Can someone tell me what's wrong

Bluter i thought I read this on ther website but was stoned so I think it said if it flashes between numbers then it indicates the middle num . Say it flashes between 1.0 and 1.2 then it's 1.1.. that's the way iv been doing it
I think if u use a digital ec reader u can get it right but not with tap water as u dont no the contents do u use a truncheon i use a blue lab truncheon RO would be alot better but u would need to no exactly what to add hard water and hard water nutes takes all the hassle out of growing
I think if u use a digital ec reader u can get it right but not with tap water as u dont no the contents do u use a truncheon i use a blue lab truncheon RO would be alot better but u would need to no exactly what to add hard water and hard water nutes takes all the hassle out of growing
Iv got that bluelab 1. I'm gonna look into a filter and is hardwater a+b for coco the hardwater nutes you mentiin
@Marty66 I am not very knowledgeable on coco growing.
But from what I know if you are using CANNA Coco and their Coco medium you are not supposed to add cal mag, unless you are using RO water (and unless the starting water is shit, which depends on where are you located).
i don't see a 'hard water' nute on their website. i'm not sure what you refer too. i only see one two part system under the canna coco a + b.
Bluter i thought I read this on ther website but was stoned so I think it said if it flashes between numbers then it indicates the middle num . Say it flashes between 1.0 and 1.2 then it's 1.1.. that's the way iv been doing it

ok. that makes some sense. i use an apera and it returns a steady stable value to two decimal points down to ec .01. the blue lab should be more accurate than the apera. the jumping between the two values strikes me as odd.

I assumed u was using plant magic hard water version canna say a ec 0.2/0.4 is moderatly hard to hard really u should be using hard water nutes

canna claims an organic base, i don't think they make a distinction between hard and soft water nutes. just a feed schedule that adapts.
@Marty66 Here's a video that will answer a lot of your questions.

Canna have calmag, which is not a real calmag.
It's actually water hardener, it says it on the bottle.
I've used it a few times but I'm not growing in coco so a cheap cal mag works fine in soil.
canna claims an organic base, i don't think they make a distinction between hard and soft water nutes. just a feed schedule that adapts.
I think u might think plant magic is canna its not canna says all canna products are best suited for hard to moderatly hard water

plant magic has a hard and soft water version
i don't see a 'hard water' nute on their website. i'm not sure what you refer too. i only see one two part system under the canna
ok. that makes some sense. i use an apera and it returns a steady stable value to two decimal points down to ec .01. the blue lab should be more accurate than the apera. the jumping between the two values strikes me as odd.

canna claims an organic base, i don't think they make a distinction between hard and soft water nutes. just a

ok. that makes some sense. i use an apera and it returns a steady stable value to two decimal points down to ec .01. the blue lab should be more accurate than the apera. the jumping between the two values strikes me as odd.

canna claims an organic base, i don't think they make a distinction between hard and soft water nutes. just a feed schedule that adapts.
When it jumps bluter I adjust it a little and it stops jumping on a ec num
So agemaster iv been thinking of changing to canna nutes when this plant magic stuff runs out .do u recommend canna

it's not necessary but it is a matched system for your media. i see loads of folk struggling using canna products. this really isn't new.
Canna's products were made for the European market.
Not a lot of people there are using RO water.
So when they came to the US market they had to come up with this water hardener.
So their products work with good water.
The more shit you have in your tap water and the more calmag you are pouring into your mixing tank are making your water more imbalanced.
And then the buildup of salts start, and the overfeeding.
And you are not even feeding them but they keep getting overfed...
So unless you know your water you should stay away from Canna.

But hey that's my opinion, I fucked a lot of times with Canna and either imbalanced soil or water.
It's the same disaster.
Sorry guys thought I'd mentioned I am using plant magic nutrients at the minute a UK brand

No not now after these ones are done
u would probably be better off u can use there calculator untill u get used to there nutes i dont no if switching to plant magic hard water version would help u with this grow does it tell u what percentage of each ingredient in your nutes are it does on canna bottle

at this point you may need to feed twice to multiple times a day in coco. once a day doesn't usually cut it for a larger maturing plant. coco needs fed multiple times a day in late veg and in flower for sure. throwing a higher ec at it and only feeding once a day doesn't work in coco.
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