Ase's Perpetual Fun With Coco

Wow - they’re looking fantastic. Blackjack has been crushing it the last couple of weeks. You’re scaring me a little with that Blue Dream. Would you have done anything differently to manage the height in retrospect? I missed your veg cycle and didn’t go back to it, but I likely will before I start my own Blue Dream in a few weeks.

I wish all of my plants were planted on the same day so we were truly apples to apples but I think you’d still be ahead. I think I’ll go directly into the smart pots from the initial pot up next time, if only to get a better feel for the differences. Maybe I’ll do one plant with the intermediate pot just to see them head to head. No major defol for me at this point, I’ll likely just keep taking little snips here and there.

I had no idea Swagg was flipping on the same day, I’ll have to hunt down his journal.
Wow - they’re looking fantastic. Blackjack has been crushing it the last couple of weeks. You’re scaring me a little with that Blue Dream. Would you have done anything differently to manage the height in retrospect? I missed your veg cycle and didn’t go back to it, but I likely will before I start my own Blue Dream in a few weeks.

I wish all of my plants were planted on the same day so we were truly apples to apples but I think you’d still be ahead. I think I’ll go directly into the smart pots from the initial pot up next time, if only to get a better feel for the differences. Maybe I’ll do one plant with the intermediate pot just to see them head to head. No major defol for me at this point, I’ll likely just keep taking little snips here and there.

I had no idea Swagg was flipping on the same day, I’ll have to hunt down his journal.

Blackjack is for sure the best still and it's been crushing it for sure. I said the same thing when I saw it today.

In retrospect I think the Blue Dream caught me off guard and by the time I thought I should do something about it, it was kind of too late. Stretch happens pretty fast and that was during the holidays where it was a little crazy for me. I've heard defoliating both fan leaves on a node on a branch growing too tall will slow it down. I guess I could have crushed the stems so it had to slow down and repair but all in all it really just went nuts. It's hard to do things in the middle of stretch.

I also think transplanting to final pot from initial pot reduces the chance of stress. The plants seem to suffer the most stress in transplant than any other time in my experiences so I stopped doing it twice. It made way more sense when I did them in 5 gallon pots but 3 gallons are just right.

Swaggs got some clones off Newty and she had already started quadlining. All he pretty much has to do is veg them a little more and flip them so I think that day works well for him too. Should be fun.
I hope some day to get my stuff in order like you have your grows. Plant training, veg and flower is art like.

Thanks Sam. Your first grow looks great. Way better than mine did. Just give some of these things I mention a try and you'll see they work very well for coco growing. I can tell you are learning a lot but you are at the point in your grow where you can't do a whole lot different until the next grow. Your next try is going to be a lot of fun to watch.

As much art as it looks like, there is so much science to the way I train. A lot of time math or science works out to be very artistic! I'm one of the least artistic people I know in general. Very good at science and business though. To me it's geometry ;)
Great update! These flowers are gorgeous. that green crack is small but looks stocky and frosty. I think after watching your Blue Dream, I will supercrop if I ever grow, #beastmode

Thanks lady. Ya never know, if it's a different breeder it could be a whole different ball game. You just never know which ones are going to lean to more sativa or indica. That's why people grow these things out and pick a pheno to clone. I wouldn't clone this one. I'd like plants to be more like my Super Iced Grapefruit or my Crowne Royale.

Although if you were growing outdoors or had more space than this Blue Dream would be gigantic. So it just depends on what you need for your space! Even quadlining couldn't hold this beast down. Should be fun to see how it finishes.
Thanks lady. Ya never know, if it's a different breeder it could be a whole different ball game. You just never know which ones are going to lean to more sativa or indica. That's why people grow these things out and pick a pheno to clone. I wouldn't clone this one. I'd like plants to be more like my Super Iced Grapefruit or my Crowne Royale.

Although if you were growing outdoors or had more space than this Blue Dream would be gigantic. So it just depends on what you need for your space! Even quadlining couldn't hold this beast down. Should be fun to see how it finishes.

As soon as I'm legal...5 months and counting! There might be a few sneaky petes in my Veg garden waiting to get big;) No one will even notice them before July! It's so neat to see these hybrids pick a side to dominate. Even the 2 WW I have are very different .
Flower Tent A Day 31 - Veg Tent B Day 37

The flower tent seems to be going well. The smells are really picking up and starting to see frost everywhere. These gals are seeming to love the extra P-K I keep adding to them. For those that don't know I've been running P-K up about 100ppms than normal after the bounced back from the first defoliation in flower. No sings of burning or anything so may continue to push that up. P-K boost part of my schedule starts when I get back from vacation and I am going to try to cut Nitrogen a bit more than I normally do. Just tinkering with things but these girls are doing great.

Little Green Crack and Big Blue Dream.

Super Iced Grapefruit on the left and Crown Royale on the right. Both looking flossy.

Whole gang. It show pretty noticeably that the Blue Dream is developing much slower than all the others. I'm sure that means an extra week or two in grow time.

I opened up tent B today and thought, man these are ready to be flipped. Usually my goal would be to be flipping in 5 days (6 weeks veg in total). I will be going 47 days this time and flipping with Dobe and Swagg. That's 10 more days in veg and I thought they looked ready today. These are going to be monsters. I have a lot of hope in 4 good sized plants with this one. I so this every time but I had kind of given up on that this time due to snapping one of the Tutankhamon main branches almost completely off. It has bounced back incredibly though.

At this point I couldn't let them just continue to grow as the ones in the middle would be way taller than the 4 branches that I quadlined. Here is the fun part about quadlining. The concept is creating 4 incredibly thick branches for each quarter of the plant to feed to. After that you can kind of train however you want. I usually don't tie down more branches but 4 but I had to do 8 with each plant. They should end up with a really nice bowl shape to them. I know I said I was done training but...

11 Days ago.

Before any training or defoliation. These girls are growing like crazy. Critical Cheese is back left. Anubis is front left (TheBlaze I know you are keeping an eye out on this one. She hit an incredible growth spurt lately and might end up bypassing the others before flip). BlackJack is front right and Tutankhamon is back right.

Just after training and defoliation. I'll likely put up a picture of the bounceback tomorrow.

Sideshot. These ones are being kept pretty low this time. They are growing so fast I made the decision to really pin them down good this time. Those cheap metal stakes and tomato ties work really well for training in fabric pots. There are all sorts of ways to do it but it's so easy to adjust this way. I used just the straight stakes once and they did fine but left a lot of bruising on the plant. The tomato ties are a good tool and come in bundles where you can cut them to whatever length you want. Pretty cheap option as well.
Very nice defoil to expose your good sites and have nice spacing between colas beautiful even canopy you can't ask for more out of a grow beautiful all around seems like they are all close to same size so great job shit my room is all over the place some huge some small so I am making a fourth room and flipping my biggest after clone and clean up
Jeez dude - give someone else a turn for once, eh? You're going to have to let me know when you're entering Anubis or Blackjack so that I can wait for one of your off months. :rollingeyes:

Congrats on yet another win! Very well deserved as usual.
Jeez dude - give someone else a turn for once, eh? You're going to have to let me know when you're entering Anubis or Blackjack so that I can wait for one of your off months. :rollingeyes:

Congrats on yet another win! Very well deserved as usual.

Can never let up! Gotta keep pushing the bar higher and higher. I'm on suspension again until May so that's likely the next time I'll have another entry in POTM.

I think I'm the first person to win 3 in a row. You win one month and have to wait 3 more so you can only win 3 times in a 12 months span. That's kind of cool! There are so many incredible growers on here it's almost surreal that I've even one once...
Very nice defoil to expose your good sites and have nice spacing between colas beautiful even canopy you can't ask for more out of a grow beautiful all around seems like they are all close to same size so great job shit my room is all over the place some huge some small so I am making a fourth room and flipping my biggest after clone and clean up

Yeah it's all the quadline man! Just makes the plants look so nice and even and because you can adjust 4 different branches it's pretty easy to make them even. If one branch starts growing faster than the others you just pin it down more. Pretty easy solution.

I feel like I've got my system down pretty good. Thanks for noticing and thanks for the compliments.
Thanks Sam. Your first grow looks great. Way better than mine did. Just give some of these things I mention a try and you'll see they work very well for coco growing. I can tell you are learning a lot but you are at the point in your grow where you can't do a whole lot different until the next grow. Your next try is going to be a lot of fun to watch.

As much art as it looks like, there is so much science to the way I train. A lot of time math or science works out to be very artistic! I'm one of the least artistic people I know in general. Very good at science and business though. To me it's geometry ;)

Thanks for the complement and you are correct I learned a lot this run and am still learning a lot. It does suck learning all that you do in that first go around and you have to wait to try things out hoping you didn't forget some of what you learned. I have a pretty good log of it though. The biggest take away I have from your grows and a few others is planning out what your expectations are plant wise up front and train them accordingly.

Unfortunately my next run is going to be a bit of a disaster and I know it. I am running Train Wrecks and from all that I have read and what I have been watching with Devill's grow I am in for a mess. I was going to run a multi-strain grow similar to what I just did only with 4 plants but after watching his grow I am leaning towards a single strain scrog. I love the end product though.
Can never let up! Gotta keep pushing the bar higher and higher. I’m on suspension again until May so that’s likely the next time I’ll have another entry in POTM.

I think I’m the first person to win 3 in a row. You win one month and have to wait 3 more so you can only win 3 times in a 12 months span. That’s kind of cool! There are so many incredible growers on here it’s almost surreal that I’ve even one once...
On a completely unrelated note - I might have to move up that 4/20 harvest we’ve talked about up by 5 days or so...
Yeah it's all the quadline man! Just makes the plants look so nice and even and because you can adjust 4 different branches it's pretty easy to make them even. If one branch starts growing faster than the others you just pin it down more. Pretty easy solution.

I feel like I've got my system down pretty good. Thanks for noticing and thanks for the compliments.
And sorry didn't mean to hijacking your thread just want to show off the ladies please I have a couple threads running so feel free to hope to see you there
And sorry didn't mean to hijacking your thread just want to show off the ladies please I have a couple threads running so feel free to hope to see you there

I'll take a look at some point soon. Starting a vacation tomorrow so won't be around much the next week but once I'm back I'll stop in. Sounds like you like to dabble in everything! And another fellow pacific northwesterner is always worth watching in my books. Nice 2 liters bottle holders (flipped upsidedown) as your drainage/plant stands. Judging by those and the milk crates I'd guess you work in the grocery business? Looks like Pepsi trays to me. When I first started I used the green 7-up (Columbia) ones ;)

You should put those thread links in your signature. So much easier to find that way.
Thanks for the complement and you are correct I learned a lot this run and am still learning a lot. It does suck learning all that you do in that first go around and you have to wait to try things out hoping you didn't forget some of what you learned. I have a pretty good log of it though. The biggest take away I have from your grows and a few others is planning out what your expectations are plant wise up front and train them accordingly.

Unfortunately my next run is going to be a bit of a disaster and I know it. I am running Train Wrecks and from all that I have read and what I have been watching with Devill's grow I am in for a mess. I was going to run a multi-strain grow similar to what I just did only with 4 plants but after watching his grow I am leaning towards a single strain scrog. I love the end product though.

I think you just need a little more confidence. I run 4 different strains every time and am usually pretty happy with the whole group. Sometimes I get a small one or a larger one but all in all they end up about the same in the end. You've had one of the better first grows that I've seen in a while so no reason you can't take a fickle strain and still make it clean and organized.

I did a scrog and it's worth doing once, but I can't stand the limitations it brings to the tent. Plants are locked into place and it is difficult to water or defoliate. Just a pain in my rear so I stopped doing it. I'll probably never go back either since I get the same (if not better) results with far less hassle. I always say that everyone has different methods and you have to find what is best for you so a scrog might be exactly what you are looking for. Everything is worth trying once just to see or gain that extra bit of grow knowledge.

Funny story is that I came up with the quadline while doing my scrog. Some mistakes happened and I had to cull the lower 2 nodes when I topped because they turned yellow from transplant stress. That just left the upper 4 branches to split the plant nicely into quarters. Put the net on and it worked great but I realized I didn't need the net when I trained them that way and they all stayed about the same height. I could get basically the same thing just tying them down. One of my local friends dubbed it the "screenless scrog" and I changed it to quadlining. That's why I recommend trying everything that you want to try. You never know when you'll stumble upon something like that.
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