Auto Topping LED Grow

Shaun welcome mate and thanks.there alot of convo im suprised im at page 7 already.but full of gardners so all good;)get them autos going and i have heard the same about all mix can be a bit strong for seedlings u could run sum watet through it get out abit of the nutes of the soil may help but i never used all mix so dont kno.but biobizz is wicked compost i love the light mix;)
took some scrolling through my gallery for this info but good to share;)this compost feeds my plants for the first 4 to 5 weeks my last grow was the same with this medium all through veg with no feed and monster plants.its good shit;) il show u in this grow;) and for the 50 litre sack deliverd to ur door wrapped in black plastic bags discreat for under 14 pound. Cnt go wrong;)
I did cook it for over the 36hrs as suggested so hoping all ok mate, another reason I went for this is it says I don't need the alg-a-mic, being on a tight budget thought it was worth the risk for 10 quid for 50 litres at the local hydro lol. As i said, i popped these in last night once the tap roots were showing, hopefully they will show their lil heads in the next 24hrs..

Edit.. Just had a lil look n one is just breaking ground.. By the way I DOUBLE POTTED them in a 11 litre tub, one in each corner :laughtwo:
Wow, 7 pages in already mate, all caught up. Looking forward to seeing the results on these now u swapped to led.
I popped a couple of Sensi Skunk auto's in all mix last night. Been kicking around for the last yr so thought it was about time I did something with them lol. Been growing in coco but but been wanting to go organic for a while now..Hopefully the all mix ain't to hot as I've read some mixed reviews on it.
Gd luck wiv the grow bro, I'll be hovering around as usual.

Hi fellow not sure if the all mix is too hot or not, but heres a quick solution i would use, might help you...:passitleft:

3/4 fill the pot with all mix.. Then put an empty flower pot in middle.. Then put all mix all around it.. Firm down gently.. Remove the flower pot, you should be left with a void/space... Fill that space with normal compost.. This will give delicate roots a chance to mature, without burning... Then when plant is bigger, roots will go down into all- mix and be ready for the good stuff. :slide::allgood:

Im using a cheap( but good) compost... Biobizz grow, then bloom....

Just an option for you

I wouldnt expect it to be too bad, as the nutes are organic..i maybe wrong, if i am someone please correct me...:Namaste:

Hi fellow not sure if the all mix is too hot or not, but heres a quick solution i would use, might help you...:passitleft:

3/4 fill the pot with all mix.. Then put an empty flower pot in middle.. Then put all mix all around it.. Firm down gently.. Remove the flower pot, you should be left with a void/space... Fill that space with normal compost.. This will give delicate roots a chance to mature, without burning... Then when plant is bigger, roots will go down into all- mix and be ready for the good stuff. :slide::allgood:

Im using a cheap( but good) compost... Biobizz grow, then bloom....

Just an option for you

I wouldnt expect it to be too bad, as the nutes are organic..i maybe wrong, if i am someone please correct me...:Namaste:

It did cross my mind, I've used the lil bio degradable pots n was gunna fill em with coco but in the end didn't bother.
Just gunna wing it n see.
Some good info bud well done;) if u cooked if first then they might just man it mate.bestvof u have these beans on a journel;)
ye I'm hoping mate & no I ain't got a journal up, it's hard enough keeping up with the ones i'm subbed to let alone doing one myself lol. Maybe in the future..
Shaun also have u double potted before do u get 2 big plants? Something i never tried.but has crossed my mind a few times 1 huge pot and 3 autos in same pot;) ha
Shaun lol once u get the hang of it.its easy and becomes addictive joggin journels to share the love of cannabis;)
Ye I've a few peeps saying I should get one up n running..Maybe soon eh..

Ive Used those peat pots too... A certain shop for less than quid sold em...
Hope everything goes smoothly in ya grow

I thought as I'm doing another auto I would give em a go Got mine for nothing off my bro..

Shaun also have u double potted before do u get 2 big plants? Something i never tried.but has crossed my mind a few times 1 huge pot and 3 autos in same pot;) ha
No I ain't beast but seeing as Reg n a few others have done it I thought fuck it, why not give it a go.
I'm a noob, only been going a yr, started in dwc, took to much room up so switched to coco n now I thought I'd give the bio ago, love to experiment lol.
Got an Afgani in coco that's been topped a few times, see you n others doing alright in biobizz n thought why not.
To be honest not to happy with coco results so far athough others rave about it. to much like hard work having to water every day lol..
Was also meant to say, it's nice to see a few more Brits on ere since last yr. hoping to learn a bit more from you lot.
Had a look on the uk420 but didn't like it...
Dennise damn u have some bad ass led,s just had a flicker through ur work.i want some of those ha ha i wna test the best led,s out there.that would be awsome ha ha;)
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