Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Does your hid have MH and HPS bulbs, mine came with both and you're supposed to use MH for veg and hps for flowering. You probably already knew that but just in case.

I just got the 1000watt HPS bulb Ween. Not sure but I went looking for a HPS to MH switch and didnt see one. Maybe the newer ballasts auto switch? I can dial it down to 600watts but I think Id need a 600w bulb if Im not mistaken
Does your hid have MH and HPS bulbs, mine came with both and you're supposed to use MH for veg and hps for flowering. You probably already knew that but just in case.

Okay... so I got to thinking and.... that’s never good lol. I decided to snag a LED light for the 4x8. I can see immediately that the HPS will only work in the winter for me. I also got very nervous yesterday when I was in the garden because I touched the HPS cord and it was really hot. The socket looked like it had started to melt. I immediately unplugged it and got a beefier extension cord. I did a little searching and it turns out a 1000w bulb can be safely dimmed to 600w so I did that immediately as well. I’m freaked out now lol. I have a dedicated circuit for the HPS and it was still very hot. No thanks man!

So I just placed an order from @LEDRF for the max yield!:eek:
Big plans, bold steps! I like it :thumb:.
Hey Shed! I’ve seen enough folks use Neil’s light that I’m sure I’ll be happy. I almost bought a light for the other side of the tent but I’m gonna wait and see how the Max Yield works out.
You've got until when...May before the heat comes back?
Yea roughly. I’m planning early ok!? ;):rofl:
I’m thinking I’ll keep the HPS going to finish out this run just to have an idea what HPS can do. I’m not bumping it back to 1000 watts unles I run it at 240v. Less amperage seems the way to go. Especially if I ever dreamed of running two.
Okay... so I got to thinking and.... that’s never good lol. I decided to snag a LED light for the 4x8. I can see immediately that the HPS will only work in the winter for me. I also got very nervous yesterday when I was in the garden because I touched the HPS cord and it was really hot. The socket looked like it had started to melt. I immediately unplugged it and got a beefier extension cord. I did a little searching and it turns out a 1000w bulb can be safely dimmed to 600w so I did that immediately as well. I’m freaked out now lol. I have a dedicated circuit for the HPS and it was still very hot. No thanks man!

So I just placed an order from @LEDRF for the max yield!:eek:

Awesome Archie! You're going to love the Max Yield! Congrats!

When I bought my HIDs (I have 2 of the same set up, 600w) they came with HPS and mh bulbs and are dimable, I guess it depends on the light. I've always read, not totally sure it's true, that HPS is for flower and MH is for veg.

Looking forward to seeing the Max set up in that new tent!

I also got very nervous yesterday when I was in the garden because I touched the HPS cord and it was really hot. The socket looked like it had started to melt. I immediately unplugged it and got a beefier extension
They can run a bit hot but beefier ext. cords is better with them for sure.
Was surprised we never burnt the house down back in the '90.
Yea man after feeling the cord and seeing the socket on the extension cord...I'll try to remember to get a pic of the surge protector.
I almost wonder if something is up with that fixure. It shouldn't be running that hot. Have you checked the wall voltage where you were plugging it in at all?
Hey SamSmith, I’m fairly sure voltage is 120. Amperage-wise I don’t have a killawatt meter to see what the pull is. I need a few of those...
If you have a clamp meter and can get to one wire of the two, you can get the amps from that and figure out the wattage like I will be, using the formula Sam posted in my thread of Watts = Volts * Amps.
Thats a good point Shed! I think a killawatt meter could be handy nonetheless.

Check out what we got here! My first clone! Well, first clone I actually am planning to grow, that is.
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