Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Nice, I was vaping Bedroom Cookies a couple nights ago. Makes a good late night med for me.
Solid roots AW! Looks great :).
Thanks guys! I was happy that I got one to root in 7 days. The Moms aren’t looking so hot. I topped, took clones, and moved them under HPS. They are still mad at me 7 days later.
They may be fussy but I’m sure you will turn them around! Looking good on the clone archi! Well done
Right on Dutch, thanks brother! I need to head over to your place and get up to date.
Well, I think they are unhappy with the HPS. Especially because they were subjected to the 1kHPS while I had it going. Started the light out about 30” above canopy.
Weird cause the autos didn’t blink. I’m trying to let the Bedroom Cookies bounce back and hopefully my autos will finish in the next couple weeks. Once they finish, the 4x8 is going 12/12.

I started my new journal that will pick up right where I leave off in this journal. Hope you guys can make it over there.

New Brix journal
Thanks guys! If you’re reading this journal I want y’all over there! You guys have really kept me motivated to keep sharing what I’m up to.

Here’s something to keep y’all interested here as well:

Happy Saturday everyone!
Frosty! See...we're still here too :).
Thanks guys! I just checked the VPD in the tent and we happy! The plants are really starting to put on weight. I had a couple issues with my environmental controller and my dehumidifier not playing very well together. For now I’m just using the built in controls on the dehumidifier.
I was reading some good info about humidity and how the RH shoots up when lights go out. It is during this time (lights out) that I’m trying to get dialed in.
With the tent sealed, I can run the dehu but obviously heat goes up pretty good. Then the AC kicks in, which sucks cause it’s winter. On the other hand, I can just keep my tent ventilated and it lowers humidity and temps at the same time.
So for now, we are keeping the dehumidifier set as a fail safe at 60%RH and exhaust fan set to come on at 55%RH. So basically my humidity is bouncing between 50-55RH. I am determined to have this tent dialed in within + or - 5 degrees and 5%RH. I’m really close.
55-50 = 5
I think that part is done!
Haha yep! Dude I am going to be tent environmental expert after this grow haha! I should do house calls for peoples grow and dial in their VPD ;)
Update Day 58
Hey guys lots of pics to share. If you have followed this far along you realize this isn’t the most detailed journal out there. Specifically in regards to the growing of my plants. For example, I think I’ve went this whole journal and only explained what I watered with twice lol.

So I suppose, for my own purposes as much as yours, I’ll start giving more details.
These three autos are day 58 and are drinking about every two to three days. I’m checking the need to dry with the knuckle in the dirt method and picking up the pots. I’m in a good habit of always lifting pots. When lights come on today, they’ll get a drink.

These pics were right before lights out. Speaking of water, let’s talk about water and PH and nutrients. My water here runs about 300ppm from the tap and it has a lot of calcium in it. Im using an RO filter and the ppm is 0 now. One of the reasons I’m transitioning to soil is because of ph, the other is the crap in my tap water. The RO takes care of the crappy tap water, the soil takes care of the ph (to an extent,anyways). I also am tired of buying ph pens every two grows, nutrients, mixing them,etc. It’s all too much and I’m too lazy.

These autos are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I’ve raked in one capful of OC+ and that’s all the “nutrients” they’re gonna get. I got this idea of “simple” growing while researching Doc Buds kit. He had a great deal of success running FFOF and OC+ combo on his way to Brix growing.
I gotta say, it’s dead simple. Plant your seed and let it go, when it looks like it’s depleted the nutrients in the soil and is getting hungry, give it the capful of OC. That’s it, no nutrients, no ph. Just good filtered water. I don’t even know what my RO water ph is.
Without further ado:

Bedroom Cookies (no idea how old they are lol)

Non 420 garden stuff

That’s all I got :420:! Have a great evening everybody!
Nice update! What's OC+ because I have never thought very highly of Orange County to begin with. Is the + because they dumped all their old congresssmen?

Your 420 plants look great and your non-420 look dry AF! And yet you taunt them by putting the watering can within spitting distance...
Haha OC+ is Osmocote Plus, you can pick it up at homers. I can’t explain what it does lol.

Dude I had a fantastic laugh when you said that about the watering can lol. Yes I need to water them lol.
Oh okay, thanks! Is the 15-9-12 a little heavy nitrogen for flowering though? 5-3-4 sounds like it could use some silica 0-0-4 after the buds start forming.
Just going by what Ive read from Doc Buds grow and the back of the container it has a unique resin that coats the little nutrient pebbles. This coating controls the release of certain nutrients as the plant calls for it. Im paraphrasing but Im taking it right of the container. To my recollection Doc was fairly pleased with it and recommended it to folks who maybe didnt quite have their environment dialed in or something. Kinda got the feeling its a good backup plan type thing.

It's very hands off and Im enjoying the results thus far.:passitleft:
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