Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

If we can get to the mid 50's to 60's I think I'd be OK pulling them out in the sunshine during the day and back in the garage for the 12 hours of darkness. I have a plastic hoop cover on the trailer (think "Wagon Train") and could put a small heater in it at night if the temps drop. At least that's my plan. I have the room to leave them inside under LED's but I am just anxious to get them (and me) some real sun.

Got to run, one of our dogs found and ate a whole walnut 2 weeks ago. Naturally it blocked her intestines and had to be surgically removed. Gotta go get the stitches out tonight. ($1,400+ Walnut!)

OMG! That poor dog! You take care, and God bless for caring enough to save her.

If we can get to the mid 50's to 60's I think I'd be OK pulling them out in the sunshine during the day and back in the garage for the 12 hours of darkness. I have a plastic hoop cover on the trailer (think "Wagon Train") and could put a small heater in it at night if the temps drop. At least that's my plan. I have the room to leave them inside under LED's but I am just anxious to get them (and me) some real sun.

Got to run, one of our dogs found and ate a whole walnut 2 weeks ago. Naturally it blocked her intestines and had to be surgically removed. Gotta go get the stitches out tonight. ($1,400+ Walnut!)


You seem to have a very good handle on the use of Lecithin and cannabis. With that said, I'd like to ask you a question about adding it to glycerin tinctures.

I have 4 jugs "brewing," one using pure bud, two using new trim, and one using vaped and material the second time around, just to see if I missed anything. The later I put in EverClear, not glycerin.

Anyway, they are at day 55 out of a self imposed 60 day cure.

I believe you use it in edibles, but would you also put it in glycerin tinctures, and if so, at what ratio?

I believe it was on the Skunks web-page that I read they bring the temp up to 200F before bottling even though everything has already been decarbed. I was thinking this may be a good time to add Lecithin if it "should" be added. What are your thoughts on that?

Thanks for your time,

Hey BI, sorry I missed this.
First, when you say "brewing" how long are you soaking each?
With the ethanol, your going to pull tons of trash too if longer than several minutes. Too much chlorophyll too. You'll get queezy with green oil.
I would add the lecithin as soon as possible in the process. The 200° is a good temp. 180 is better.

On a side note, are you a Marine?
Cause I can sure type slower if you need me to.
Lol, Rangers Lead the Way
Hey BI, sorry I missed this.
On a side note, are you a Marine?
Cause I can sure type slower if you need me to.
Lol, Rangers Lead the Way

Now that there was funny (kind-a) :laughtwo:

First, when you say "brewing" how long are you soaking each? ---
I hope you're talking about oil and not tinctures as it will be 60 days on the 30th!

With the ethanol, your going to pull tons of trash too if longer than several minutes. Too much chlorophyll too. You'll get queezy with green oil.-------
The ones made with EverClear are all trim. They are indeed green and taste like crap! I plan to distill most of the alcohol off to reuse. I'll probably just mix it with CranBerry juice.... I've developed a taste for that combo.

As far as the glycerin ones go, I made one with bud only, and another with material already used once, and both of them are a beautiful honey brown. The one out of trim & glycerin is in the middle... an ugly color :)

I would add the lecithin as soon as possible in the process. The 200° is a good temp. 180 is better.....
The reason I asked this was I have read that before you strain out the solids some people take it up to around 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then strain. That was when I thought about adding the Lecithin. (By the way, I have Soy Lecithin Powder.)

Hope this makes sense and I answered your questions. If not and you have time, I'm standing by.:thumb:

P.S. What is a ranger? When I was a kid I used to watch a TV show and there was an Indian named Tonto that hung out with a masked guy. If I remember correctly his last name was Ranger .:ganjamon:
Lol. The Lone Ranger thing was good.
But, "marine & seaman" bring up some pretty humorous scenarios too.

Caj, I'm gonna tip my hat, salute you and let-er-go cause I do appreciate your service, and good humor! :allgood:

Now then....what do you think of adding Lecithin to a Glycerin "Tincture" after 60 days?
Caj, I'm gonna tip my hat, salute you and let-er-go cause I do appreciate your service, and good humor! :allgood:

Now then....what do you think of adding Lecithin to a Glycerin "Tincture" after 60 days?

Lol. Fair enough my friend. I was trying to get a small ride out of ya for innocent entertainment. I served along many Marines & am proud of it. Thank you as well.

So, lecithin...
Liquid, non-soy (sunflower), organic lecithin should/could be added as soon as possible to the process.
Hi all,
At @supergroomer's recommendation :)thumb:) I'm reposting my question here from the cannabis-oil forum..

Someone I know who is taking home-made oil for cancer seems to be getting too "high" when ingesting the oil. The oil has been made from decent Dutch weed and diluted about 1:6 with olive oil.

They started with 3 drops and swallowed this 3 times a day. After a week increased to 5 drops.
But recently there are occasions when this person starts trying to tell me something, but just can't make themselves understood, like they can't work out how to explain whatever it is they are trying to say and they give up.

Any guesses what this could be..
- the person has a very low tolerance?
- The oil is poorly mixed so some doses are stronger than others?
- the timing of dosing is not stable enough?
- the method of dosing -simple ingestion of drops- isn't right for this person?

I'd really appreciate any input from folks with experience.

Btw, I'm aware of the 'tacking' tutorial and will try when new non-diluted oil becomes available to me.
I've also seen the 'Base treatment regimen' post and see a very slow ramp-up, so maybe my friend just needs to take it more slowly.
Hi all,
At @supergroomer's recommendation :)thumb:) I'm reposting my question here from the cannabis-oil forum..

Someone I know who is taking home-made oil for cancer seems to be getting too "high" when ingesting the oil. The oil has been made from decent Dutch weed and diluted about 1:6 with olive oil.

They started with 3 drops and swallowed this 3 times a day. After a week increased to 5 drops.
But recently there are occasions when this person starts trying to tell me something, but just can't make themselves understood, like they can't work out how to explain whatever it is they are trying to say and they give up.

Any guesses what this could be..
- the person has a very low tolerance?
- The oil is poorly mixed so some doses are stronger than others?
- the timing of dosing is not stable enough?
- the method of dosing -simple ingestion of drops- isn't right for this person?

I'd really appreciate any input from folks with experience.

Btw, I'm aware of the 'tacking' tutorial and will try when new non-diluted oil becomes available to me.
I've also seen the 'Base treatment regimen' post and see a very slow ramp-up, so maybe my friend just needs to take it more slowly.

As an initial response to the confusion, it would certainly be wise to step back to a level where the confusion doesn't exist and then go very slowly from there to see where it becomes a concern. When determining the optimal dose you're looking for the level where the patient can't function normally any more. It sounds like your friend found his level. He might want to back off to four drops and see how that goes. If there's still confusion, drop back down to 3 drops.

On another note, adding liquid sunflower lecithin to that mix would improve its bioavailability. We have a process for that. I've included a link if you're interested.

Bio Bomb
I have 1/4 oz of herb that has been soaking in vegetable glycerin for months. When I started it, I was hoping on vaping the VG, but the fiirst 2 batches turned out THC free, so I just forgot about it.

At this point I was considering throwing the mix into a compost heap. Is there a use for a glycerin and herb tincture?

Good morning Radogast,

Silly questions and I know you've been around the patch a few times, but I gotta ask ;)

Has it been decarb'ed, either before mixing or after the 2 month soak??

Was it trim or flower?

How much glycerin was added?
Hello to all! :circle-of-love: Struggling a bit, but I am still here. Hope everyone is doing well.

Harvested some Pak Choy and Chard from one of my Kratky boxes. Sure wish I could grow some meds. Visitors still here, so can't grow my meds. Fortunately the Wild Thailand Ryder gave me enough to last a while. Also still have some of the Red Poison left. But I would sure like to see a girl or two growing.

My new blood pressure meds are working well on the PTSD like the doctor said it would. Pharmacist says it works for PTSD because it is an Adrenaline blocker. No energy, but I can leave my front door unlocked and not worry about it. That is a big thing. One negative thing is swelling of my feet and legs. Got to spend a lot of time laying with my feet elevated. But finally, after almost 50 years, calm is nice. Only one "bad" dream since I started on the new blood pressure meds. Things are looking up. :yahoo:

Good morning Radogast,

Silly questions and I know you've been around the patch a few times, but I gotta ask ;)

Has it been decarb'ed, either before mixing or after the 2 month soak??

Was it trim or flower?

How much glycerin was added?

I just checked my old posts and took a closer look - it's just a double handful of 10 month old decarboxylated trim. I'm tossing it.

Radogast 2 - Return of the Clones
As an initial response to the confusion, it would certainly be wise to step back to a level where the confusion doesn't exist and then go very slowly from there to see where it becomes a concern. When determining the optimal dose you're looking for the level where the patient can't function normally any more. It sounds like your friend found his level. He might want to back off to four drops and see how that goes. If there's still confusion, drop back down to 3 drops.

On another note, adding liquid sunflower lecithin to that mix would improve its bioavailability. We have a process for that. I've included a link if you're interested.

Bio Bomb

Hi SweetSue, thanks for your reply. In the initial email notification I received you mentioned possible stroke (although maybe you edited that out of the post?) but good point, worth considering all angles.
My friend hasn't shown any of the confusion at all today however and seems even more "with it" generally. We're 60 hours since last dose, so I think it really is/was the oil.
In accordance with your suggestion, I think I should just take the dosage even slower and will take a good look at your link, thanks! :Namaste:
I just checked my old posts and took a closer look - it's just a double handful of 10 month old decarboxylated trim. I'm tossing it.

Radogast 2 - Return of the Clones

They claim that glycerin tincture will only be about 1/3 the strength of an alcohol tincture all things being equal. In fact, some repeat the process using fresh herb 2 more times to account for that, so if you're not tired of messing with it you might strain I out the old trim and replace with fresh.

I just hate to throw anything away:laugh:
They claim that glycerin tincture will only be about 1/3 the strength of an alcohol tincture all things being equal. In fact, some repeat the process using fresh herb 2 more times to account for that, so if you're not tired of messing with it you might strain I out the old trim and replace with fresh.

I just hate to throw anything away:laugh:

I'm preparing for an interstate move - everything must go. I've already given away or put into the ground all my fertlilizers and soil amendments. I've chopped up and burned furniture and scrap lumber and am considering disassembling a couple of worn out leather surfaced recliner chair sofas. Today we recycled 5 canvas shopping bags of children's books.

I don't hate to throw anything away, I just hate to throw away cannabis :)
Hi SweetSue, thanks for your reply. In the initial email notification I received you mentioned possible stroke (although maybe you edited that out of the post?) but good point, worth considering all angles.
My friend hasn't shown any of the confusion at all today however and seems even more "with it" generally. We're 60 hours since last dose, so I think it really is/was the oil.
In accordance with your suggestion, I think I should just take the dosage even slower and will take a good look at your link, thanks! :Namaste:

I was with my brother immediately after he had his stroke and the confusion was terrifying. If he's had no reaccurace since then, I'd be inclined to agree. He made the mistake of jumping two drops ahead instead of one. We have to respect the medication. I'd be interested in knowing how it works out for him and if indeed this was him hitting his optimal limit. I have a Study Hall thread where we're investigating, among many other things, how to dose most effectively, and this information would be helpful, if only to me. I'm still very new to all of this and working really hard to catch up.

Best of luck to your friend. I know he'll find that sweet spot for his body.
I was with my brother immediately after he had his stroke and the confusion was terrifying. If he's had no reaccurace since then, I'd be inclined to agree. He made the mistake of jumping two drops ahead instead of one. We have to respect the medication. I'd be interested in knowing how it works out for him and if indeed this was him hitting his optimal limit. I have a Study Hall thread where we're investigating, among many other things, how to dose most effectively, and this information would be helpful, if only to me. I'm still very new to all of this and working really hard to catch up.

Best of luck to your friend. I know he'll find that sweet spot for his body.

SweetSue, the reason the dose was upped was that I've read multiple accounts of dosing this way. In fact Rick Simpson also recommends doubling every 4 days.
My friend first did 4 days on 3, then doubled to 6, but was way too out of it. So they dropped back to 5. Now it seems this is still too much, so yes, we'll drop back to 3, wait another week, then increase to 4, wait a week, then up to 5, then to 6, then maybe try to increase a bit quicker. But one drop at a time will take forever to reach 1 gram, so I hope the tolerance will eventually build up a bit quicker.

Something else though. I've read a couple of times about the Herxheimer effect/reaction, where you get various symptoms due to the body detoxing too fast. And although not mentioned on wikipedia, it apparently includes something often called "brain fog" (mentioned HERE) and can also include anxiety. This would correlate to my friend's symptoms, so perhaps this is what was going on.
Anyway, we'll proceed with caution :blushsmile:
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