

New Member

My name is Keone. I am new to this site. I am here to read...and to learn. I am not new to growing meds. But, I am always open to learning different, and new things. I use cannabis as a anti inflammatory. Also to help with PTSD. You folks seem to be kind people.

I look forward to future interactions with you in the forums.

thank you for having me...

Me ka ha`aha`a
chortlesmurf, :welcome: to :420:. I am glad to see you here. New Member Start Links is a great place to find a lot of very interesting topics that may be of interest to you. We are a bunch of friends and family that want to spread the word about cannabis and hemp truth to the whole world. There are a lot of very helpful people here that have a lot of knowledge to share. We all strive to be friendly and kind to everyone. Look around and if you have any questions please ask. :peace: :Namaste:
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