AKGramma Grows Autos: Current

Looking at the thousand or so seeds I have, I REALLY need to reduce my stock. No way am I every going to grow all those out in a small grow unit in the corner of my bedroom!

Really! :laughtwo: I just added 1,700 Columbian Gold regulars to my seed bank. :rofl:
Since I started my roaming stage of existence :laughtwo: I’ve been off any regulated regimen, and it’s beginning to show. I was reminding myself that edibles do me best, and I have none on hand at the moment.

Although I enjoy my soaring adventures it’s a relief to get back home where I actually scale back. Lol! I’ve been looking for ways to consistently input raw bud, and I’ve started carrying a small tin of ground cob to chew through the day.

I appreciated your thoughts on how spoiled we are with metered medications. We keep trying to do that with cannabis, and it feels to me like we’re chasing our tail. Cannabis doesn’t play by the same cautionary rules pharma drugs demand.

I am reminded of how healers used herbs in our past, and try to follow the old ways where practical. After a few years on this site, I have made my choice to produce my medicine simply, economically, and not waste any of this precious plant.
Y'know how I'm always saying I don't get high off my preparations of cannabis?

Well, the combination of two healthy pinches of ground mash on my morning eggs, and a couple TBs of canna-peanut-butter later in the day, I got sleepy in about 1/2 hour and took a long nap. I wouldn't call it a high, since there was nothing high or alert about it. Just an irresistible need for a long nap in my recliner!

I did notice a huge decrease in arthritis pain, tho. :green_heart:

I'll save the peanut butter for late evening.
"Eve" has 5 nodes and her leaves are growing rapidly. I have her tied down to one site to allow the first node or two to form another main branch. I thought of taking a pic, but there is so much foliage, even on this baby, that you won't be able to see what I'm doing.
Kitty Kat "Merlin" has been nibbling on the fan leaves of "Eve", so she looks like hell. I raised her pot up high and moved it to the back of the until, with empty equipment in front, to deter THAT behavior!

The upside is that the abuse will force the side growth. She's not growing as fast as I expect from an Auto. And I don't fuss with her much at all, just make sure her basic needs are taken care of, and that Merlin hasn't totally eaten her.

I hope the abuse doesn't force her to flower while she's essentially a baby!
I wonder: what is the advantage of bottom feeding (as in Octopots and hempy) over top watering and leaving the runoff in the catch pan under the pot? My plants eventually suck up the overflow, anyway, so standing water is not an issue. :nomo:

Over the years I have read a lot about the two, and even tried a hempy grow, with the result of 1/3 smaller plants and less yield.
Looks like "Eve" has recovered from being munched on by Merlin. Nodes are very tight with only CFL's for light. If she gets big enough, I might turn on one of the MARS 300 LED panels.
A couple days ago, I rearranged the lighting: removed the clip-on pair of CFL's. I now have 2 pair of CFL's 12" above Eve, and the MARS 300 24" above Eve. I'm hoping that moving the lighting up will encourage vertical growth.

She keeps breaking loose from her tie-down. The side branches need more time to catch up to the apex. I'm too cautious to FIM or top her. So, when she grows another inch or two, I'll tie her down more firmly.

No sign of her wanting to flower yet. I guess the trauma of Merlin chewing on her didn't affect her much.
Merlin the cat is still trimming (eating) Eve's leaves. The advantage is that the side branches are catching up with the main stem, but keeping her tied down is impossible. Since Merlin has taken over the trimming chores, there isn't much I need to do, but keep Eve watered and fed, until she is ready to flower.

Eve is 6 weeks old and hasn't had all that much time to do her own thing. Again, what will be, will be! > shrugs <
Merlin was a very, very bad cat 2 days ago! He got into the grow unit and tipped over Eve's bin, spilling the top 1/3 of the soil all over the bedroom rug. Luckily, Eve still had her rootball, and enough of her leaves to survive. I think that scared him enough not to eat Eve any further.

There was damp soil not only all over the rug, but also into the guts of the floor fan he tipped over to get to the plant. I'm STILL cleaning up dirt from inside the fan!

So I replanted Eve ( Jock Horror Auto Fem), replaced as much of the soil as I could, and added another barrier to the unit.

This poor plant was cursed since she sprouted! She hasn't had a chance to grow past the size of a softball, but she's packed solid with nodes and stubby leaves. If I can keep Merlin away from her, she might give me lots of colas before she switches to flower.

Eve got a feeding last night, and just an hour ago, I pinched off the tips of the three growing tips to force her to 6 branches. There are a couple more strong branches under the canopy. I'm going to wait to decide whether to keep those two, or to remove them with the next defoliation.

I defoliated the bottom 1/4 of the main stem. Until Eve sorts herself out and does some growing, I won't know what else needs to be pinched out. So, I'll leave her alone for another couple weeks.
I had hopes of filling the grow unit with one plant, but after reviewing the growth habits of Autos, I don't think Eve is going to fill an 18" x 36" space. I'm tempted to plant the other 4 bins with autos now, giving a staggered harvest.
Progress shots on "Eve" my last remaining Jock Horror Auto-Fem. 8 weeks from birth.

Side shot. She's only grown 1" taller, since I pinched out her 3 tops.

"Eve" from the top after defoliating the bottom third of her main stem. She SEEMS to be spreading out some. New growth at growing tips. Now 6 tips plus a couple more working their way to the canopy. I did not tie her down. She seems to be doing it on her own.

i might jinx myself with this post, but it's been so long since I've had mites, I had to think for a while what I did to get rid of them. The last grow, and maybe the grow before that, I was mite-free. So here is what I did that was different than before:

1) First, pretreat/rejuvenate your used soil with the nute solution you use during veg.

2) Once the excess water runs out the bottom, pretreat your soil with your neem mixture, same formula as you would use for spraying, but lots more of it. The neem smell will go away in a few days.

3) Let your pots sit for at least 2 weeks to establish equilibrium before you plant any thing in them. No need to adjust the PH. The soil is slightly acidic by nature, Keep the soil just slightly damp, or you can let it dry out as you wish. I've done both with no difference. If you're going to plant within a month, I suggest keeping the soil damp, so all the additives have a chance to break down into elements the plants can use.

4) After planting, do NOT allow anything or anyone just coming into your home from outside to touch your grow. This includes pets, people, or clones gifted to you. ALWAYS wash your hands before tending your grow.

I haven't had to do anything else, but inspect the leaves now and then. No sign of mites at all! I don't like to spray the leaves with neem solution, because it burns the leaves. This method keeps your ladies looking healthy.

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