Beccabuds Photon Follies: An Ongoing Adventure In Tiny Closet Gardening

I just started preparing my first ever batch of cannabutter using Hash's recipe from his April, 2005 post. Started with 2.5 cups of deionized ultra-filtered water boiling, to which I added a pound of unsalted butter and set to simmer. I decarboxylated* an ounce of Citrus Sap (yes, I have some still) and hand ground it to a fine powder and added it to the pot. It's on the stove now and will be ready to strain off and refrigerate at 2:00PM.


*20 minutes at 200F to fully dry/dehydrate the bud uncovered, then 45 minutes at 252F covered with aluminum foil in my precision PID loop controlled oven.
Awesome, the cannabutter is in the fridge chilling and I can see the water and butter have separated so now it's just waiting for the butter to cool enough to get good and solid so I can drain the water off. I calculated that around 1 3/8 teaspoon (6.78mL) is about equal to a 0.5 gram bowlful, so that will be my first test dose.
Working out per portion is a nightmare
I aim for 0.5 - 1.0g per portion, but it's hopeless
So I have to try one muffin/cookie then grade it as 'fine', 'careful', or 'that's a bit much' before I share
Sometimes I forget to use 50/50 canna/straight butter and it's a bit savage even for me
That turns my girlfriend into a white out mush, so it's quite important to get right unless I want to spend the evening listening to her spouting gibberish and giggling about Wensleydale
Yea, I'm going to have to experiment, @Roy Growin. Just a teaspoon may turn out to be enough or too much. This Citrus Sap seems to be potentiated by decarboxylation. When I smoke the decarbed weed I get much higher. One thing is sure, I'm going to have a nice slice of toasted, cannabuttered sourdough bread with a drizzle of honey to find out!
Hi guys! I make coconut cannabis oil in my MBM. For the longest time we put some in with hot chocolate and drank it. Trouble was the pour might be bigger (or stronger oil) and the result was some spaced out days and the Mrs getting lost in a 99cent store once. I learned to make gummies with it and the dosing is way more consistent. Two is good but for an all day kickin it in your pj's in front of a screen or fireplace, five is it! Just don't have anything important to do. Enjoy your edibles and....
Stay stoneder.
I am pretty sure I'm gonna be stoneder in a few hours, lol! The butter looks like it's solidified, at least it's no longer translucent. I'm going to let it chill until 7:00PM or so and then use this rig to weight a teaspoon full... and then eat it!
I just read butter has a density of 0.9g/mL whereas water is 1g/mL, so a teaspoon of cannabutter should weigh 4.5g.

It was difficult evaluating the teaspoon dose of cannabutter yesterday as I had already smoked some Afgoo. I did sleep really well last night and was quite stoned when I went to bed!
Today I haven't smoked anything all day and just took another teaspoon full. This one weighed in at 3.66g and it had been 4.5 hours since I last ate so it's more or less on an empty stomach. It's only been 45 minutes and I'm starting to feel it already.
This time I just licked it off the measuring spoon and swallowed it down so I could see how it tasted. Not too bad but I think I'll get some cookies at the store, re-melt the butter and drizzle 5mL on each cookie with a graduated eyedropper. Easy peasey, no cooking skills required for this non-cook and it should give consistent per cookie doses. :hippy:
Tomorrow is 8 weeks, so it's time to reduce the hours of light! The timer was set back to 12 hour days, 8:00AM to 8:00PM, this morning. Prepared a gallon of purified water mixed with 15mL of Terpinator, 20mL of Massive, 7.5mL of Bud Candy and 5.5mL of pH Up. The solution measured 1.45mS ec at pH 6.3. Had to add extra pH Up because I accidently put 200mg of vitamin C in. Oh, well, it won't hurt the plant. Moved both lamps up 4". Here's one last photo from veg stage. I'll soon know if all my work is for naught or it's female.

OMG, did I ever call that wrong. UNO is in fact UNA! Yep, she's a she, tee hee, and am I ever happy! :woohoo:
It's been showing these tiny proto-calyx but for the longest time no pistils. Today the pistils have started to appear so it's game on and this weekend she gets her first cup of Geoflora Bloom to nourish her emerging flowers, and first drink of Massive/Terpinator/Bud Candy/Myco Tea to quench her thirst.


First application of a cup of Geoflora Bloom in the flowering cycle completed today and watered in with a gallon of purified water mixed with 15mL Terpinator, 20mL Massive, 7.5mL Bud Candy & 4mL pH Up. The solution measured 1.45mS at pH 6.3. Expecting to have to double weekly watering to 2 gallons soon the way this baby is growing. Una is big and hungry. It's about time to thin some of the less successful branches down under and send more nutrients up top as well. Moved the light up another 4 inches.


A couple close-ups of first flowers:


Today Una got a haircut and a gallon of nutrients/aqua (see spreadsheet below). Still some de-larfing to do but reaching the back in this closet is always problematic so I'm taking my time. Buds developing nicely. I wanted a way to easily see where the plant is in it's light and nutrition cycles so I created a nice spreadsheet in excel. :woohoo:






Nutrient Schedule.jpg
I'm almost out of Terpinator so that means I've mixed around 50 gallons of solution with it! I can't remember when I bought it but it has lasted a long time and sure helps with taste and potency. I just ordered a quart of Purpinator to restock and see some more color in my plants. The manufacturer says they both do the same thing except Purpinator allows colors to come out so this will be interesting and I'm really looking forward to trying it next grow!
I also picked up a copy of the 2023 Farmers Almanac and discovered that January 5th and 6th are best days for planting. That being right around the time Una should be finishing, I'm thinking about my 1st crop of 2023. I think I'll move the cacti out to the porch and fill another 10 gallon cloth pot for the tiny closet.
I got some Root Riot starter cubes that I am going to try with some DoSiDos Auto seeds. I've got 4 seeds so I think I'll start them all and transplant the 2 strongest plants to the 10 gallon pots.
Una got 3/4 of a gallon of plain purified water adjusted to pH 6.4. Purpinator will be here in a few days, maybe I'll finish this plant with it just for kicks, maybe get some color. Here's a shot of Una taken a few minutes ago. I hope she doesn't stretch much more. The lights are close to their upper height limit.

Today, the beginning of week 11 overall and week 4 of flowering, Una got a cup of Geoflora Bloom and a gallon of nutrient solution per the schedule below. I think I'm going to stick a couple more stakes in the soil to support some wayward branches that are trying to grow over into the cacti space. Buds are starting to show some frost now. Number 3, which has been kept in a 4" pot in the Peruvian Torch cactus tent, was looking so sickly and weak that I couldn't stand it and repotted her in a gallon pot, mixed in a tsp of Geoflora Bloom and watered her good. She won't produce much but it might be really potent after all the drought and stress in that tiny pot.



I imagine Una would be a giant outdoors!


YIKES! Una has nanners on multiple branches, hiding under the baby buds, and a couple have dropped pollen already. I carefully pulled all of them I could find but the damage is done. I thought about cutting her down to stop the pollution of my closet by pollen, but she is just to pretty and just barely started frosting up, so for now I'm going to keep a close eye out and be ready to pinch... and do a major clean-up after harvest.
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