are the pros and cons about using a fan? For air movement? For stressing the plants, thereby strengthening them? To help simulate what the plants have to deal with when grown outside? Conversely, will the artificial "wind" slow plant growth? What? I think I might be missing something, but I'm not sure.
If fans were not needed to grow plants then the wind would not blow.


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As already stated get a fan you wont regret it . I would recommend this one it has built timer and programs ...its the best I have used . I would recommend one with good placement . Hurricane 736565 Fan, Super 8 Oscillating 16 Inch Wall, Black
I thought about doing some google searches on fans and indoor growing and that includes greenhouses. I did not search specifically for marijuana growing; I left the search words as general as possible.

Fans are considered essential to indoor growing since they can replace the naturally occurring winds outdoors for the reasons given. But when looking at commercial operations I would notice that they rarely have fans blowing directly on the plants. The fans are above the plants and are used for basic air movement, most importantly to avoid hot or cool areas.

One thing I noticed was little mention of improving stem strength. So I phrased the search words to:
does a fan make plants stronger

and suddenly the search results were about growing marijuana. Just something interesting that marijuana growers feel a need to strengthen stems and also feel it is necessary to have fans blowing directly on their plants while so many commercial greenhouses or indoor growing buildings do not. They have their fans above the plants and apparently use them for air circulation.

Back to the questions that @MedicalMe asked. I found this basic article:
I thought about doing some google searches on fans and indoor growing and that includes greenhouses. I did not search specifically for marijuana growing; I left the search words as general as possible.

Fans are considered essential to indoor growing since they can replace the naturally occurring winds outdoors for the reasons given. But when looking at commercial operations I would notice that they rarely have fans blowing directly on the plants. The fans are above the plants and are used for basic air movement, most importantly to avoid hot or cool areas.

One thing I noticed was little mention of improving stem strength. So I phrased the search words to:
does a fan make plants stronger

and suddenly the search results were about growing marijuana. Just something interesting that marijuana growers feel a need to strengthen stems and also feel it is necessary to have fans blowing directly on their plants while so many commercial greenhouses or indoor growing buildings do not. They have their fans above the plants and apparently use them for air circulation.

Back to the questions that @MedicalMe asked. I found this basic article:
What i said if fans were not needed the wind would not blow.
I thought about doing some google searches on fans

Interesting. Good research. Great info. My conclusion is that using a fan directly on plants will strengthen the stem, but I'd rather my plants devoted their energy to producing bud unless they're getting leggy due to insufficient light. It also depends on the environment - in my case, the plants get plenty of fresh air in a large room although the air is still. When the lights are on, the temp at the tops of the plants is a constant 80 degrees, and humidity is 30%. All they have to do is grow. Perhaps it comes down to preference and/or necessity.

So much our knowledge regarding what works and what doesn't comes anecdotally, based on personal experience rather than controls (sigh). Full legality will lead to controlled experimentation leading to fact rather than just anecdotes, even though anecdotes can be very helpful.
Thanks everyone for considering my questions. Given my particular circumstances, I've decided I have no need of a fan. My heat and humidity are under control, stems are strong (plants are not leggy). What with healthy harvest after healthy harvest I don't feel the need to fix what ain't broke, so to speak. It's been said that 90% of what we worry about never happens, so I figure I can save myself a lot of worry if I don't concern myself what might happen. Just thought I'd ask for some thoughts and options, and of course this is a big part of what 420 is about.

BTW, I've found that fungus gnats pretty easy to control. ;)
Not having a fan moving air past the leaves, reduces grow rate. The air directly on the leaves will have less CO2 than 1 inch away. The more fresh air the stomatas get, the easier it is for them to breath, so growth is more efficient. The stomata open and close , so the plant can breath easier with air moving across the leaves. I grow in the greenhouse in the summer.My bud grows outdoors, in the wind. I have to do a lot of proppin with bamboo, but his dense Xmas trees don't need near as much propping with the same strains. A side note: his plants matured earlier. I think it was because his plants got colder air at night. We get 35F changes over night as the norm.
Without air the wind will not blow....;)

Without background radiation you would not have thermal energy which causes earth's atmospheric conditions

The 3 types of thermal energy transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction involves direct contact of atoms, convection involves the movement of warm particles and radiation involves the movement of electromagnetic waves. Sound right i think lol
Not having a fan moving air past the leaves, reduces grow rate

I'd like to get on board with ya, Bush, sounds logical but . . . I think what we need to settle this whole thing conclusively is to grow two indoor crops, identical strains, side by side but with one subjected to "wind;" the other not and see what happens. Then repeat the experiment over and over to verify the results. Of course, if we REALLY want to get picky, we can breed our own plants for stable seeds rather than use someone else's. If someone undertakes this challenge he/she might be a hero. Sounds like a lot of work, though. I think I'd rather kick back with a plate of cookies, stuff my face, and enjoy a good couch lock.
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