Advice needed! Plants slowly dying - Need help

Fart man

New Member
So my first grow after getting my long awaited license for growing my own medicine, started 3 months ago with these girls. Been doing great up until 3 weeks ago when i had a small spider mite problem. I took care of that with two treatments of bug b gone and maintaining with neem oil. Now have not seen any signs of bugs but my leaves started getting dry, turning brown and falling off. I thought it was a spider mite problem but now that's in the past. they have not bounced back and they seem to be in shock drinking water slowly. Stems are a reddish purple

So what I have been doing (until the spider mites threw a rentch into to the pot) started with promix xp for soil extra puralight with sprinkle of bat guono to start it all off. After they got going, used dutch nutrience A and B.
Water has been steady with a ph at 6. Room is a steady 20 degrees, humidity 50%. I use 3 x 500watt full spectrum LED lights in a 10 x10 room. I have been thinking it is a calcium /magnesium issue because reading on other posts, feeding reverse osmosis water strips them of this. Hope not root rot ...was planning that they would be flowering by now. No point . Going to get small buds if i don't fix them and get them healthy, but before i start adding or taking something away, would love to have some experience growers opinion.
If your plants are stressed from mite treatments (mine get that way sometimes) don't start force-feeding them lots of nutes. Just water them well, let dry, water well, and maybe ONE weak nute feeding a week till you start seeing new growth. They need time to recover.

I know its scary when leaves start dropping, but if the stem is still plump, keep watching the nodes for new growth.
ok got some photos uploaded, hopefully some of you can look and have an idea as to what may be going on.
Got a soil pH tester today and it was in the high 7.5 range.
Hey I'm not an expert by any means but I had a bug problem early and treated with endall. My leaves looked just like that and my plant didn't like it. It rebounded no problem but I was still in veg. The major brown spots on my leaves were created by overlapping leaves and the pesticides not being able to evaporate properly. Hope that helps. Oh I grow with led as well and I have purple areas but its a light issue for me not a nute thing so maybe nothing to worry about if you have a good feeding regiment. Good luck
sorry have not been still communicating on this post trying figure out this problem I'm having so i just watered and added a little epson salt and some dried egg shells that i grinned up into powder hoping that I'm just having a deficiency so my soil is test at a ph of 7.2 but the water i watered with was ph at 5.5 to bring the soil down and the water that came from the bottom of the pots tested ph of 5.5 i guess I'm totally confused now lol I'm still mite free so 4 weeks thought these ladies would have bounced back any suggestions
I think your soil might be overwhelmed with too much of your additives...nutrients...I would just water it for a week...looks like a little nitrogen burn possibly?
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