Blueberry Canuk & Euphoria Royal Queen - Organic Soil - CFL Only - First Grow

So far, from

day 1 to 18 they used 4 CFLs each (95W). This is 21% of total time.
day 19 to day 34 they used 6 CFLs (138W). This is 17% of total time.
day 35 to 90 they'll use 8 CFs (184W). This is 61%

Average should be... 184x0.61 + 138x0.17 + 95x0,21 =112 + 23.5 + 20 = 156Watts.

Can one of those plants make 155+ grams of buds ? ahahaha ;-)
PW, I have 2 plants, Blue and Phoria.

But there is Cilantro and Dill... they don't have their own light right now ;-)

My plants are supposed to yield : Indoor... 450 - 500 gr/m2

If 1 sq foot = 0,093 sq meter... 450gr/m2 = 41gr/ft2 ?

How do you calculate the square feet of the plant ? Height X depth ? or width X depth ?

If a plant finishes at 2x2 (4sq.feet)... it should yield == 4 x 41gr = 164 grams ?

Is there any botanico-mathematician around here ?

Just figured a bit... The square meters mean width x depth, like how many plants fit per 1x1 meter space).

My plants are now about 18" x 18", 1.5x1.5 feet = 2.25sq.feet, should yield 2.25x 41gr = 92Grams.

Seems reasonable.

YES | NO ?
Euphoria clone :

First attempt at cloning ever.
Not that I wanted a clone, but this little branch would never have seen much light or produced anything, so chop-chop.
Might as well try to clone it. I may transplant it outdoors when its strong enough.

Day 7 of Flowering : 1 week, yeah !

Pistils are appearing here and there, major signs of flowering. No photos today, too lazy today (didn't slep, spent 12 hours last night waiting in an emergency room).

Nutes :

I was going to up the nutes a bit... but changed my mind. I have to REDUCE, because there are signs of Nitrogen toxicity.

Outer and older leaves have "The Claw". This is not my photo, but it looks like that. It's not as sever as in the photo, and not everywhere... but still.


Outer/older leaves get less light and consequently have too much Nitrogen for their own needs.

Lighting 2700K vs 6500K :

I finally understood why I should add/mix some 2700K (red-ish) CFLs with my current 6500K CFLs.
IT IS NOT that the 2700K have more reds (they pretty much don't). It is that the 2700K HAVE LESS of the BLUE spectrum.

I understand now that the blue color inhibits the AUXINS in the plant, witch inhibits elongation, witch is good in GROW.
During the first 2 weeks of flowering, a high ratio of blue may still be useful to limit the "stretch" in that phase of the plant.
Afterwards... the plants will not want to grow tall as much... but they NEED a lot of AUXINS to produce big/fat/dense buds.
Giving LESS blue at that time helps the plant produce more auxins. That's what I'll do !

I have already started mixing some 2700K bulbs. Not a lot and I put them specifically over certain parts of the plant that would benefit in some more stretching. I will add more as I go along and when I reach 2 weeks into flowering. Probably a ratio Red/Blue of 2:1, or 3:1.

Photos tomorrow !
Day 39, 8th of flowering.

Blue : Some of the lower and the most oldest leaves started yellowing and dying. I removed those and a few others.

She looks good. Pistils appearing everywhere.


Phoria is well also. Needs a bit of defoliation later too. Pistils appearing everywhere.


Tried to take a picture thru my sunglasses : Not a good result...

Are you 'bubbling' your EJ? or still using the dolomite lime? Your plants look great.

Thanks guys, they indeed look great to me too, and I am quite pleased (I've never been too good with plants before).

Dolomite Lime : I quit using that. It kept raising the PH for a long period, so was difficult to adjust. I figured I'd give a try to the nutes as they are. Works fine. The soil (my soil anyway) seems to buffer the ph well.

Bubbling... Short answer : no. Long answer... I have two 8L buckets that I fill around 5L each with tap-water (PH 7+ with small amount of chlorine). I let the water stand 12~24 hours. I add the nutes, let stand another 12~24 hours. I try to stir and shake the mix one in a while. But I don't think the PH goes up, or marginally, by letting it stand like I do. PH is real low, like 4.5

The 2 girls have a slightly different rhythm and are watered on different days now. So I have one watering to do each day. Each needs 2,5L.

I'm surprised it all worked out so good, because my recipe and setup were so simple... Peat-seedling mix, then added shrimp compost and perlite. Started adding nutes at 3-4 weeks only. Daylight CFLs... When I was reading about the "elite" growers, with the ton of products used to build their soil, and the 500-1000-1500$ lighting setups... it discouraged me a bit. But I went ahead with my simple approach.

I think the fabric pots are great btw. Glad I used those.
Btw, i went down (for next watering) to 3/4 recommended Grow nutes, as full streng (4ml/L) was a tad too much. Clawing, caused by too much Nitrogen, appeared on several leaves. My shrimp compost (1-1-1) must still be doing some fertilization. Will be switching to Bloom nutes soon, but probably not before 2 weeks into flowering. I may do a mix of Grow/Bloom nutes for some transition. Not sure.
Defoliation ongoing on Blueberry...

Day 40 (Flowering day 9)



If you look closely, you can see some leaves with "the claw" :


Both Blue and Phoria, without lights :


Clones : Took a baby clone on Blueberry. Euphoria clone not doping so well... leaves wilting and not roots showing yet.
Day 10 in Flowering : Change to bloom nutes soon ?

What's your opinion as to when I should switch to bloom nutes ?
- Wait for 2 weeks mark ?
- Wait until stretch is over (there's minimal stretching I think)
- Do a transition mix (50% veg mix + 50% Bloom mix) ? When ?

Thanks !
I run veg nutes the first week then switched to bloom. Seems to have worked well.

I'll finish the nutes mix that is already prepared, and then I'll switch.
They'll be close to 14 days into flowering anyway ;-)
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